Did I do the FIM wrong?

I'm not much help with the light my friend, my apologies :Namaste:
Please just make sure what ever you do is safe.
Do you have a fire extinguisher?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
that's a good idea, I'll have to get some, thanks
I had a grow room fire.
Read this please :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
After researching the information, I have come to the conclusion that UV is not very necessary with my spectrum of the main lamp. There is a possibility that I could just damage the plants, which is the last thing I would want to do. But if anyone has any advice on supplementing the lighting, (I'm currently using a 200w lamp, which is kind of low for 4 babies), I'll definitely listen to it

Does it make sense to buy a 1000w lamp in the future? I don't plan to grow more than 9-10 girls at a time. There is an option to order a 400w, but I don't know how much light it will be able to provide for the plants
I seem to have stepped on the same rake again and got a burn on a new sprout, it's not severe but the leaves are starting to yellow. I don't know if I should cut them off so that the baby doesn't waste energy on regeneration or on the contrary, is it better to leave them? Please help


I am very sad that it will now be stunted, even though I reduced the light immediately, the leaves are still not doing well.
I seem to have stepped on the same rake again and got a burn on a new sprout, it's not severe but the leaves are starting to yellow. I don't know if I should cut them off so that the baby doesn't waste energy on regeneration or on the contrary, is it better to leave them? Please help


I am very sad that it will now be stunted, even though I reduced the light immediately, the leaves are still not doing well.
A fluorescent light bulb at first is fin.
Strong LED's aren't great for tiny babies.
200w isn't a lot , I believe they recommend 40w/sqft.
So 200w will cover a 2x2, with not much extra.
I'm not sure if any of the extra lights you showed were any good? :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'm not sure if any of the extra lights you showed were any good?
my mistake is that I added the led bulb almost a week ago, immediately noticed the burn, and decided to remove, but the effects of the burn are severe. I don't know if I should cut off the leaves that have wilted
my mistake is that I added the led bulb almost a week ago, immediately noticed the burn, and decided to remove, but the effects of the burn are severe. I don't know if I should cut off the leaves that have wilted
Don’t touch them.
Just let them recover.
It’ll be ok and more will grow.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I have an idea for adding light so that it is definitely not critical for the plants.
Add a cross bar, use a led strip so that the plants, when they grow, get light not only from above but also from below. I'm not going to turn the LEDs to max right away, I'll add a little bit at a time to see when the plants have had enough
btw, a bit of sad news, the pot doesn't arrive until tomorrow and the soil arrived literally two hours ago. I'll be doing a transplant today for the big baby. I'll keep you in the loop

btw, a bit of sad news, the pot doesn't arrive until tomorrow and the soil arrived literally two hours ago. I'll be doing a transplant today for the big baby. I'll keep you in the loop

Make sure you add lots of perlite and mix it well.
It's washed and buffered?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Buddy, just in case, do you mix the soil with perlite (I'd like to know what proportions), and only then lay it out in layers? Or does it not need to be added to the soil? I'm a little confused, sorry.
I mix it with the coco coir first.
About 1/4 to 1/3 of the volume.
Then do the layer's.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ahh, now I get it, sorry for being so stupid
No not stupid :Namaste:
Every question is valid.
I’m here to help.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So... I'm done now. It was a long drive (4.5 hours of continuous work), but that time flew by without noticing. First, I set about digging out the lady with full confidence that I could do it. Sure, I damaged some roots, but that was expected, especially the roots that had already reached the bottom of the pot.



I soaked her in water to remove the coco residue

Next, I started preparing the soil and a new home for my baby girl. Everything went well, layer by layer (by the way, the perlite turned out to be much less in volume than 5 liters, which means that I will have to buy another 4 packs, I feel cheated)

At the same time, I continued to remove the remnants of the primer with careful finger presses and a paint brush

And finally I'm done, it was very difficult, I hope I never have to transplant adult plants again.
It was an unforgettable experience... I'm very worried about the condition of my Flora (that's her name, actually), I poured 4 liters of water with fertilizer over her so that the ground would get completely wet.

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