Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Hi Dresney! Just caught up with your journal this morning. Your flowering girls look awesome- can't wait to see them in full bloom!
You're making cloning look so easy- I'm almost tempted to try it. Reps!
I'm a little ashamed to admit I haven't read this book or seen either of the movies. I love Stanley Kubrick's films usually though, so I'll give them a go soon. :high-five:

Sorry. Dres, I just couldn't resist. You named your girls after the moons of Jupiter and just last week I read that scientists were excited and anxious to mount a mission to Europa because of the H2o eruptions and of course the warning from the Arthur C. Clarke book/Kubrik movie popped in to my head "):peace::circle-of-love:
Thanks for the reps and compliments, Jay! :high-five: I keep my fan on 24/7, too. I'm just too paranoid about PM and humidity to turn it off. It is a little loud, but since it's in the basement it just sounds like the furnace is running.... unless you're standing in my kitchen, which is directly over the flower room. Then it sounds like a mini-jet is humming down there.

For the little droopy droopster, I did just that - misted and replaced the dome. Her leaves have perked up somewhat, but during the time she was dome-less some of her tiny little leaves turned brown and crispy at the ends. I'm not giving up on her yet though.

Yay, I'm glad you're going to make your own. It was really pretty basic and easy to throw together. Spend that $30 on new fun strains you haven't tried yet! :partyboy:

Short update for today.

The big girls were fed their first 'flower' feed today. They got 7.5 ml SPT, 15 ml GIG, 30 ml FP in a gallon of water - each plant got half a gallon.

Here is Pascalle's top bud site. I can't tell if things have changed or not. :laughtwo:



Looking great Dresney!!!!!!! :bravo:
Whoa, it took me a few days to read through your journal.
I must say, your ladys are just beautiful and I admire your patience for such a long veging time. I really want to see the outcome for this one so consider me as one of the dedicated followers. I might not write much advices or give many opinions (I myself started only few days ago) but I will follow this thread till the end :)
Best of luck with your ladys and thank you for following my journey.
Hi Dresney! Just caught up with your journal this morning. Your flowering girls look awesome- can't wait to see them in full bloom!
You're making cloning look so easy- I'm almost tempted to try it. Reps!

Heya, Flo :ciao: So happy to see you around these parts. Thanks for the compliments and reps! I'm really excited about the clones. If I'm successful I might end up growing only the 7 strains from my original purchase for the next few years. :laughtwo: (Yeah, right, who am I trying to kid? I look at seed banks every week.)

:tommy: :passitleft::lot-o-toke:

It was nice to get caught up on your journal. Can't wait to see some more pics of your girls too! Subbed!

Welcome to my journal, IslandDog! :welcome: Glad to see you here. After switching to flower and having all these yellow pictures I'm wishing even more that I had some pretty pink lights like yours.

Sorry. Dres, I just couldn't resist. You named your girls after the moons of Jupiter and just last week I read that scientists were excited and anxious to mount a mission to Europa because of the H2o eruptions and of course the warning from the Arthur C. Clarke book/Kubrik movie popped in to my head "):peace::circle-of-love:

Don't even try to resist, Mick. :) I'm a science nerd and love sci-fi books/movies/series. Once I start smoking again I'll probably veg myself out on the couch for a couple weeks and drown in movies/shows. I'll watch these then. :high-five:

Looking great Dresney!!!!!!! :bravo:

:thanks: Hope you're having a great year so far, Northmann!

Whoa, it took me a few days to read through your journal.
I must say, your ladys are just beautiful and I admire your patience for such a long veging time. I really want to see the outcome for this one so consider me as one of the dedicated followers. I might not write much advices or give many opinions (I myself started only few days ago) but I will follow this thread till the end :)
Best of luck with your ladys and thank you for following my journey.

Thanks for joining us, Budstep! I feel like I flipped to flower just in time.... my patience has been depleted. I check my girls every morning and say, "Wtf?! Why don't you have foot-long buds already?!" This first week in flower has been grating because I haven't seen any real changes yet. I know it's too early, but darn it, I want it now! :laughtwo:

Just some overdue Reps. Good Weed Dres.

Thanks, Mick! Where did these reps come from? They smell like Nebraska circa 1924. :partyboy:

I really hate the yellow photos. I think I'm going to put some CFLs in the flower room just for picture-taking. But I'd have to run another extension cord for that, so maybe not. Guess maybe I'll stop being a lazy slug and carry them upstairs for some decent light. I just hate lugging them out of the flower room and up the steps. They're heavy!

Loretta's under-carriage.

She's soooo big. I counted her tops several times and came up with 24, 23 and 25. So somewhere around there is probably accurate. :laughtwo:


All my photos of Pascalle came out yucky, but she's doing fine. Maybe if I get a spark of motivation I'll get some natural light pictures.

Have a great day, everyone!

Thanks for joining us, Budstep! I feel like I flipped to flower just in time.... my patience has been depleted. I check my girls every morning and say, "Wtf?! Why don't you have foot-long buds already?!" This first week in flower has been grating because I haven't seen any real changes yet. I know it's too early, but darn it, I want it now! :laughtwo:

Oh I know how you feel Dresney, every time my lights go on I rush to her like crazy to check how she is and check my temps every few hours to see if they are not too high and take pictures to compare progress. Just so excited about every single changes I see and getting a bit impatient and all that. Have to remind myself to calm down, she is still just a baby.
Hey Dres :ciao:

What an outstanding looking clone, well done.

I've put you on the short list for the special Platinum Award :cheesygrinsmiley:

I wonder if Reg would like one of those too?

Great work all round there Dres you're an inspiration +reps

Edit: Any successful clone entries, post 'em on my thread for your THC Club Gold Award.
hi all,

looking good,
what i found works best for me for germination is planting direct in soil, if im working on my own strain and im checking germination rates then ill throw between 20 and 50 seeds into paper towel method so i can see how many sprout, i dont grow them all but it tells me how viable the seeds are, i find using the paper towel method my germination rates are no where near 100%, but if im planting the seeds to grow then i plant direct in the soil with the temps around grow room temps and i have always had 100% success, the only time i had issues was when i foolishly dug down to check a seed that took longer to sprout, it had sprouted but then died after i dug down to check on it,

most seeds will sprout within a few days but ive had strains that take more than 10 days to sprout, so it varies, but as long as temps are around grow room temps then they will always sprout with no problems, i prefer to plant direct in soil as you dont stress the roots as your not transplanting from one medium ie paper towel then planting it in soil, ive read it can give higher males by causing stress early on but i dont know for sure how true this is, from regular seeds id say the male to female ratio is around 60%female 40% male depending on strain

for example ive been trying to get a female ken estes gdp for breeding projects but out of 10 seeds ive always ended up with males, so even now ive not had a female gdp yet, im sure i will at some point as its a strain i want to try
I agree. I prefer to pop them in soil too. I used rockwool cubes last time and while they worked I didn't really like them. I just got some magic beens in today and dropped a couple in some pro-mix, fingers crossed. Your ladies are looking fantastic!
Beautiful Dres.:thumb:

Thanks, Jimmy! Those reps are coming back around. :;):

Woah Dres, this tree like totally looks like a tree! :lot-o-toke:

OG Drestree™ :headbanger:

Looking great as usual :) keep doin as your doin my friend!

Thanks, LA :ciao: I'm giving it my best :)

Oh I know how you feel Dresney, every time my lights go on I rush to her like crazy to check how she is and check my temps every few hours to see if they are not too high and take pictures to compare progress. Just so excited about every single changes I see and getting a bit impatient and all that. Have to remind myself to calm down, she is still just a baby.

I think we all do this, especially in the beginning. You're right on track to becoming a growing and 420mag addict like the rest of us! :high-five:

Hey Dres :ciao:

What an outstanding looking clone, well done.

I've put you on the short list for the special Platinum Award :cheesygrinsmiley:

I wonder if Reg would like one of those too?

Great work all round there Dres you're an inspiration +reps

Edit: Any successful clone entries, post 'em on my thread for your THC Club Gold Award.

Aww, BB! You're making me blush. I do agree though, Pascalle v2.0 aka v0.0.1 is a pretty girl. She has done some substantial growing since being transplanted so I am completely worry-free about her now. She looks just like her mom when her mom was a young pup. Thanks for the reps - coming back at you. :partyboy:

for example ive been trying to get a female ken estes gdp for breeding projects but out of 10 seeds ive always ended up with males, so even now ive not had a female gdp yet, im sure i will at some point as its a strain i want to try

I owe you a special thanks for taking so many males out of the world, DP. :thanks: This GDP was the only regular seed I bought, and I am over the moon that it turned out to be a girl. And the icing on the cake is the thriving GDP clone... hopefully I can keep this strain going forever! :yahoo:

Things are looking good here. :hookah:

Thanks, Dyold! I'll have to pop over to your new journal and see what you have cooking up. :passitleft:

I agree. I prefer to pop them in soil too. I used rockwool cubes last time and while they worked I didn't really like them. I just got some magic beens in today and dropped a couple in some pro-mix, fingers crossed. Your ladies are looking fantastic!

I soak mine for about 24 hours and then put them in the dirt. I kind of wish I'd see a taproot just once before planting, but oh well. Still waiting for my widow to break ground. Keeping my fingers crossed for that and for your magic beans, as well. :) And thanks for the compliment!

Beautiful pictures of health Dres! :thumb: :popcorn::popcorn:

Thanks, trich! :high-five:

This morning when I checked on the big girls the temps were two degrees off what they usually are. It got down to 61F (16C) last night after 10 consecutive nights at 63F. The morning temp was down two degrees too, at 66F instead of 68. Not sure what changed, but I opened a vent to the basement to warm it up a bit. I have a tiny heater I can run down there, too, but I'd rather not. I just hate leaving it unattended. I'm not going to worry too much, as the deep freeze outside is letting up. The basement should warm up a couple of degrees over the next week or so.

Happy tokes!

Okay, I guess Pascalle is throwing a tantrum after being left out of the photo shoot yesterday.

When I went down to see if the temperature raised any after opening the vent I noticed some clawed leaves.

So that gave my slug-butt the motivation needed to carry her upstairs for some real pictures.

Overall, she seems happy enough.



Here are the concerning bits.



It's definitely not all the leaves. It seems to only be on secondary bud sites and is usually just one leaf per site.

Not all the secondary bud sites are like that.

What do you guys think?

She was watered a little yesterday. She hasn't had any nutrients since Sunday. I don't see any burn anywhere.

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