Did I do the FIM wrong?

Hi everyone, it's been almost 2 days since the second FIMming, I will also be posting pictures of other plants, and I'd like to show off my homemade ScrOG! I also plan to upload all plants here, as I will be making top and FIM for them. At the moment I have four of them growing on different cycles, as there were problems with planting. On the 5th photo you can see my flower that got light burn, I want to make a top for it, because the growth is very slow (week 3 started yesterday), for the other two I will make FIM. I will post any changes








Hi everyone, it's been almost 2 days since the second FIMming, I will also be posting pictures of other plants, and I'd like to show off my homemade ScrOG! I also plan to upload all plants here, as I will be making top and FIM for them. At the moment I have four of them growing on different cycles, as there were problems with planting. On the 5th photo you can see my flower that got light burn, I want to make a top for it, because the growth is very slow (week 3 started yesterday), for the other two I will make FIM. I will post any changes








Generally speaking it's usually not a good idea to grow 2 girls in 1 pot.
Not to pick on you :Namaste: but the pots are only half full.
Your wasting the most valuable space in your tent.
Try and fill your pots up.
And move one before it grows more roots.
Looking good Amigo.
Enjoy your weekend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Generally speaking it's usually not a good idea to grow 2 girls in 1 pot.
Not to pick on you :Namaste: but the pots are only half full.
Your wasting the most valuable space in your tent.
Try and fill your pots up.
And move one before it grows more roots.
Looking good Amigo.
Enjoy your weekend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Honestly, I have no idea how I'm going to put another pot in to make sure all the little ones get enough light. Speaking of which, I didn't have any plans to grow 4 plants, but after the light burn and two sprouts failing, I decided to plant 2 seeds at once. Any ideas on how to best place the 4 pots? And also, I'm not quite sure how I should add soil to the pot in the middle (if it's just the pot in question), do I need to transplant the flower or do I need to backfill it too?
Honestly, I have no idea how I'm going to put another pot in to make sure all the little ones get enough light.
All you can do is spread them out in the 4 corners.
A quick veg with 4 plants will fill your net fairly fast.
ing of which, I didn't have any plans to grow 4 plants, but after the light burn and two sprouts failing, I decided to plant 2 seeds at once. Any ideas on how to best place the 4 pots? And also,
In the 4 corners.
I'm not quite sure how I should add soil to the pot in the middle
You can fill the pot and cover the stem almost to the leaves.
Otherwise it's a pull out and replant, generally not a great idea if you have never done it before.
(if it's just the pot in question), do I need to transplant the flower or do I need to backfill it too?
Back fill what you can and move the baby.
I have pictorials on how to fill a pot properly in all my threads.
Heaven's Shores has the most pictorials and lots of great tips.
Check it out.
I'll answer any questions you have.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
All you can do is spread them out in the 4 corners.
A quick veg with 4 plants will fill your net fairly fast.

In the 4 corners.

You can fill the pot and cover the stem almost to the leaves.
Otherwise it's a pull out and replant, generally not a great idea if you have never done it before.

Back fill what you can and move the baby.
I have pictorials on how to fill a pot properly in all my threads.
Heaven's Shores has the most pictorials and lots of great tips.
Check it out.
I'll answer any questions you have.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks for the help Bill, I've already ordered 25 liters of coconut substrate
Thanks for the help Bill, I've already ordered 25 liters of coconut substrate
Do you have lots of perlite?
Order more. Hehe :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Also, I would like to understand the volume I need, each pot holds 15 liters, if I have 4 pots, how much perlite should I buy?
You will only be able to add it going forward.
I use a large amount in my pots.
Probably 50/50.
So , same size bag as coco.
Have a look through that thread I mentioned it explains how to mix it for best results.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You will only be able to add it going forward.
I use a large amount in my pots.
Probably 50/50.
So , same size bag as coco.
Have a look through that thread I mentioned it explains how to mix it for best results.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Well, Bill, I've been looking at your techniques. Am I correct in assuming that you have to layer them? I can transplant my plants one by one and add perlite to each soil?
Back to report replenishing my inventory and purchasing agroperlite (20 liters totally):green_heart:

The new pot and soil will arrive tomorrow. Thinking about repotting all the plants to add more perlite inside, is that a good idea?

Back to report replenishing my inventory and purchasing agroperlite (20 liters totally):green_heart:

The new pot and soil will arrive tomorrow. Thinking about repotting all the plants to add more perlite inside, is that a good idea?

If your gentle an take your time it'll be fine.
Do you have any DYNOMYCO for the roots?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It seems that there are no deliveries to Russia (even though I ordered cannabis fertilizers in local marketplaces)
Any mycorrhizal inoculants at all will help. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I don't understand and can't find any guides regarding how I can get a large plant that is already well rooted, any ideas on this?
That's what I said, if you haven't done it it's difficult.
Scoop out the bulk of roots and rinse with water to loosen the roots. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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