Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Hi Dresney!:ciao: Your big girls are looking awesome- I love the bathtub shot- she fills it from side to side.:high-five: They are going to be really top heavy based on how nice they look already. Very soon you wont be able to move them without worrying about the stems holding up as you watch the buds sway back and forth from all that weight.

You will be sampling buds for readiness before you know it.:goodjob: :circle-of-love:
looking good dres,

very nice,

Thanks, DonPaul :ciao:

Your plants are looking great! So healthy!!! :party:

:thanks: If only I had some pink mood lighting, too!

Super healthy plants as always, Dresney!

+reps :thumb:

Thank you, Mono ;) And thank goodness Loretta wasn't as sensitive to nitrogen as Pascalle. Guess I got my first dose of strain-specific feeding knowledge. :)

You do have a green thumb Dres.:green_heart:

Thanks, Mick! The desert roses I tried to grow last year might disagree with you. :laughtwo: I'll get them right next round...

Hey dres! Loretta is looking like a million bucks, that just has to be the best looking bush i have ever seen!

That's a whole lot of love put into her, and it shows. :bravo::Namaste:

Aw, that means a lot, Shin. I do care about them lots... probably too much. It's probably borderline obsessive. I feel a little down on days that I don't have a task to tend to in the garden. I guess that means I need more plants :)

Hi Dresney!:ciao: Your big girls are looking awesome- I love the bathtub shot- she fills it from side to side.:high-five: They are going to be really top heavy based on how nice they look already. Very soon you wont be able to move them without worrying about the stems holding up as you watch the buds sway back and forth from all that weight.

You will be sampling buds for readiness before you know it.:goodjob: :circle-of-love:

I hope that will be the case! I don't think I'll be moving them anymore as it is now though. They're just getting too heavy. I have to stoop a bit to get them out of the flower room because of the way I made the door. And then it's only about 1'-1.5' of clearance to the basement wall on the door-side of room... there's no way to fit them in there without the buds brushing the wall, so no more tub flushes!

Thanks for the kind words, Flo. You're a gem :)

I snuck into the flower room with a CFL last night right at lights out.

All of these photos are from yesterday (Monday, Jan. 27 - 27 days since the flip / 19 days since flowering began)

Pascalle has some interesting changes going on.

You can see the tips of some of her leaves beginning to show pinkish-purplish-reddish colors.


At first I thought this leaf was somehow dirty. :laughtwo: I guess this is the beginning of the color change. :slide:


Here she is in all her glory... looking more sativa-ish than her sativa dominant sister, who is photobombing her. :partyboy:

I removed several yellow fan leaves from Pascalle's base over the past few days. I was a little worried that I starved her by rinsing everything out of her soil with the flush and cutting out all nitrogen, so I gave her a very, very light feed yesterday of 3ml Super Plant Tonic in a half-gallon (1.9L) of water in an attempt to reestablish some beneficial fungi and bacteria.

(Super Plant Tonic - Artesian Spring Water, Worm Castings, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Azomite, Unsulphured (Blackstrap) Molasses, Endo and Ecto Bacteria, and Humic Acid)

Hope you're all having a lovely day!

Urrrggghhh, what's this?

Good or bad?

This clone has been fed Grow It Green and Super Plant Tonic.

Super Plant Tonic - Artesian Spring Water, Worm Castings, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Azomite, Unsulphured (Blackstrap) Molasses, Endo and Ecto Bacteria, and Humic Acid

Grow It Green -NPK of 5-2-5- Artesian Spring Water, High Nitrogen Bat Guano, Worm Castings, Azomite, Unsulphured Molasses, Humic Acid, Beet Root Extract, Comfrey Hay Extract, Alfalfa Meal Extract, Endo and Ecto Bacteria

I see it in other clone's drainage holes, too, but not to this extent.

Hopefully it's something I put in there on purpose. :trance:
Cool picture Dres! I'm not certain so don't take my word as gospel, but what myccorrizal fungi does is attach to the roots and grow. The fungus helps break down and increase the absorption of nutrients. The picture looks like some roots have grown out through the hole and theay are packed with the fungus. Is there root in that mass? If there is, that is an uber nice picture.
Thanks for that, Peejay! :laughtwo:

I was thinking it could be mycos, I just never realized it would be so evidently abundant! But then again, I've never had access to Pascalle's and Loretta's roots - all their holes are in the bottom of their very heavy containers.

I'm not sure if there are roots in that hole or not. I'll do some poking around and see what I see.

Either way, I'm impressed with how well established it is... this clone was fed one time (a very small amount) on January 20th.

Wow for fungi! :headbanger:
Here is a picture I found on the Univerisity of Illinois soil biology site and the caption with it.


Mycorrhizal fungi link root cells to soil particles. In this photo, sand grains are bound to a root by hyphae from endophytes (fungi similar to mycorrhizae), and by polysaccharides secreted by the plant and the fungi.

It looks like vermiculite bound to roots in your picture. I'm excited to see if there are roots associtaed with what is growing out of the pot.
Here is a picture I found on the Univerisity of Illinois soil biology site and the caption with it.


Mycorrhizal fungi link root cells to soil particles. In this photo, sand grains are bound to a root by hyphae from endophytes (fungi similar to mycorrhizae), and by polysaccharides secreted by the plant and the fungi.

It looks like vermiculite bound to roots in your picture. I'm excited to see if there are roots associtaed with what is growing out of the pot.
Looks like the same thing.
I think you were spot on, Peejay. Have some reps!

There was a little root in there. Sadly, I demolished it with my lead-feather touch and a fresh razor blade. :laughtwo:

I traced what I could see in the original picture after clearing some of the fungus.


Blurry original for comparison.


Curiousity got the best of me though, and I tried cutting away some of the plastic.

Sliced the root and all that fungus is gone now.

Oh well. The name of science was trumpeted loudly today!

Hey Dres, I know exactly what you mean about patience! But hey, you're a month or so ahead of me on flowering. I don't figure mine will finish until, gasp, mid-April. Seems like an eternity at this point.

But, in the mean time, we have cloning and new seedlings to attend to, right? A cycle where you could harvest once a month would be ideal...
Hey Dres

Just dropped in to see what's doing.

All looking good to me.

On the N thing, I've done quite a bit of reading on this.

I'm not convinced drastically restricting N during in flower is the way to go.

N is a macro nutrient needed throughout the plants life. My plants get the full whack every feed.

I understand certain strains are a little sensitive, but mine seem to have come to no harm.

just me 2 cents ;)
Hey Dres, I know exactly what you mean about patience! But hey, you're a month or so ahead of me on flowering. I don't figure mine will finish until, gasp, mid-April. Seems like an eternity at this point.

But, in the mean time, we have cloning and new seedlings to attend to, right? A cycle where you could harvest once a month would be ideal...

April! March is looking better and better. :laughtwo:

I think you're right about the monthly harvest. I'm going to have to work on my clone timing. I don't think I've figured out how to keep them very happy yet though. I've both starved and burnt them. :loopy:

On the N thing, I've done quite a bit of reading on this.

I'm not convinced drastically restricting N during in flower is the way to go.

N is a macro nutrient needed throughout the plants life. My plants get the full whack every feed.

I understand certain strains are a little sensitive, but mine seem to have come to no harm.

just me 2 cents ;)

I haven't formed an opinion on it yet, but I think cutting back on most of the nitrogen was necessary for Pascalle, as she was suffering from nitrogen toxicity and several of her leaves took on a nasty curl. I figured wiping the slate clean and gradually building up to see what she tolerated would be the best route. It's easier to measure the impact of her feed by the amount of yellowing leaves (from her draining her stores) than by counting curled leaves and seeing if more curl over time.

If her leaves begin to yellow at an alarming rate, I'll bump up the nitrogen a bit. The yellowing seems to have slowed over the past two days, so I think I'm finding a happy medium for her.

That being said, I've read several times that a nitrogen-depleted plant (given that the timing of depletion coincides with harvest) smokes more smoothly than one with a lot of green, nitrogen-rich leaves. I won't even be able to form an opinion on that after this grow, as I'll only have Pascalle to judge... maybe I'll flower one of her clones differently to test this myself.

And alllllll of that being said, Loretta was given the same nitrogen doses as Pascalle and didn't blink. She seemed to have no qualms with it, so I guess it just goes to show that I can't apply the same methods to all my plants.

I think my plan right now is to continue at least low dose nitrogen feeds until about 3-4 weeks before the projected harvest time. I'd like them to yellow up at least a bit before I snip them.

Thanks for the reps, and thanks for sharing the pictures. Never ending fun here in your journal, Dresney.

And thanks for your input here, Peejay. You always have interesting ideas and information. I love reading it!
That being said, I've read several times that a nitrogen-depleted plant (given that the timing of depletion coincides with harvest) smokes more smoothly than one with a lot of green, nitrogen-rich leaves. I won't even be able to form an opinion on that after this grow, as I'll only have Pascalle to judge... maybe I'll flower one of her clones differently to test this myself.
Well you've seen my yellow raggedy girls Dresney! This is the second time I've harvested plants that were pretty much depleted. There's never any harshness and it smokes smooth from day 1. I don't know if I got less yield because of that however. My thoughts on it are simply that I'd rather have a bit less of smoke that is wonderful than a ton of stuff that chokes me. I'm sure that a lot of folks would disagree with me and say that curing takes out all the harsh but I like it organic and smooth from the start. As nice as your girls look I'm sure you'll be happy with them whatever you do.:peace:
My thoughts on it are simply that I'd rather have a bit less of smoke that is wonderful than a ton of stuff that chokes me. I'm sure that a lot of folks would disagree with me and say that curing takes out all the harsh but I like it organic and smooth from the start.

I'm with you there. I hate choking and coughing... I've smoked stuff harsh enough to make me feel like I was getting a cold because my throat hurt for two days. I definitely don't want my first home grow to be like that!

Thanks for the compliments, Flo :kiss:

Yeah, I think I burnt and stunted mine a bit early on. That's ok, as long as they pull through! I think you're going to have a sweet harvest. Now if you can just wait 6 weeks ;)

Ahhh, when you say 'six weeks' it feels longer than saying 'March' for some reason. :laughtwo:

But still, six weeks is no time when I think about how long it's already been.... 16 weeks! :thedoubletake: Ahhhhh!!!......

And speaking of clones...

Here is Pascalle v2.0 aka v0.0.1 today.

(Cut on 12/12/13 and put directly in dirt. Transplanted on 1/2/14.)


She has grown quite a bit.


Her stem is very woody. She reminds me of a tiny adult tree.


I did some light LST work with her today.


She is very finicky. She wilts every night around midnight, which is an hour before the lights go off. This happens whether she is dry or freshly watered. I guess she's just pooped out for the day. She's always standing tall and pretty the next morning. I guess this is an indication that this plant does require a dark period in veg.

She was also fed today - 2.25ml GIG, 1.5ml SPT in 1/8 gallon of water. (Not a heavy soak - she wasn't as dry as I usually let the pots get, but she hadn't been fed for 8 days).

The bubble clones were fed today, too. 1.5ml GIG, 1ml SPT in 1/8 gallon of water, split between the four. (They're still in solo cups and about 2-3 ounces causes run-off).

Today was also feed day for Fatty McFatpants Loretta. She was fed 18.5ml Flower Power, 1ml GIG, 1.25ml SPT in a half-gallon of water.

Blanca was watered today, too. I had forgotten about her a bit, and her dirt was bone dry. :laughtwo:

Everything is still chugging along in the Dresney Depot.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great morning/day/evening/night!

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