Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Feed the soil not plant. If you make compost and its not doing much add blood meal or Mexican Bat Guano. just like plants, soil microbes need available nutrients in a form they can digest and bat sh-t any crap for that matter and blood have been available for eons. Other microbes want the sugars and some want the plant as host and some eat the others. TLO KISS
Another sub....Damn nice job Dres....

Thank you so much, MRCPP :ciao: Welcome to my journal and welcome to :420:

I hope you find it as welcoming and warm as I did. ;)

Feed the soil not plant. If you make compost and its not doing much add blood meal or Mexican Bat Guano. just like plants, soil microbes need available nutrients in a form they can digest and bat sh-t any crap for that matter and blood have been available for eons. Other microbes want the sugars and some want the plant as host and some eat the others. TLO KISS

I've stayed away from teas for some reason. I guess just to keep it as simple as I could for this first time around.

All my nutrients seem to have the things people are adding in their teas though, and they've kept my plants pretty enough, so I'm happy for the time being. :)

As mentioned earlier, I snuck into the flower room a short while ago and snapped some quick photos.

Today is day 31 of 12/12 - 23 days since flowering began.

We'll start with Loretta today.

She has definitely taken first prize in my heart for the day. Tomorrow might be a different story. :partyboy:


The four amigas.


Her top bud - so big with so much time left! :yahoo:



She was trying to get today's prize by turning on the purp.


But she still came in second place.


A very close second....

Amazing! You are going to get some nice buddage!

I wonder if Loretta wants more N? Are her leaves that light in color, or is it just the pic? ( I have no idea if this would even be wise at this point. I'm more just thinking out loud )

Love the purps coming through!

Amazing! You are going to get some nice buddage!

I wonder if Loretta wants more N? Are her leaves that light in color, or is it just the pic? ( I have no idea if this would even be wise at this point. I'm more just thinking out loud )

Love the purps coming through!


Your guess is as good as mine! :laughtwo:

She is definitely a lot lighter than she was even just a week ago.

I was planning on giving her a little more nitrogen with her next feed, but I'm going to try to keep her around this shade for the rest of the grow if I can. I think at this color it'll be easy enough to deplete her, but also know that she's getting enough to not drain her fan leaves. And speaking of that, she has no yellowed fan leaves on the undersides, whereas darker Pascalle has 3-4 that probably need to be plucked tomorrow or the next day because they're crinkling and gross.

These plants are like kids, I tell ya. Unique and picky in their own ways.

Sharp, very sharp Dres,

Precision Engineering, Girl friend

that's what I do !

I'm not sure if I'm getting that result by accident or, by chance, something I'm intentionally doing! Either way, I'm taking credit for it! :partyboy: :high-five:
Hey, I measured the nutrients in milliliters before I pored it into roughly 1-1.5 gallons of water.

Close enough! :partyboy:

Can't even keep the units of measurement in sync!

How ironic, after years of working in the Metric system.

I now have to work in Imperial (inches tenths thous) for my new job.

American API (Oil and Gas)
Hi Dres,

Wow Lorettas top bud is like 5 stories high. Each set of leaves represents one floor for me... weird huh but its my way to look at it.

I just bought a couple of new nutes :D, they suggested me to use a seringe to measure the amounts in ml (and avoid spills).

Take care!
Night night, BB. You must be smashed

2.54 cm per inch is ingrained in my head; I'm not sure why, but I'll never, ever forget that.

I was a chemistry major in college, so metric is what I spent most of my time in.

I tutored chemistry and math classes while I was a student, so I suppose I'm comfortable with both systems.
Hi Dres,

Wow Lorettas top bud is like 5 stories high. Each set of leaves represents one floor for me... weird huh but its my way to look at it.

I just bought a couple of new nutes :D, they suggested me to use a seringe to measure the amounts in ml (and avoid spills).

Take care!

I love this way of thinking - maybe I'll adopt it. ;)
Night night, BB. You must be smashed

2.54 cm per inch is ingrained in my head; I'm not sure why but I'll never, ever forget that.

I was a chemistry major in college so metric is what I spent most of my time in.

I tutored chemistry and math classes while I was a student, so I suppose I'm comfortable with both systems.

Smarty pants

well done, only in small engineering terms it's 25.4 mm (same thing)

I loved chemistry at High School,

nerdy thing sometime ? :geek:
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