Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

:ganjamon: Happy New Year Dres, everything is looking good. It's been a while since I had the chance to flip flop around and check on the journals around the site...You have been quite the builder I see, looking good. Are you putting beneficial's in your growing media? I can't remember you saying anything about that, I strongly recommend using them. Because if you don't have user error, or an invasion of pest and stuff... The problem area is going to be underground. Don't take any chances... also, you mentioned about sending Loretta back into revegging...careful, that's an enormous amount of stress. The transition period is one of the hardest hits on a plant for stress, and to do it twice, One thing I have learned when growing...the little things add up to weaker weed at the end, I guess to punish us...lol
Oh, and Dres... when you go full bloom and have some thick flowers everywhere, be careful with your DIFF numbers, if the drop is kinda big when she full flower, you can get mold or bud rot from the DIFF drop when the lights go off, from condensation forming inside your Buds... just a heads up... Looking good Dres, keep up the good work... :goodjob: :bong:
Your flower room is fantastic, Dres :battingeyelashes:

Thank you, Rico. I named my ducting after you in honor of your recommendation of the homemade filter: The Rico Suavay Airway :battingeyelashes:

Go ahead & toot the heck out of your own horn! Make it loud enough for the whole 420 community to hear it...


Well deserved Reps to you Dres​

Hahaha! :rofl: You crack me up, Reg. :circle-of-love: Thank you very much! Let's just hope the girls like it as much as I do.

:ganjamon: Happy New Year Dres, everything is looking good. It's been a while since I had the chance to flip flop around and check on the journals around the site...You have been quite the builder I see, looking good. Are you putting beneficial's in your growing media? I can't remember you saying anything about that, I strongly recommend using them. Because if you don't have user error, or an invasion of pest and stuff... The problem area is going to be underground. Don't take any chances... also, you mentioned about sending Loretta back into revegging...careful, that's an enormous amount of stress. The transition period is one of the hardest hits on a plant for stress, and to do it twice, One thing I have learned when growing...the little things add up to weaker weed at the end, I guess to punish us...lol
Oh, and Dres... when you go full bloom and have some thick flowers everywhere, be careful with your DIFF numbers, if the drop is kinda big when she full flower, you can get mold or bud rot from the DIFF drop when the lights go off, from condensation forming inside your Buds... just a heads up... Looking good Dres, keep up the good work... :goodjob: :bong:

Heya, Mango :ciao: Nice to see you pop in. Hope your new year is a pleasant one thus far.

All I've added to my plants are my nutrients and water, but my nutrients are pretty packed with miniature crawlies. I'm not going to reveg Loretta until after I've harvested her. And at that point if she lives it will be a bonus, as she normally would be hacked to bits anyway. By 'DIFF' you mean the difference in lights-on/lights-off temps? I've read that a good target is at least a 7-10 degree drop, which is about where mine is. Are you saying that ideally there should be no difference in temps with lights on/off?

Here is what my monitor looked like this morning with lights-on highs and lights-off lows.
(There is also a leaf for my coffee cup hold-me-over.)
Great update Dresney!...the plants look beautiful...Nice DYI with the carbon filters...I keep my circulation fan on 24/7

Clones look great...I'd mist the droopy one and throw a dome back on her...sometimes they just take a while to root...I find removing the dome a little at a time until they get acclimated seems to encourage root growth

Great job...please accept some reps :thumb:
Awesome DIY bubble cloner! The guy at the grow shop told me he would build me a 6 site bubble cloner for $50.

I wanna make one like yours for $20 and spend the other $30 on something cool.

Thanks for Sharing.
Great update Dresney!...the plants look beautiful...Nice DYI with the carbon filters...I keep my circulation fan on 24/7

Clones look great...I'd mist the droopy one and throw a dome back on her...sometimes they just take a while to root...I find removing the dome a little at a time until they get acclimated seems to encourage root growth

Great job...please accept some reps :thumb:

Thanks for the reps and compliments, Jay! :high-five: I keep my fan on 24/7, too. I'm just too paranoid about PM and humidity to turn it off. It is a little loud, but since it's in the basement it just sounds like the furnace is running.... unless you're standing in my kitchen, which is directly over the flower room. Then it sounds like a mini-jet is humming down there.

For the little droopy droopster, I did just that - misted and replaced the dome. Her leaves have perked up somewhat, but during the time she was dome-less some of her tiny little leaves turned brown and crispy at the ends. I'm not giving up on her yet though.

Awesome DIY bubble cloner! The guy at the grow shop told me he would build me a 6 site bubble cloner for $50.

I wanna make one like yours for $20 and spend the other $30 on something cool.

Thanks for Sharing.

Yay, I'm glad you're going to make your own. It was really pretty basic and easy to throw together. Spend that $30 on new fun strains you haven't tried yet! :partyboy:

Short update for today.

The big girls were fed their first 'flower' feed today. They got 7.5 ml SPT, 15 ml GIG, 30 ml FP in a gallon of water - each plant got half a gallon.

Here is Pascalle's top bud site. I can't tell if things have changed or not. :laughtwo:


Pascalle's ready to go turbo.
Hey Dres...I read where you said the leaf tips were brown and crispy... IDK, just saying here, that on Sativa plants. when your fert's are too strong ( high PPM's) the leaf tips brown and crispy, then we back off the PPM's some until it stops per say... But by doing this , we let the Sativa plant tell us exactly what she wants to eat, not the other way around. IDK, if this is the same for Indicas or others...but it is a golden tool for Sativas...just saying :morenutes:
Hey Dres...I read where you said the leaf tips were brown and crispy... IDK, just saying here, that on Sativa plants. when your fert's are too strong ( high PPM's) the leaf tips brown and crispy, then we back off the PPM's some until it stops per say... But by doing this , we let the Sativa plant tell us exactly what she wants to eat, not the other way around. IDK, if this is the same for Indicas or others...but it is a golden tool for Sativas...just saying :morenutes:

This was about a clone that doesn't like being without her humidity home. My mama plants are happy as clams :)
~ Also, food for thought here... one of your grows down the road or something, try growing ... Liberty Haze..wowzer!!!!
or any haze or Sativa... Yes, I know I am shamelessly supporting this strain, but the joy and satisfaction is missed by so many people
probably for the simple matter of xtra flower times... we seem to be in a here and now world, which is fine... but a silky smooth Sativa,
who can say something unjust about that? and something around 25% THC... they won't say much for sure.
~ That is all...have a superduper Sunday funday with the girls :thumb:
Oooo looks like there is going to be an explosion of pistils soon :)

Yes, Pascalle was the equivalent of a hormone-raging teen with hairs flying everywhere when I flipped her.

Loretta didn't care so much about boys. She had just a few nodes showing sex, and even in those spots her hairs were thin as spider webbing. She has since filled out and has hairs on most nodes, which pleases me. :)

Here is the clone life today.

Pascalle v2.0 aka v0.0.1

This is day 25 on her own. Four days since the transplant, I think.


Here are the bubble clones six days in. The CFL makes the photo a little cloudy.

Starting from the top left and going clockwise I've named them Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

They're still perky, but I'm trying to keep myself from peeking inside the box so no root update.

It has been interesting to watch the pistils wither and darken on Pascalle's clones.


And here is Lil Loretta the Terrible, aka v2.0 aka v.0.0.1.



You can see the brown, crisp tips on her wee leaves. It isn't rot; it happened during the 1.5 days she was without her dome. I think she just got way too dry. She has perked up a bit since replacing the dome and being misted a couple of times. I wish she'd root or die already. :laughtwo: She's wearing my patience down.

And to end on a happy note...

Can you spot my newest friend?

I plopped a white widow seed into some water about an hour ago. It sank right down to the bottom, where it's resting peacefully. I'll check on it in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Pascalle v2.0 aka v0.0.1 is the picture of health. I'm glad to hear Lil Loretta is doing better.
They look like they are doing ok Dres. Pretty tough little girls. 1.5 days alone shpuldn't hurt them



I'm a little ashamed to admit I haven't read this book or seen either of the movies. I love Stanley Kubrick's films usually though, so I'll give them a go soon. :high-five:

Looking amazing as always around these parts! Your clones are a picture of health, Dresney!


Have you got a sativa dominant white widow? Brings back good memories from Amsterdam... :)

Thanks, Mono! I have the one from Nirvana. I think it's an indica/sativa hybrid. It was a toss up between germing Northern Lights, Blue Dream Haze and White Widow. Mr. Dres picked this one because 'the name is cool.' :laughtwo:

I was searching around the house this morning for something to house the White Widow, and in the garage I found this cool pot I had forgotten about. It's designed to water from the bottom, but I'm not sure if I trust it enough to try it out on the widow... maybe if one of the clones were ready to transplant.

Here you can see all the drainage that's built in. I'd estimate that the '+' in the bottom is about 1-1.5" deeper than the level with the lines.

Here I put its pants back on.

I'll probably end up top-watering still until I use it for a clone or something I have multiple of, but just thought I'd share.

Hi Rico :battingeyelashes:

Thanks for the warning! I was just staring at the pot wondering how my little plant would ever get dry.

My seed is still the same... being lazy in the bottom of its mug, keeping its insides inside.

None of my seeds have ever shown a taproot before I planted them.

Maybe they're insecure about the size of their root.

Hi Rico :battingeyelashes:

Thanks for the warning! I was just staring at the pot wondering how my little plant would ever get dry.

My seed is still the same... being lazy in the bottom of its mug, keeping its insides inside.

None of my seeds have ever shown a taproot before I planted them.

Maybe they're insecure about the size of their root.


I read a very interesting thing about germinating seeds last night along with a very simple to setup technique that he is claiming 100% germ rate for years with. He claims that the key is the temp. 76-78 is perfect and as little as 5 degrees off either way can ruin your chances.

He takes a bin and fills it up part way with some water and a small aquarium heater set to 76. Then he floats a tupperware container in that container. In the inside tupperware he puts an antibacterial sponge soaked in phd water, wet but not dripping wet. Lay the seeds on the sponge and put another sponge on top of the seeds just like you prepped the bottom one. Put the top on the tupperware and float it in the temp controlled water. The sponges stay just the right amount of damp without drouning the seeds and the temp stays perfect.

I think I am going to try this with my TGS Subcool seeds that are on the way. I will probably tweak it a little because I would prefer to germ in whatever the seed is going to grow in so I can't damage it but I think the key is really the constant exact control of the temp.

I thought this was cool info and he seemed like he did actual testing to come up with it so I though I would pass it along.

Edit, He also claims the same temps work perfect for getting clones to grow roots.
Have a good day!
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