Gee really has you covered this grow! And that's a lovely table for three. :)
He does indeed! Thank you Shed :)
No apology necessary, but Very much appreciated! ❤️

I understand the frustration when things aren't going right. Especially, when it is something you haven't experienced before.

Overwatering diagnosis is very confusing because it is a Broad term for Water movement thru the plant, and can be caused by so many things. as @g-one-three pointed out this morning on another thread, plants sitting directly on a basement floor could keep the root zone too cold for water movement. Which is Legit and could be a factor! (Not on your grow)

Your plants are looking Alot Better! ❤️

I never stopped ❤️ing you, and hoping for your Success! ❤️
Yes definitely.

No, I gave one top dressing when they started flowering.
OK you should topdress weekly in flower. Well veg too actually. What are the instuctions on the topdressing bag, as in how much per applicetion per gallon of soil. That sort of thing.

What was it called again?
It's light and fluffy. I run my fingers through it regularly.
Then your calcium is good so I would skip the CalMag for now.
Sure I can do that.

I'm certain the foliar helped, that and I gave the dose of calmag and K, so the cocktail has worked nicely.
Good, stop the backwards slide until it's fixed.
It does yes. Every 14 days it says. Would that mean that I should wait another two weeks before dosing the plant again, or do you think it is different with a foliar?
No I would do it now. Skip the seaweed feed and use this instead. Keep fish ferts in your rotation tho, it's fungii food far more so than plant food. Don't starve the fungii. But still add the myco.

I would do a full Nourish feed today and then add the myco drench tomorrow, and then let them dry down until they need watering and start your feed/water cycle from there. That way if the problem corrects itself in a few days the feed did it, but if it doesn't improve for a full week it was myco.
OK you should topdress weekly in flower. Well veg too actually. What are the instuctions on the topdressing bag, as in how much per applicetion per gallon of soil. That sort of thing.
Ok, I'll have another look at all of that tomorrow. It's nearly lights out for the night.
What was it called again?
Dirty Hands Inc Elemental Blend.

Then your calcium is good so I would skip the CalMag for now.
Good, stop the backwards slide until it's fixed.

No I would do it now. Skip the seaweed feed and use this instead. Keep fish ferts in your rotation tho, it's fungii food far more so than plant food. Don't starve the fungii. But still add the myco.
I would do a full Nourish feed today and then add the myco drench tomorrow, and then let them dry down until they need watering and start your feed/water cycle from there. That way if the problem corrects itself in a few days the feed did it, but if it doesn't improve for a full week it was myco.
Ok great. I'll do it in the morning.

I've got some photos here for you. I'll do a separate post for each plant to make it easier to distinguish between them.

Starting with the Blueberry.

This is a third node leaf

This is a mid to upper level leaf

This is up top
I've snipped off the bad lowers from the Red Mimosa XL during defol. Now all that remains is some rust spots like the MAC #1 and the same yellowing of the uppers that both the others have.

I've snipped off the bad lowers from the Red Mimosa XL during defol. Now all that remains is some rust spots like the MAC #1 and the same yellowing of the uppers that both the others have.

Thanks Carmen. It definitely looks like a potassium issue, and now we know that in theory it can cause the calcium issue and looking fat and over watered issue.

I wonder if Blueberry is a K pig. To me, and I think I have mentioned it to you a couple times in the past, that it looked over watered, even early on.

That says it noticed the low K from the beginning of life, so you may need to slip it the odd extra K feeding, maybe with seaweed or kelp.Something to keep an eye out for at least.
So Carmen, here is how I determine how much to top dress. I'm not saying you should do it this way, but here is my way and the logic behind it.

Right now my soil mix is a base mix ammended with 6 tbsp of Gaia Powerbloom per gallon of mix, and the appropriate amounts of calciums. That amount of Gaia is enough for 4-6 weeks of nutrition. I err on the side of caution, so every 4 weeks.

So in a 4 gallon pot it would be 24 tablespoons every 4 weeks.

That breaks down to 6 tablespoons a week, and EWC.

Your Elemental blend, on a soil rebuild program calls for 10-30 ml per litre of soil, so err on the side of caution....30 ml per litre, or 2 tablespoons.

You have 4 gallons of soil I believe, so 15 litres. That would be 30 tablespoons of elemental blend every 4 weeks, so 7.5 tbsp weekly, or .45 cups. That actually sounds about right, and then a cup and a half or so of fresh EWC mixed in with the top dressing.

What are your thoughts?

Do you think 7.5 tbsp per pot per week sounds about right?
So Carmen, here is how I determine how much to top dress. I'm not saying you should do it this way, but here is my way and the logic behind it.

Right now my soil mix is a base mix ammended with 6 tbsp of Gaia Powerbloom per gallon of mix, and the appropriate amounts of calciums. That amount of Gaia is enough for 4-6 weeks of nutrition. I err on the side of caution, so every 4 weeks.

So in a 4 gallon pot it would be 24 tablespoons every 4 weeks.

That breaks down to 6 tablespoons a week, and EWC.

Your Elemental blend, on a soil rebuild program calls for 10-30 ml per litre of soil, so err on the side of caution....30 ml per litre, or 2 tablespoons.

You have 4 gallons of soil I believe, so 15 litres. That would be 30 tablespoons of elemental blend every 4 weeks, so 7.5 tbsp weekly, or .45 cups. That actually sounds about right, and then a cup and a half or so of fresh EWC mixed in with the top dressing.

What are your thoughts?

Do you think 7.5 tbsp per pot per week sounds about right?
I appreciate you so much, thank you Gee man. I can't math! My bags are actually 5 gallons or 20 L. Do you think I could go with half a cup instead?

EDIT - I went with half a cup. They are all Nourished :cheesygrinsmiley: and top dressed now. In two days time they will get the first half of their water with liquid kelp, and the second half with myco. Two days after that they will have another dose of fish emulsion, then alternate with the liquid kelp until they are ready for their next dose of Nourish. How does that sound, @Gee64?
I appreciate you so much, thank you Gee man. I can't math! My bags are actually 5 gallons or 20 L. Do you think I could go with half a cup instead?

EDIT - I went with half a cup. They are all Nourished :cheesygrinsmiley: and top dressed now. In two days time they will get the first half of their water with liquid kelp, and the second half with myco. Two days after that they will have another dose of fish emulsion, then alternate with the liquid kelp until they are ready for their next dose of Nourish. How does that sound, @Gee64?
A half cup should work fine. Keep an eye on it for crusting.
Happy Saturday just had my morning coffee at my empty kitchen table and was giggling thinking about putting plants there 😆. Hope you have a great weekend!
Excellent use of a kitchen table, I tell ya! ;) Thanks, and have a good weekend too G.
Looks epic. Your buds are waaay bigger than your pics show. Have a lekker weekend chom.
Hello you :) So nice to see you! Have a lekker weekend! I thought of you while I was cooking my supper. I got creative. I'm doing pork sausages from Riebeek Kasteel with this chickpea dish that I created. I roasted the sweet red peppers and did the chickpeas with a lot of garlic, some oregano, bay leaf and star anise. I'll eat it with basmati. Can so totally be canna infused.

Hell Yeah them's gonna be some fat nugs! They're not even there yet and they're already promising 💎💎💎
Thanks Jiggi! That's what I love to hear. Nuggeliciousness 😋
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