Did I do the FIM wrong?

I’ve always topped instead of fimming but to each their own preference

Standard disclaimer- old eyes + tablet are not optimal
To me the first pic shows the middle finger of perhaps the first 5 leaf fan had the smallest bit of vegetation removed… don’t think enough was removed to trigger anything but time will tell.

so it’s coco coir… but think you might have other issues brewing

How often do you water?
How often do you feed?
What kind of nutes?
Are you using cal-mag?
What ph value do you adjust to?
How often do you water? Once a day
How often do you feed? I alternate between clean water and water with advanced nutrients three-component supplements.
What kind of nutes? I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about. If it's a variety, it's Gorilla Cookies Auto from 2Fast4Buds.
Do you use cal-mag? only thanks to advanced nutrients, one famous grower from Ukraine made a feeding table, I stick to it.
What ph value do you use? 6.0-6.5 ph
Ok so we would advise slight tune up…

plain water does nothing to help plants grow in coco coir. They need to be fed nutrients (or nutes as we call them) continued… they to be fed nutrients plus water every single time.

You cannot run wet dry cycle in coco coir… coco coir should not be allowed to dry out. You want to feed to slight runoff each time.

But most importantly your ph should be adjusted to the 5.8 range for coco coir. For soil the ph should be set to 6.3 range but for coco yes 5.8 is your target ph range

When ph is out of range for the grow media used then the plant can’t access those nutrients. It’s like they are not even there.

Cal-mag should be added to your water first, stir & then wait 10 minutes, add your NPK stir & wait again. Last step is to adjust ph to 5.8 then feed right away.

I don’t grow in coco myself but have picked up a few tips along the way watching masters like Roy Growin & Bill284 do their thing
It’s all good but few minor adjustments will iron out mistakes before they get a foothold and help your girls to grow faster…

84 is your target lights on temp that plus high humidity helps your veg cycle move faster but also know that high humidity in flower cycle is a killer- bud rot and pm are nasties that can destroy your harvest.

You can stay right here for duration of this grow, someone from the team will always be here to check in on your garden!
It’s all good but few minor adjustments will iron out mistakes before they get a foothold and help your girls to grow faster…

84 is your target lights on temp that plus high humidity helps your veg cycle move faster but also know that high humidity in flower cycle is a killer- bud rot and pm are nasties that can destroy your harvest.

You can stay right here for duration of this grow, someone from the team will always be here to check in on your garden!
I'm grateful to have you here and willing to help with further development, I'll be sure to report back in the future, thank you
So fimming is easy, you have a thumb nail? Use it. Just use the tip of your nail to scoop the middle of the fim spot out not too deep, just the tip!
I usually make sure to not really put too much scoop into the outer region, leaving the necks of the removed veg to recuperate into several new growths.
Hey, guys! I hope I did it right this time!




Thanks for the help, maybe I should cut it again a little lower?
No - now it's cut, leave it; see how she grows and call it experience
Cutting again when she's already stressed could be detrimental
Я второй @Roy Growin Для меня FIM выглядит нормально. В прошлом я обрезал слишком рано и слишком низко, и они получились неплохими. Но если слишком много возиться с ним, это вызовет проблемы. Просто позвольте ей заниматься своими делами в течение недели. А затем получить доступ к ситуации.
Thank you, I am considering everyone's response so I don't make any more mistakes. now I want to create a new thread to continue growing with your oversight. I will make a photo report and post the new thread here in 3-4 hours.
I think it would be good to continue this thread so readers can follow your journey start to finish
It would be useful to see what you've done and how it turns out
You mean so I don't create a new one? I just thought there were a lot of unnecessary posts because of the failed FIM
Yes - I can assure you that someone, somewhere will find it useful and readers will want to know the end result
Others will search for an answer to exactly the same question you asked
Here's the answer... and this is how it turned out
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