Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Dres I may suggest to duct tape your see through hose also. The light will travel down them into the rez. I read some where on this site they act light light sabers lol. Made sense to me so I have since taped mine up. And for my future endeavors I just bought black line.:goodjob:
Dres I may suggest to duct tape your see through hose also. The light will travel down them into the rez. I read some where on this site they act light light sabers lol. Made sense to me so I have since taped mine up. And for my future endeavors I just bought black line.:goodjob:

Excellent observation there Goz

+reps for that
:laughtwo: Welcome back, Dres :battingeyelashes:

:battingeyelashes: Thank you, Rico. My shoes are a little stretched out now. Were you wearing them Sunday? :battingeyelashes:

Dres I may suggest to duct tape your see through hose also. The light will travel down them into the rez. I read some where on this site they act light light sabers lol. Made sense to me so I have since taped mine up. And for my future endeavors I just bought black line.:goodjob:

That's a great idea. I will do that tonight. Thanks for keeping an eye out. Have some reps! :high-five:

Hey Dres, haven't been around in a minute, but things are looking good in here, hope that clone pulls through!

Thanks, Dank :ciao: Me too... I just want one clone from each plant to survive. I want to preserve the strains at least until I get to smoke them and see what they're made of. I'll try revegging Loretta if none of her clones make it. I still have hope though!
Excellent observation there Goz

+reps for that
Heh I feel like that is the first time I've been able to chime in with something useful. Thank you for the reps B.B. And Dres :)

Edit: thank you for the reps African grower :)
Excellent update Dres. Those ladies are what...2 and half to 3 feet wide? 2ft tall? If so, that's almost where my plant was at this stage, so get ready for some rapid growth!

+Reps on the DIY filter. Do you mind taking a picture of how it sits in the ducting from the inside?

>>>The highest temp I've seen is 72F. It consistently goes down to 63 when the light is off, and I'm okay with that.

I would be too; I wold also expect to see some fall colors come out if temps stay that low. IMO, it wouldn't be all that necessary to buy a CO2 rig with temps that low, but as you are Doing It Yourself, it wouldn't hurt ;)

EDIT: +Reps from me too Goz. It's crucial all light leaks are sealed when dealing with any type of water culture. Light causes algae growth, and it is not always clearly visible, but the roots sure do recognize the intruder! Aluminum tape, or black truck-bed spray are what I found to work best for me!
Thank you, Rico. My shoes are a little stretched out now. Were you wearing them Sunday?

I was, Dres :battingeyelashes: They smelled nice :love:

Reg said the underwear was optional,

but I wanted to do the job properly, in the proper uniform.

Maybe I should have washed everything before giving it back? :scratchinghead:

There may be an extra pair of socks in the bag... you can keep them :bigblush:
I was, Dres :battingeyelashes: They smelled nice :love:

Reg said the underwear was optional,

but I wanted to do the job properly, in the proper uniform.

Maybe I should have washed everything before giving it back? :scratchinghead:

There may be an extra pair of socks in the bag... you can keep them :bigblush:

I knew my granny panties felt weird this morning! :battingeyelashes:

And hey, I love free socks as long as they're still pliable. :partyboy:

Excellent update Dres. Those ladies are what...2 and half to 3 feet wide? 2ft tall? If so, that's almost where my plant was at this stage, so get ready for some rapid growth!

+Reps on the DIY filter. Do you mind taking a picture of how it sits in the ducting from the inside?

Yep, those are about the dimensions of my plants. I should start taking daily measurements because I swear they're growing 1-2 inches every day right now.

Thanks for the reps! I will take a picture, but it might be a couple of days. I'll need to remove the tape and retape it, but I ran out of tape. Went through a whole roll building that room. :laughtwo:

And something I forgot to mention!... I ran out of mylar when I was doing the ceiling/door of my flower room. I went to my local hydro store and picked up some black and white panda film. This is the only thing I'll use from now on. It's super durable, absolutely light-proof and still 85% reflective on the white side. It's really a great product. I made my door out of this as well and was able to attach a velcro strip to it with no problems. :slide:
:slide: Welcome back Dres, I too had a big long, metal flake green, cream Landau topped car...'77 Buick Regal. Still sorry I sold it a

couple years ago. The guy said he wanted to "restore" it. Wouldn't have taken much as we kept that baby in tiptop shape. :tokin:
Bloody hell as usual!!!!. I'll have to ask you to simply PM me every other day Dresney just to give me a kick in the jubblies to check in over here.
Sorry I know i should make time! I mean no disrespect :) Its just damn I need to fly by more often as you have so much goin on all the time. (awesomeness)

Best of all brilliantly green wishes to your girls! Great work and grower +reps :goodjob:

Thanks for the compliments and reps, LA. Don't worry - I'm not offended that you're not here more often. I'm touched that you make it over every once and awhile. I know how crazy it can be keeping up with journals. After my five days gone I had 79 updated threads to check, and darn if several didn't have 10-15 new pages... yours being one of them. :laughtwo:

:slide: Welcome back Dres, I too had a big long, metal flake green, cream Landau topped car...'77 Buick Regal. Still sorry I sold it a couple years ago. The guy said he wanted to "restore" it. Wouldn't have taken much as we kept that baby in tiptop shape. :tokin:

Thanks, Bluefly :ciao: Those were the quintessential '70s car. I'd love to have a restored '70s Impala. Although I'd never drive it because they probably get about 1-2 miles to the gallon. :laughtwo:

Good Weed Des. Glad you're back and you gores are doing so well:peace::circle-of-love:

Heya, Mick. Thanks so much! I'm really excited about the state of my grow right now. Flowering and cloning are both changes of pace. I think I might keep the momentum up with maybe germing a new seed soon! :slide:
Hey Dres

I got so lost in the clone thing yesterday, I forgot to say what a brilliant job you've made of the flower room.

+Reps for all your hard work. Well done.

Thanks, BB!

It's really a strange feeling for me to look at the pictures and think that there was just empty space there not too long ago.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm proud of it. :partyboy: :laughtwo:

Never thought of myself as a 'builder', but it was actually a bit of fun.
Go ahead & toot the heck out of your own horn! Make it loud enough for the whole 420 community to hear it...


Well deserved Reps to you Dres​
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