Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Hi, guys! I missed you all! :circle-of-love:

Mr. Dres would absolutely poo his pants if a car load of smoking dudes (see what I did there?) pulled into our driveway. I, of course, would be elated. :)

I'm so sorry I disappeared and will try my best to not let that happen again. I had some unexpected family business to attend to that took me away for a bit, but I'm back and will do a mega update today.

It's beyond lovely to sit down and read all your kind and thoughtful comments. You guys have made my day a great one.

Reps to all you guys for being the best friends in the whole wide web!


Welcome back dres we missed you! I'm hoping I'll make it to the reps are right this time around too!
Welcome back Dres. I'm not the one to usually show it, but I was starting to get worried there after your co-host seemed to be out of contact with you! But rest assured, I hope all is safe and wish you a splendid New Year. Will be expecting that update on the Lady Cave;)

PS. What did you do there? In your post above?
Thanks, Goz. It feels good to be getting back in my groove. :slide:

I have to admire your sobriety dres..... Looking at the bigger picture is wise my friend, going self sufficent in the long run.

I can't believe you have been able to keep from flipping them AND not smoking. I would of flipped them the second they were old enough if I had to wait until they finished to smoke even if it meant a much smaller total yield. Good for you, you will be well rewarded in the end!.

You guys don't even know how difficult it has been. In my desperation I've been putting all the leaves that are dying/crinkly in a coffee cup and crunching them up and giving them huge whiffs when I get stressed out. :laughtwo: They smell so lovely and strong... that has been refreshing my patience. That and it's really important to me that I have a large enough yield to share a decent amount with my mom and mom-in-law. If I get the yield that was predicted I bet I'll end up giving at least half of it away. I love those ladies for taking care of me... time to give some back. :love:

And now for some updating :partyboy:

I did manage to take some more clones the night before I flipped my plants (more to come on that later). I made a bubble cloner, but unfortunately I wasn't home when I did it so I didn't get to document as I went along, but I did take some shots today that I can use for a tutorial.

Here is a shot of it right after snipping the clones and putting them in their new home. They look so droopy and sad because the big plants had just been fed/watered pretty heavily.


The container is made of clear plastic with an attached hinge-type lid. It's about 6"x6"x5".


I drilled/cut four holes in the lid that were about 2cm in diameter. At first I had drilled just tiny little holes thinking I only needed to poke the stems through... then I realized I forgot about the roots that would hopefully grow, so I made my holes a bit larger. :loopy:

I also drilled holes in the corners of the reservoir part of the container higher than where the water line would be for the hose from the pump to the stones. I put them in the corners because the plastic was the strongest at this point and easiest to drill into, and the hose was a little curved and the stones laid flatter if they went in at an angle versus the side. (I do have one hole in the side that I tested, but liked the corner holes better.)

After all the holes were drilled I covered the whole thing with duct tape to keep light from getting to the roots.


Instead of flip-flops (I didn't want to drive 20 minutes to the place that had them for $1) I found some craft foam for $1. It comes in such pretty colors!


I cut circles of foam about a centimeter larger in diameter than the circles in my plastic. I used a hole-punch to make the center hole and then made a cut to the hole, for easily removing the clone from the foam later on.


I'm using a fish-tank pump that is for a 30-60 gallon tank. I originally bought one for a 10-30 gallon tank, but found it didn't have the power needed to make enough bubbles to hit the stems. With the bigger pump and two air stones there are plenty of bubbles popping.


Total cost for everything:

Container: $.97
Foam: $1.00
Hose: $1.50
Air stones: $1.38
Pump: $12.77
Total: 17.62

With tax it was just about $20, which I'm pleased with. My favorite part is the rainbow foam. :partyboy:
But rest assured, I hope all is safe and wish you a splendid New Year. Will be expecting that update on the Lady Cave;)

PS. What did you do there? In your post above?

Thanks, AG. Things are good and my new year is full of hope and plants getting ready to flower. I'm going to post pictures of them soon! I'm so excited about them!

PS. What do you mean?

Perhaps we should all turn up in cars, if mr dres is gonna react like that !!.. Cheaper than bat guano i reckon. :biglaugh::biglaugh::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:rofl: You guys would get to my state and turn around. I'm in the nor'easter zone and we got dumped with snow yesterday. It's also getting down -30C at night... our smoking circle would be huddled tight... Mr. Dres has a no-smoking-inside rule. Someday when I move to Cali I'm going to have a smoking party though, you just watch.

:woohoo: Welcome back Dres

We've sooo missed you !:circle-of-love:

Edit: Please tell me (when you got your breath back) that the V2.0's aka V0.0.1's

are doing OK.

Thank you, BB! I'm going to post an update about them today.
Hi, guys! I missed you all! :circle-of-love:

Mr. Dres would absolutely poo his pants if a car load of smoking dudes (see what I did there?) pulled into our driveway. I, of course, would be elated. :)

I'm sure we could get to your house but after a burn cruise like that we may just stay in our car and stare at your house with clouds pouring out of the windows lol!

I'm glad you're back Dresney! :high-five::peace:
I'm sure we could get to your house but after a burn cruise like that we may just stay in our car and stare at your house with clouds pouring out of the windows lol!

I'm glad you're back Dresney! :high-five::peace:

Thanks, Fish. I'm glad to be back! :high-five:

And hahahaha... in my head I'm seeing a bunch of dudes in one of those old, long boat cars from the 70s in that dirty hunter/army green color with a white top. Cue the Low Rider song. :rofl:

Nice job on the bubble cloner Dresney and welcome back. Glad all is well!

Thanks, CannabisMeds. I'm really happy with how it turned out. :thanks:

Nice Dres.Looking forward to seeing how it works.:thumb:

Thanks Jimmy! (Missed this earlier.) I'll be so happy if they root, although I'm not sure if I want four more plants of these same strains... only because I wanted to germ some seeds I haven't tried yet... but too many plants is a great problem to have. :)

Okay, here are the big girls today!! :cheer:

I flipped them on 1/1 as planned. They've definitely grown quite a bit in those three days, although they were growing like mad even before the flip.

All these pictures are under the HPS, which I hate, but I didn't feel like lugging them up the steps. I will do that on the next update.

Day 3 of 12/12


She has a Coke can hidden in there for size reference.






The sisters hanging out under their yellow light.


This is a shot of the ducting from my light to fan.


I think this will be the only ducting I use inside the room. I don't have one on the other end of my light. I just pull air in the room through the light for air exchange. I went with a higher powered fan than I needed for my space just to make up for the drag through the light. It is working well. My temps are staying low.

This is after eight hours of my light running.
(It's a 24 hour high/low monitor, but had reset about 3 hours prior to this photo.)

I have two homemade carbon filters in there where the clips are. I'm really surprised at how well they're working. I could smell the girls upstairs before, and now I can't smell them anywhere except inside the flower room - even if I stand right below the exhaust fan there is no odor. I bought some mesh filters bags that were 4"x12" with drawstrings at the top. I filled them halfway up with loose carbon and then tied the whole bag into a knot. I used the clips to hang the bags from the wire ring in the ducting - two clips for each bag. I gave them a good yank; they're very secure. For two bags and 10 oz. of carbon (I maybe used a quarter of the carbon) it was about $12. So far it's working well.

For the intakes I used more of the same 6 inch ducting. I cut a hole in the mylar and taped the ducting in. To make sure no light gets in/escapes through the duct I left about 2-3 feet of ducting on the outside and made it curvy and twisty. Easiest light trap ever!


I have this guy going whenever the light is on, although I'm not sure if I need it. It's tilted up and oscillates, so there is no stale air anywhere. I keep it in front of one of the intakes so it's pushing fresh, cool air up and around.


It's rather comfortable in there. The highest temp I've seen is 72F. It consistently goes down to 63 when the light is off, and I'm okay with that. The humidity is usually between 30-45%. I might try lowering it later in flower, but I'm happy with everything right now.

I might rig up some CO2 later down the road... you guessed it... I'll be DIYing that too.

I love snow dres, harsh winters, i love em...

I guess it is the viking and native american red indian in me.... I love the outdoors. When it snows heavy i love the peace and quiet you get.

I would put on ski suit, sit in a snow drift and pass you a doobie dres.

Excellent work by the way, you have done yourself proud.

+ reps for your diy and thrifty approach. :high-five:
Oh man, my brother had that exact car, 1973 ford LTD in avocado green with a white top :biglaugh:

Haha! :laughtwo: I knew someone out there would know exactly what I was talking about. :high-five:

Last update of the day - clone madness!!! :party:

Here are the newest editions, cut on New Years Eve and still sitting pretty.


The purple foam cuts are from Pascalle and pink from Loretta.

Here is Pascalle v2.0 aka v0.0.1 today (22 days since the cut). She got a new home last night. She seems to have settled in comfy and cozy.


And here is little Loretta v2.0 aka v0.0.1 after her first night in a few weeks without her humidity dome. I told her she had to grow up... poo or get off the pot. After 22 days she needed to make up her mind.


I don't think she is going to live happily ever after. :straightface:


Even now, if I put the dome over her those two big leaves would perk up, I think. I didn't see roots on either of them when I transplanted, but I also didn't examine them really. Wriggler doodle/perlite doesn't stay clumped up when taken out of a container... it all just crumbles, so I tried to move as quickly and lightly as possible when I transplanted them. I'm torn between putting the dome over her or just letting her go and see what happens. I also toyed with the idea of taking those droopy leaves off and seeing what happens. The newest nodes aren't wilting really... just the bigger leaves. Either way, I think this is a sound and easy method of cloning. Lil Loretta was just a wimpy little pitiful thing when I cut her off her mama.

Can I be a member of both clubs?! :lot-o-toke:

Okay, I think that's all for now. Going to pop around to all the journals I need to get caught up with.

Have a smoking night, my friends!

I love snow dres, harsh winters, i love em...

I guess it is the viking and native american red indian in me.... I love the outdoors. When it snows heavy i love the peace and quiet you get.

I would put on ski suit, sit in a snow drift and pass you a doobie dres.

Excellent work by the way, you have done yourself proud.

+ reps for your diy and thrifty approach. :high-five:

Thanks, BudW.

I think sharing a doob in the snow sounds like a piece of heaven.

I'm always saying I'm going to move somewhere warmer, but there really is something almost supernaturally peaceful and humbling when a heavy, windless snow is coming down. It's always amazed me that there can be so much movement, yet almost be silent. I say almost because if you sit really still you can hear the snowflakes landing when it's really coming down. Blows away any feeling the summer gives me.

Gee, I can't wait til my plants are ready to be sampled. :lot-o-toke:

Thanks for the reps. Coming back at ya. :high-five:
Hold it right there Dres

Or at least pop back in 10 mins.

I think you now qualify for membership to THC Club.

Don't give up on Loretta V2.0 aka V0.0.1 just yet. I think she might surprise us yet.

I'll be right back.
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