Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Dres's plants have been gorgeous from the get-go. As far as defol goes... In my opinion, asking if you should or not is one of the worst question ever to ask in a journal. Everyone has an opinion. The best thing to do is read a ton of journals and make a decision based on what you see and read. It's a situational decision in most cases. For example, if you have problems keeping humidity down, that's a good reason to open up for airflow. If you have a problem keeping humidity up, the extra folliage will help keep the humidity up. There are just too many variables to consider. Many who chime in will not spend the time thinking about your specific set of circumstances. My impression is, if you ask about defol you get so many different opinions that it will make your head hurt!
Hi Dres, glad to see all is well here, I'm with PeeJay, defol is an oft debated topic here, some growers get excellent results, while others say never to defol. Bassman has hit some impressive yields, and he strips his girls like crazy. I plan to do a side by side grow with the same strain, strip one, and not the other one day, and compare results.
It's like everything you touch turns to gold partner.
I hope that you won't mind that I poached several of your photos and posted them in my journal to show a shining example of a grower minimizing seedling stretch in my thread, Dres. Go have a look.
Wow,16 day's.You are in great shape.I am excited.There look like they are going to be very thick and dense.:bravo:

Thanks, Jimmy! I wasn't sure what to expect with the flowering process, and it's been so great to watch them really start to bloom. Sometimes I just stand back and stare in awe. I can't wait to see what they look in another month!

Many who chime in will not spend the time thinking about your specific set of circumstances.

This sentence really stood out for me. Thanks for the great advice, Peejay. I think with this grow I'm going to stick with a cautious hand and interfere as little as possible.

The only time I've had problems is when I've done too much... they've never been upset with me for doing too little. :laughtwo:

Hi Dres, glad to see all is well here, I'm with PeeJay, defol is an oft debated topic here, some growers get excellent results, while others say never to defol. Bassman has hit some impressive yields, and he strips his girls like crazy. I plan to do a side by side grow with the same strain, strip one, and not the other one day, and compare results.

Thanks, Dank :ciao:

I think I might try that same experiment with Pascalle's flowering clones. If they survive the 're-veg' (I'm still not sure why they flowered) I suspect they'll end up very bushy since I left their tiny bud in tact. Maybe that will be a great opportunity for defol/non-defol testing.

Looking lush, Dres! I can't wait to start flowering. Soon. :)

Have a great weekend!

:byebye: Thanks, CannabisMeds! I can't wait to see how your ladies bud up either - I'm sure it's going to be a lovely sight to behold. :)

Thanks for the weekend wishes - I'm about to head out and get some Waffle House hashbrowns, so I know it's going to be good :laughtwo:

You enjoy your day!

The ladies are looking great Dresney!!!

The ladies and I thank you kindly, Kid156 ;)

It's like everything you touch turns to gold partner.

Aw, Reg (you'll always be "Reg" in my heart :love:), thank you very much. This grow has already surpassed my expectations. I can't stress how much I love doing this. :)

Beautiful! I don't think you will have ANY problem with them keeping up the momentum till harvest. :thumb:

Thanks, Canna :ciao: I'm finally starting to feel like harvest isn't an eternity away. After seeing how well developed Loretta is becoming, I can finally envision a finished product with her. Before that it all seemed like a faraway dream. It's so exciting!

I hope that you won't mind that I poached several of your photos and posted them in my journal to show a shining example of a grower minimizing seedling stretch in my thread, Dres. Go have a look.

Wow, I'm flattered! Poach away, what's mine is yours, friend. ;)

Thanks for the heads up and kind words. This really made my morning!

I'll pop over and get caught up after my Waffe House trip!

Good Morning all, poppin in to say hi :thumb:

Heya, Heady :ciao:

It's very nice to see you :)

Have a great day!

Here is Blanca today.

Day 15



Going to go drag a comb through my hair and change my clothes for hashbrowns!

See you cats in a bit!

Just got caught up on your journal dres. Garden is looking great. As much as u love your ladies I wonder if u will be able to bring yourself to smoke the fruit ;)

Keep up good work! I bought the cheapest Bubble bags I could find 20$. 3 bags. The 73 micron hash is amazing.
PM me if u want more info on the el cheapo bubble bags.

Just got caught up on your journal dres. Garden is looking great. As much as u love your ladies I wonder if u will be able to bring yourself to smoke the fruit ;)

This thought has crossed my mind several times. I think if I get past the harvest I'll be good to go.

I mean... who can resist beautiful nugs once they're all laid out. :yummy:

But I'm not exaggerating at all when I say I will probably get weepy during my first harvest. :rollingeyes:

When that time comes, I'm not going to post about it so you guys think I'm tougher than I really am. :geek:

Hi Dresney, Blanca is looking very healthy, keep up the good work. :thumb:

Thanks, Stealth! Now that I have been through a successful veg with her sisters, I know the potential she has. Let's hope she's a mad grower like other white widows out there. :)

Today was Loretta's (TW) time in the tub.

Day 25 since the flip / 17 days since flowers started showing

We did a mini-photo shoot by the windows first.



She is still in the tub drying out, as I type.


Her top bud has a few orange hairs that are a bit shorter than the others. This is the only bud with orange on it, and I'm thinking it's because I've accidentally flattened those hairs a few times with my hand while trying to feel the heat coming from my HPS. I need to be more careful!


And whooooo wheeeee, she has stank my whole house up in the loveliest way, at least I think so. Her buds have a very fruity smell now; it reminds me of very ripe kiwi mixed with... strong bud. Mr. Dres, who was sitting in his office next to the bathroom, thinks the house just plains stinks now. :laughtwo:
That's the prettiest mj plant I've ever seen ... I'm gonna sob like a baby when harvest time comes, but oh man, I can't imagine what it's going to be like to smoke my first bud off of my very own plant, it's almost orgasmic when I think about it, lol
Hey, you guys better not miss Dresney hosting the 7th episode of THE REPS ARE RIGHT tonight approximately 4 hrs from this post.
That's the prettiest mj plant I've ever seen ... I'm gonna sob like a baby when harvest time comes, but oh man, I can't imagine what it's going to be like to smoke my first bud off of my very own plant, it's almost orgasmic when I think about it, lol

Thanks, MissMouse :;): And I know what you mean about smoking your first homegrown bud... I can't wait until the popcorn is big enough to pluck and sample. :)

Wow, Loretta! Looking so crazy healthy! Yumm. Very nice. I can smell her from here...

And she's only getting started!


Thanks, CannabisMeds! I'm figuring she'll be ready sometime in early or mid-March... so close, yet so far away! I have no patience left at this point... :lot-o-toke:

:high-five: :passitleft:

Hey Dres, your ladys look stunning so far.
Mind if I ask you, can't remember, when did you flip the switch to flower your 1st 2 girls ?

Thanks, Budstep. :thanks: Loretta and Pascalle were flipped on January 1st after having a 12 week veg. It took them both about 8 days to show signs of flowering.

looking good Dres resin is takingoff :thumb:


Thanks, Fr3d :ciao: They're getting more and more sparkly everyday.... can't wait to see them in a couple weeks.... samples here I come!~
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