Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Fr3d, this type of distortion seems to be typical of clones taken from flowering plants. They become very branchy and normal eventually.
Good weed Dres.:peace::circle-of-love:
Hey Dresney, good fine day to you! :) May the magnificent marvels of your garden so green, mature and machinate most wondrously when unseen. May they swell and sway with bountiful broad buds, forming so tightly that if you dropped one it would thud! :)

You are a word wizard, Light! I don't know how you keep doing it, but I hope that you do:)

Hi Dresney:ciao: Beautiful, simply beautiful!
Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. You're all very appreciated. :circle-of-love:

Welcome to my journal, Czecho. :ciao: I'm glad you didn't get too bored reading through all my blabbering. I feel like we're just getting to the fun part! :)

I was out of the house all day yesterday and didn't get to spend any time with my plants. By the time I got home the lights were out on the big girls, and I didn't even get to peep in on them. I was out of sorts about it all night. I had a dream that one of them was covered in powdery mildew!

So needless to say, visiting them was the first thing I did when I woke up this morning.

Here is Pascalle's top budsite today - 20 days since the flip / 12 days since flowering started.


First time I've seen some frost on the leaves.

When I get up close to Pascalle's buds, they smell like rotten fruit or a dirty diaper. It's a little gross. I've read that some buds stink while they're forming, but I didn't expect that. It doesn't smell moldy or mildewy or anything alarming, and it's not noticeable unless your nose is right on them. I hope that changes as they get older. :skeptical:

Loretta's buds don't have much of a strong odor yet... or least don't have an odor that differs much from the ambient scent of the flower room. I don't notice much when giving her a good sniff unless I give her a rub, too.

Bad news on the Zombie, the Undead Twig front. I pulled her up and tossed her into my sniff-a-mug. She had two roots, but they were small and limp. I need the room for the bubbler clones, and she wasn't pulling her weight, so she got the boot.

On that note, I will be planting at least one of the flowering clones today.

I think that's all for now.

I'll be doing my journal rounds all day. :love:
:rofl: :partyboy:

You're too funny, Sweetleef. :high-five:

I noticed it, but just went with it.

I know when I start smoking again I'm going to be doing stuff like that alllllll the time... and I can't wait! :rofl:

Here's another Sweetleef update...

Clones, clones, and more clones!

Decided to plant Ganymede (flowering GDP clone).

I wish there were more roots, but that one was getting really long and sitting low in the water. You can see where a bunch of roots are about to pop out of the stem, so I'm good with it.

She was getting very yellow too, so it was time. I did water her a bunch, but I'm going to give her some nutes in a bit. I still haven't plucked the flower out. I'm afraid!

Here is Pascalle v2.0 aka 0.0.1. She really taking off. I'm too nervous to LST her yet. I know I need to do it soon; her stem is getting very hard.

Here is a view of all the planted clones with Blanca pulling up the rear.

very nice Dres,

dont pluck the bud out of that clone, if your revegging flowering clones then this means you will end up with monster cropped plants, this means 2 x the yield compared with the same size plant grown from seed,

monster cropped plants are either plants that have been harvested and after harvest you leave 2 or 3 small buds on them then you put it back into veg, it stresses the plant for about 3 weeks,
week 1 you will see no change in the plant
week 2 you will see very strange single bladed leaves, some are curly and look deformed,
week 3 onwards the plant is back in veg and resumes normal growth, how ever branch growth is crazy and you will easily have 3 to 4 times the amount of branches compared to a regular plant,

the same goes for clones, if you take clones in flower and root them and put them back into veg then you end up with monster cropped plants, the bud on the plant will produce the crazy growth, out of that one bud you might have 4 or more branches shoot out of it and each of these branches will grow another 4 branches,

let me find you some pics of mine, ive always done reveg plants, i got some growing now, their huge bushes with crazy branch growth, last grow i ended up throwing away around 50 to 60 cuttings from the one plant and 2 bags full of leaves, i had to do this to open the plant up as it was just one huge bush with no light getting in anywhere, not all monster cropped plants end up like that but it was the 3rd time it had been harvested and put back to veg so it went a bit ott on the branch growth
Nice, DP. I'll leave the buds in them then.

The plant wasn't in flower when I took the cuttings, but the two cuttings I took from that plant flowered on their own.

I'm not sure why it happened, but I'm okay with having some monster cropped plants :)

I have two more clones to plant over the next few days, another one of them with a bud and one without.

It'll be interesting to watch and compare their growth.

Have some reps, DP :high-five:

edit: 1,000th post! :slide:
heres some pics of monster cropped plants

here is a plant i revegged, this plant i harvested and all i left on it was 1 tiny bud at the top of the plant, i thought it would die but it never, so now i have a plant that has a 1ft stem with a huge bush on top of it, these pics where taken a while back but its a monster bush now

here you can see what i mean about the branches growing out of the bud, it was just 1 tiny bud but id say its got at least 10 branches growing out of it at the minute, ill put some pics in my journal tomorrow when the lights come back on of how it looks now.



so monster cropped plants are well worth doing, you easily double the yield compared with the same size plant before it was monster cropped, so since day 1 ive always revegged at least 1 plant, if you reveg a clone when its only in very early flower then it dont always give you a monster cropped plant, but as long as the clone has buds on it then the clone will turn into a monster cropped plant.

so as long as they root its all good,
strange they grew buds like that, as long as their under a veg schedule they should still veg as long as their not autos,

maybe the stress of having no roots forced it to mature quicker, either way you should be ok as long as you keep it in veg untl its back in full veg,

a few members on here have had problems doing reveg plants or reveg clones but ive not had any problems with doing a reveg, ive tried everything to kill a reveg or at least make a reveg not happen, but even when i leave just 1 leaf on the plant and nothing else it still seems to grow with no prolems, ive even left no leaves on a plant ive harvested and just the tiny little growth at the nodes starts to grow and the plant still lives on, so no matter what i do to them or leave on the plant it still recovers and grows, the plant with just 1 leaf on it had no bud or any side growth at all, yet it still survived and grew side branches

this is one of my last reveg plants

this is the plant i harvested and all i left on it was one leaf, then the pics below it show what happend a couple of weeks after it had been under a veg schedule, so you can see their was nothing at all on the plant, no buds, no side shoots, it was just 1 leaf


then it turned into this, how ever i didnt keep the plant, i didnt think it would turn into anything special so i binned it, i was just trying to see how far i could push a plant before it died, a few members kept having reveg plants die on them instead of getting them back into veg so i went to the extreme to see what would happen and it just shows how these plants really do bounce back from the brink of death
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