Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Hi, friends :byebye:

Just a short update today... I need to get started baking cookies for a party later. :slide: (No, there'll be no THC in them :blalol:)

Here is Blanca today - day 23.

She is molting - beefing up her stem. :partyboy:


She's still quite short, about 2 inches tall.


No nutes yet, but I'll probably start feeding her within the next week or so.


That's it for me today probably.

Have a happy Sunday, everyone!

Looking great Dres ...nice compact seedlings. I've raised some really compact seedlings this last couple of months and found myself "complaining" they were too compact reducing light getting into the branches. One I've had to thin the leaflets on the fan leaves to let in a bit more light then a few days later bugger it remove the whole leaves. I use a light rail with a 400wt HPS only 20-25cm above the tops (no burning) and the plants love it but I may have to raise it to get them to stretch a bit .Seems a bit daft too compact !!!! Cheers Pat.
Heya, everyone! :ciao:

I was messing around with my subscriptions a few days ago trying to correct an issue, and it seems I managed to unsubscribe from my own journal. :rofl:




Lovely Dresney :)

They are always so nice to look at when they are that young :high-five:

I agree! And it's so much easier to take nice photos when the subject is small. I'm very excited to see what she grows into though. Seems they always look the same at this age. Thanks for the compliment ;)

I just love it when they have super short node lengths like that, beautiful.

Me too, thanks, CannaMeds! She's growing at almost the exact rate Pascalle and Loretta grew, so I'm optimistic. I've read over and over that WW is a vigorous grower though - can't wait for that to prove true here!

Hey Dres Bianca is looking super healthy

Thanks, Fr3d :ciao: I'm nervous about starting to feed her - trying to hold off as long as I can keep my paws to myself. :laughtwo:

Beauty Dres! :bravo: :high-five:

Thanks, SweetLeef! :high-five:

Very nice. Great node spacing. You've the lighting nailed.

Thanks, Cajun :ciao: This one has had two 23 watt CFLs about 2 inches above her since she popped up. I was worried about heat building up, but she's doing well, thankfully.

Everything is looking super great Dres, you are going to have a monster harvest!

Man, oh man. The word 'harvest' gives me shivers at this point. I look at Loretta every day and wonder if I can sample her yet. I'm sure I could, but not sure anything would happen. :laughtwo: Thanks for the kind words, Smokey!

Looking great Dres ...nice compact seedlings. I've raised some really compact seedlings this last couple of months and found myself "complaining" they were too compact reducing light getting into the branches. One I've had to thin the leaflets on the fan leaves to let in a bit more light then a few days later bugger it remove the whole leaves. I use a light rail with a 400wt HPS only 20-25cm above the tops (no burning) and the plants love it but I may have to raise it to get them to stretch a bit .Seems a bit daft too compact !!!! Cheers Pat.

Wow, you must have some really compact ladies! I found that I liked the way Pascalle and Loretta grew out with CFLs and one tube bulb through their entire veg. I did rotate them every day and had lights reaching down the sides though, so light didn't have to fight down through the leaves. I think if I find I have an abundance of MJ once I really get into the perpetual groove, I might go back to just one setup for veg and flower. I have a 600 watt MH, but only one ballast, etc. Maybe I'll toy with that someday. Thanks for the compliment, Pat :)

Lady updates...

I watered Loretta yesterday and gave her 3.25ml GIG in a half-gallon (1.9L) of water. The leaves around her very top bud were starting to yellow considerably, and it's still quite early to let her go it alone. By my calculations they both still have at least five weeks left, maybe more. (But oh em gee, it's next month... gahhh!!!!)

Pascalle (GDP) has a lot of purple now. I always expected her to be my favorite in flower because of her colors and the pretty shape of her leaves, but she is really being out-performed by Loretta (TW). Loretta's buds are much larger and the pistils are much brighter and thicker. I'm not sure if Pascalle's on target for what her genetics dictate, but she seems to be straggling along. I feel like her buds haven't changed much in the past 1-2 weeks. She does seem to be a sativa phenotype though, much more so than Loretta, so maybe this is to be expected.

I'm really happy I'll have a round two with Pascalle v2.0. I'm hoping I'll find the sweet spot for her nutrient preferences and see if the bud growth is the same next round.

I may transplant Europa today if I can find a container I like enough. I can't wait to see what her roots look like!

Have a happy day, friends!

Hello again! :byebye:

I did get around to transplanting Europa (TW) today.

She was the first bubbler clone to root and be planted. She first hit the dirt on January 15th.

Here she is today!

Nails already full of worm poo by the time I took this one. :headbanger:

She was ready for a roomier place.


She got brand new digs!


Yes, that is a rubbish bin. :laughtwo:

I was at the grocery store today, and on a whim I went down the clearance aisle and found these trash cans for 75 cents! They're just under 2 gallons. I bought eight of them. I almost bought them out, but restrained myself. If I need to utilize ~15 two gallon pots, my grow has gotten out of hand, and I need you guys to rein me in. :loopy:

On my first grow I planted my seeds directly in their final containers. For this second round I'm going to try stepping up the size a few times for comparison purposes.

Have a great evening/night, everyone!

Hey Dres :ciao:

BB is back. Sober as a judge, just in from work.

Things are looking great over there. Well done.

New toys should be landing at mine tomorrow, big update on Friday.

Thanks, BB! I'll be looking forward to Friday then. Hope you had a good day at work :)

Hi Dres. Things are looking good for your girls.:thumb: your harvest should be special. I'm keeping my eye on Europa tho.:)

Kismet! I posted about Europa the same moment you did!

Indeed, I've been waiting sooooo long for this harvest. It's beginning to feel a little surreal now that it's getting so near. That sounds a little dramatic, but I'm heading into five months now :laughtwo:
I think either 'leaves' or 'leafs' is technically correct, but I see and hear 'leaves' more commonly. It also sounds and feels more pleasant coming off the tongue, in my personal opinion.

Edit: Do bigger pots produce more bud ?

I don't have much input because I'm a noob. :goof:
I think either 'leaves' or 'leafs' is technically correct, but I see and hear 'leaves' more commonly. It also sounds and feels more pleasant coming off the tongue, in my personal opinion.

I don't have much input because I'm a noob. :goof:

That's a bit vague, "leaves" is the UK english spelling. I see "leafs" so often from other posters, I just wondered.

Thank You, please don't dwell on it.

On the the pot thing, why have you gone with such a large volume then ?

Or was it just the bargain ?
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