Did I do the FIM wrong?

Scoop out the bulk of roots and rinse with water to loosen the roots
thanks for your help, I'll get on it tomorrow. Bill, also, please tell me a little more about how your way of laying out the perlite is better than just mixing it all into a mush? I'm really not good at this, I never once thought of using perlite😓
thanks for your help, I'll get on it tomorrow. Bill, also, please tell me a little more about how your way of laying out the perlite is better than just mixing it all into a mush? I'm really not good at this, I never once thought of using perlite😓
I mix it into the coco aswell.
The layers trap air for the roots.
It also creates several perched water tables trapping more nutrients.
Extra air and nutrients for your roots.
Have you had a look at the results?

Have you had a look at the results?
Thanks comrade, I'm studying the whole thread now. I have a question, does it make sense to add ultraviolet to my plants? I heard in a video of a grower that the more ultraviolet light, the more nutrients will be absorbed by the plant=more buds. If this is really needed I am willing to buy it, but want to know what is best to use? Suggested options below

Bill, I have fully explored your method, I still have a question, do I also need to make a smaller pot first so that I have shallower layers at the beginning of the root system? Or does it make no difference? I apologize if the question seemed silly
Guys, I have a question regarding fertilizers for babies, I took a table from a Ukrainian grower, like he did well, but I want advice from someone who understands this business well, maybe there is something to improve.... Because I found other tables on the internet that advise to use more ml

I am also using B-52 now and will be using other fertilizers in the future, I have heard that Big Bud Liquid and Bud Factor X need to be applied once a week, is this true?

Problem with these charts is that they say '... then this much', but they can't see your plants, so read your plants and trust what you're seeing
I had problems with Big Bud every time so be sure to shake it and check it's clear, not cloudy
here is what grower himself wrote about fertilizer application

pH Perfect Micro — The use of this component is recommended at all stages of plant growth. At the stage of growth or seedlings should be diluted in water 1ml per liter of water, for rapid vegetative growth, as well as in the flowering phase, this rate is 4ml. Per 1 liter (while its table indicates 1.5ml (?))
Nitrogen N 5%:​
Nitrate Nitrogen 5%​
Soluble Potassium K2O: 1%​
Soluble Calcium: 5.4%​
Molybdenum Mo: 0.0006%​
Soluble Molybdenum 0.0006%​

pH Perfect Grow — Application of this component is recommended at all stages of plant growth. At the stage of growth or seedlings should be diluted in water 1ml per liter of water, for rapid vegetative growth, as well as in the flowering phase, this rate is 4ml per 1 liter.
Nitrogen N 2%:​
Ammonia Nitrogen 0.30%​
Nitrate Nitrogen 1.70%​
Available Phosphate P2O5: 1%​
Soluble Potassium K2O: 6.00%​
Magnesium Mg 0.59%:​
Soluble Magnesium 0.59%​
Sulfur S 1.01%:​
Combined Sulfur 1.01%​

pH Perfect Bloom — Designed for both soil growing and hydroponic systems.
Application of this component is recommended at all stages of plant growth. At the stage of growth or seedlings it should be diluted in water 1ml per liter of water, for rapid vegetative growth, as well as in the flowering phase this norm is 4ml per 1 liter.
Available Phosphate (P2O5): 5.0%​
Soluble Potassium (K2O): 4.0%​
Sulfur (S) 1.5%​
Combined Sulfur 1.5%​

B-52 — Contains vitamin B-1, humic acids, algae and other ingredients for intensive growth of your plants even under stressful growing conditions.
Application: 2 ml per liter throughout the vegetative stage and from the 3rd to 6th week of flowering.

Big Bud Liquid — Application: 2 ml per liter once a week from week 2 through week 6 of flowering.
Guaranteed composition:​
Phosphorus P2O5: 1.0%, Potassium K2O: 3%, Magnesium Mg: 0.7%​
Additional Ingredients:​
L-Alanine: 0.3%​
L-arginine: 0.8%​
L-Aspartic Acid: 0.4%​
L-Cysteine: 0.6%​
L-Glutamic: 0.4%​
L-Glycine: 0.7%​
L-Histidine: 0.4%​
L-Isoleucine: 0.9%​
L-Lysine: 0.2%​
L-Methionine: 0.2%​
L-Phenylalanine: 0.6%​
L-Proline: 0.7%​
L-Serine: 0.4%​
L-Threonine: 0.3%​
L-Tryptophan: 0.7%​
L-Tyrosine: 1.3%​
L-Valine: 1.1%​

Bud Factor X — Fertilizer to achieve the highest quality and maximum yield. It contains biologically active components that increase the plants' ability to produce resins and essential oils. In addition, resins and essential oils are a natural defense factor of the plant against insects.
Application: 2 ml per 1 liter of nutrient solution from week 1 to week 6 of flowering.

Bud Ignitor — Increases the growth and intense flowering of your plants. The result is the formation of flowers not at 30-55% of potential ovaries, but at 70-100%.
Application: 2 ml per liter of nutrient solution once a week at the end of the vegetative and at the beginning of the flowering stage.

Overdrive — designed to create extra volume and weight and produce quality fruit with a high oil content during the last, crucial weeks of flowering.
Application: Apply at a ratio of 2 ml. per liter once a week from week 7 to week 8 of flowering
Guaranteed composition:​
N - 1%;​
P2O5 - 5%;​
K2O - 4%;​
Mg - 0.92%.​
Problem with these charts is that they say '... then this much', but they can't see your plants, so read your plants and trust what you're seeing
I had problems with Big Bud every time so be sure to shake it and check it's clear, not cloudy
Thanks Roy, I'm already aware of the shaking:laughtwo: The problem is that I don't understand the language of plants very well🥲
Thanks Roy, I'm already aware of the shaking:laughtwo: The problem is that I don't understand the language of plants very well🥲
For me, it's a 3 step process like this:
Wonky tips and new growth - that's micros or new root problem
Lower leaves yellowing - plant shifting mobile nutes to tips, usually N or K
All yellowing, necrosis in the tips and purple veins - total lack of NPK or pH way off too low
Rationale: mobile v static nutrients
Sunday lol

If this is really needed I am willing to buy it, but want to know what is best to use?
By the way, I found another one, it looks powerful! I can get two of those.
Photosynthetic photon flux of 50 µmol/s. Ready, simple and budget solution for growing plants with limited access to sunlight. Power 30W


I finally learned how to reduce the size of a photo, thank god.

and also, found another one, there are 50, 100, 200, 500 watt variations. I don't see the point of getting the 500, I could get 2-3pcs of 50w, or 2pcs of 100w, or 1pcs of 200w. I don't know which would be better. Looking for advice from anyone

Buddy, what do you think of the lights? I asked Bill, you can scroll up
Yeah, I did read through that
The first lamp looks great for flower, but it's mostly red so you are likely to end up with spindly plants through veg
Stop wasting your time on these low power bulbs my friend
Can you not get hold of a proper grow light?
What you're trying to do will work, but you're making it hard for yourself
I do understand if you can't get hold of equipment, it's not legal here also
Can't find Russian on my keyboard, but Cheers!
Can you not get hold of a proper grow light?
I totally agree that my equipment is ridiculous for experienced growers, but six months ago I spent a bunch of money on this samsung lamp (I'm still a student who rents an apartment for almost half my paycheck lol).
This is my second grow, last time I grew 3 bushes from which I harvested as much as 20 grams!!! haha
I didn't think it would get this far but I wanted to squeeze the most out of it this time, I'm sure I'll prepare better next time and splurge on a more powerful bulb but considering I'm limited on money right now, I'll definitely have to use this before harvest. I just want to supplement with an ultraviolet, it's not that expensive.

By the way, regarding UV, I take it, following the spectrum shown in the photo of my current lamp *bomp*, I need more blue? I don't understand lighting well, but looking at the examples of good spectra for cannabis, I see that my lamp specifically lacks the blue shade, then does it make sense to buy additional lighting with red?
I'll wait for you to start learning Russian so we can communicate :laughtwo:
In general, it is very commendable that you know so many languages besides your main one
European languages are all basically the same, just pronounced differently
Bill, I have fully explored your method, I still have a question, do I also need to make a smaller pot first so that I have shallower layers at the beginning of the root system? Or does it make no difference? I apologize if the question seemed silly
I start in solos to build a root ball.
It works if you start in big pots awell.
Your preference. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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