Did I do the FIM wrong?

And so... The long-awaited results!


I hope she likes her new home.
But, now I don't know what to do next, I could leave her in the tub overnight, or I could stick her in the growbox with the others. What should I do?
There's still a lot of work ahead. I will have to lift the lamp and ScrOG, also, I want to make a stand for the future LED strip. And that's not to mention I have yet to transplant all the other ladies. But all this will be the day after tomorrow, as tomorrow I have to spend time at work from morning till evening
here are some more pictures, more beautiful ones
Get her back under the led.
Good work buddy.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
If there are any flaws, tell me, I'd rather know.
Make sure you fill the pots.
Leav 1 inch around the rim.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
the lady is doing great in her new home. I realized that the universe requires me to be there for her during such a period because I got off work early.

I don't know if the aftermath of FIM is going well, I can't figure out if it has new nodes or not, can you advise?
@Bill284, please advise how much water to pour? I used to pour by eye until the ground gets wet, but, now, I'm not getting it very clear
Your plants need food.

For watering info, read this article:
But, now I don't know what to do next, I could leave her in the tub overnight, or I could stick her in the growbox with the others. What should I do?
She needs to rest after that transplant.....I got a good laugh from it 💚 resembled surgery ....with your careful paint brushing techniques ...loved it. 🥰
the lady is doing great in her new home. I realized that the universe requires me to be there for her during such a period because I got off work early.

I don't know if the aftermath of FIM is going well, I can't figure out if it has new nodes or not, can you advise?
The nodes are still growing out.
@Bill284, please advise how much water to pour? I used to pour by eye until the ground gets wet, but, now, I'm not getting it very clear
Sorry I was away today.
You water until you see a little leak at the bottom.
Smaller ones just in a circle around it.
Cup or so for now.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hi everyone, I finished with the second lady's transplant yesterday, and I want to finish two more today

hahaha, thank you for such flattering comments. That's what the surgery felt like 🥲

That's a lot of water, looks like I'll have to spend more on advanced nutrients :(
The roots shoot down to the bottom of the pot.
You have to keep them moist and well fed. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Most of the time I can give a full gallon to one plant that's in a 3 gallon container easily with a bit of run off depending on how moist or dry the soil is at the time of watering. Otherwise, get you a 2 L jug and just give them 2 liters every other day or 2 til your confidence catches up and your more comfortable. I just saw your using @Bill284 method. 💚 I do believe with the perlite layers like that it's a daily watering.
Most of the time I can give a full gallon to one plant that's in a 3 gallon container easily with a bit of run off depending on how moist or dry the soil is at the time of watering. Otherwise, get you a 2 L jug and just give them 2 liters every other day or 2 til your confidence catches up and your more comfortable. I just saw your using @Bill284 method. 💚 I do believe with the perlite layers like that it's a daily watering.
Thanks for the info, now I'm pouring 1l each, the pot is not directly leaking but very wet on the bottom
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