Did I do the FIM wrong?

500ml is enough for exactly one lady, my calculations are not accurate as I can't know how much water I will be giving in two weeks time, praying Jha that I get money in time
Yes that was my mistake too.
Sorry my friend.
If you absolutely have too before the new bottles arrive you could add extra water to the nutrients to stretch them.
Mix 1 ml in 2 litres instead of 1 litre.
It's not great for them.
But it's better than just water.
But until the bottles arrive its something you can do to stretch your nutrients.
I'd never recommend this but your in a unique situation.

Stay safe
Bill284 :Namaste:
Yes that was my mistake too.
Sorry my friend.
If you absolutely have too before the new bottles arrive you could add extra water to the nutrients to stretch them.
Mix 1 ml in 2 litres instead of 1 litre.
It's not great for them.
But it's better than just water.
But until the bottles arrive its something you can do to stretch your nutrients.
I'd never recommend this but your in a unique situation.

Stay safe
Bill284 :Namaste:
Okay, well, I'll try not to let that happen:lot-o-toke:
Hey, everybody! Finally transplanted all the ladies.


@Bill284, I poured 1.5 liters of water into the big one today as 1 liter seemed small to me, but there was a lot of water coming out (you can see the rag in the first pics as it wouldn't stop flowing), is this supposed to be the case or do I need to reduce the volume?

Hey, everybody! Finally transplanted all the ladies.


@Bill284, I poured 1.5 liters of water into the big one today as 1 liter seemed small to me, but there was a lot of water coming out (you can see the rag in the first pics as it wouldn't stop flowing), is this supposed to be the case or do I need to reduce the volume?

Until the pot is full of roots you will get more run off.
Do a little at a time until you see some in the catch tray.
That way you will use less.
Once it’s full of roots it will drink more.
All you need to do is keep it moist for a week or so until you get more roots.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
All you need to do is keep it moist for a week or so until you get more roots.
Thanks for the explanation, I have another question for the future, I know that full flowering of the buds occurs when it starts to get darker, but I don't understand how to know when it's time to stop giving fertilizer (and does it ruin the flavor much?), in general, my plant has 4 vegetative weeks, and blooms for 6 weeks if you follow the manufacturer's words. But, I've also encountered cases of guys getting everything ready either a little earlier or a little later. How do you prevent this from happening so that the plant matures later? I would like the first plant to not have a very long wait time
Thanks for the explanation, I have another question for the future, I know that full flowering of the buds occurs when it starts to get darker, but I don't understand how to know when it's time to stop giving fertilizer (and does it ruin the flavor much?), in general, my plant has 4 vegetative weeks, and blooms for 6 weeks if you follow the manufacturer's words. But, I've also encountered cases of guys getting everything ready either a little earlier or a little later. How do you prevent this from happening so that the plant matures later? I would like the first plant to not have a very long wait time
They are photoperiods right? Not autos?
What happens is when the girls sit in the dark they produce a hormone the causes them to flower.
They will not start flowering until they have a 12 hr build up of the hormone.
When you are ready to start flowering you change your timer to 12 hours off 12 hours on.
After approximately 2 weeks of this they will start producing pistils.
When you see these pistils it's time to start week 1 of flower nutrients.
Then just follow the schedule week by week feeding what they recommend.
I believe your nutrient schedule calls for a week of water at the end.
Since your in coco I recommend just a flush of plain water and feed again afterwards.
So theoretically you will feed until harvest.
It may say 6 weeks on the seed package but count on 8 weeks minimum of flower before harvest.
But sometimes it takes 9 weeks or more, strain dependent.
I feed my girls every day to runoff.
All the way until harvest.
I've never once had a complaint about taste or harshness, not 1 complaint.
I don't flush and I get a great harvest.
Just keep feeding, posting and asking questions.
We will work together until harvest so you don't have any problems. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ok you don't have control then. :Namaste:
Leave your timer at 20/4.
They will flower on their own regardless of what you do.
When you see pistils start week 1 of flowering nutrients.
You will have smaller plants but your tight for space anyway.
This could work in your favor.
thank you
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