The plants in my last grow that I could keep DLI the best, did the best! Yours are beaming! Nice work!
I'm glad to hear that, thank you Otter! I was giving the plants in my previous grows way too much light I do believe.
Interesting discussion. :) I think you meant take in CO2 and expel O2 along with water vapor.:bong:
He’s referring to the microbes I believe which do require air as well…
Interesting discussion. :) I think you meant take in CO2 and expel O2 along with water vapor.:bong:
Nope. Microbes breath O2 ans expel CO2. The plant takes in CO2 and expels O2. It's a symbiotic relationship. It's the foundation of organics.

I see where my wording may have caused confusion, I apologize. I was referring to the soil, as Carmen and I have talked a lot about soil, so she would know I meant the soil, but I can see how by my wording I could have confused others not privvy to our conversation.

What I meant was in soil, water and air share the same space, and with myco's help the plant gets to set up it's own microbial biosphere.

Some plants require more microbes that breathe more air than other plants require, so those plant require drier soil, but the same amount of water over their lifetime, so full soakings to dry, as in a robust wet/dry cycle hurt them.

They like a smaller wet/dry swing that is on the drier side but constantly moist, not wet, to allow more air into the roots.

End result, they are finicky and a PITA.
Nope. Microbes breath O2 ans expel CO2. The plant takes in CO2 and expels O2. It's a symbiotic relationship. It's the foundation of organics.

I see where my wording may have caused confusion, I apologize. I was referring to the soil, as Carmen and I have talked a lot about soil, so she would know I meant the soil, but I can see how by my wording I could have confused others not privvy to our conversation.

What I meant was in soil, water and air share the same space, and with myco's help the plant gets to set up it's own microbial biosphere.

Some plants require more microbes that breathe more air than other plants require, so those plant require drier soil, but the same amount of water over their lifetime, so full soakings to dry, as in a robust wet/dry cycle hurt them.

They like a smaller wet/dry swing that is on the drier side but constantly moist, not wet, to allow more air into the roots.

End result, they are finicky and a PITA.
Here's my finicky today :)

Sorry I was laughing because of the PITA aspect of a finicky plant. Thanks for the soil wisdom Gee man!
Highya Carmen,

I have to ask, what was the difference with your auto ladies when there was a problem, and now? Could you elaborate a little, please. By the way, the plants look very nice! I think Daffy would like seeing the cat again, too. :love: Happy Smokin'
Highya Carmen,

I have to ask, what was the difference with your auto ladies when there was a problem, and now? Could you elaborate a little, please.
Hey Bode, I sure can.

I've made three material changes:

Firstly, my soil I rebuilt myself and got lucky with that. Previously the soil was all first run soil and now it is just coming into its own. I rebuilt it with a mineral premix and EWC, so I didn't have to do very much except keep it moist, which leads to the second point;

I followed Gee's moisture squeeze test to determine optimal moisture, and I made sure to water lightly when the time came.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, I have dialed back the light. I am following this DLI chart specific to autos:


By the way, the plants look very nice! I think Daffy would like seeing the cat again, too. :love: Happy Smokin'
Thank you! I'd also like to see the cat again It's been raining buckets for over a week and it's super cold. The cat is hasn't been around. As soon as the sun comes out she'll visit again. Tell Daffy hi and give her a tickle from me :)
Highya Carmen,

So, what did the plants look like - overwatered? May I trouble for a before and after picture. I'm trying to determine if I can apply those principles to my grow. I grow outdoors in the ground. I won't consider altering the light, but water them everyday, unless it rains. they never look overwatered, though. I apply minerals in the fall mostly. Have much organic matter in the soil. Add microbe solution every week, and organic ferts when it appears necessary. Recently, a couple ladies are devouring the large fans, so I added a couple small handfuls of blood meal. Slowed down the progression, anyways. Well, I didn't mean to ramble so.... Happy Smokin'

Oh, and Daffy said thanks for the extra tickles!! :)
Highya Carmen,

So, what did the plants look like - overwatered? May I trouble for a before and after picture. I'm trying to determine if I can apply those principles to my grow. I grow outdoors in the ground. I won't consider altering the light, but water them everyday, unless it rains. they never look overwatered, though. I apply minerals in the fall mostly. Have much organic matter in the soil. Add microbe solution every week, and organic ferts when it appears necessary. Recently, a couple ladies are devouring the large fans, so I added a couple small handfuls of blood meal. Slowed down the progression, anyways. Well, I didn't mean to ramble so.... Happy Smokin'

Oh, and Daffy said thanks for the extra tickles!! :)
Hi Bode,

I wonder what's causing your fans to be devoured and I hope the blood meal staves it off. @Gee64 is very knowledgeable about all things organic. We head over to his thread when encountering issues of this nature, and he usually helps us identify the cause and apply a solution.

There's a misunderstanding I think. I haven't had an overwatered plant this grow. Here is a blog about overwatering.

I think this photo may have mistakenly been attributed to overwatering when in fact the wilt was caused by thirst:

A few lower leaves on two of the plants show a possible potassium deficiency but I am watching that and if it progress I will give them a dose of my homemade banana concentrate 2T/ L . It's interesting to note that these leaves turned as the plants went into flower. Perhaps they were extracting what they needed and are done. I hope so.

Highya Carmen,

Thank you for the trouble you went through. I guess there was a misunderstanding, so thank you for clearing that up. Super Silver Haze seem to take much more nitrogen than others. They do this every year. I just thought there might be another solution. I'm glad you have such great help to get a stellar group of autos!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Carmen,

Thank you for the trouble you went through. I guess there was a misunderstanding, so thank you for clearing that up. Super Silver Haze seem to take much more nitrogen than others. They do this every year. I just thought there might be another solution. I'm glad you have such great help to get a stellar group of autos!! Happy Smokin'
I haven't been able to stop my outdoor plants from losing a few leaves around this time. The big ones on the main stalk maybe 3 or 4 on them. All the leaves on branches don't do that though. It's a wonder.
MEDIUM – revitalized used LOS (living organic soil)

At intervals I will top with EWC (earth worm compost) and an elemental blend. I will also be using a product called Sea Brix: " SeaBrix is a balanced plant and soil food comprising a broad range of macro, micro and trace minerals, including plant natural stimulating hormones, enzymes and amino acids. The formulation of kelp, fish hydrolosate, amino acids and triacontonol is blended to maximise plant health and plant growth."

LIGHT - 2 x Vipar Spectra XS 1500 Pro LEDs @ViparSpectra

This will be my first grow that I consider DLI, the daily light integral, i.e. the amount of usable light hitting the plants every 24 hours. Previously I followed the recommended PPFD map but I wasn’t measuring DLI.

South Africa is in an energy crisis. We have daily, scheduled rotating power outages that generally last between 2 to 5 hours at a time. The number of hours per day varies according to the condition of the grid. Many days of 2023 were spent with only 12 hours of electricity per day. This makes tracking DLI a challenge.

I am using an online calculator to figure out how many hours to leave the lights burning, and at what intensity (PPFD). I use the chart below to tell me target DLI throughout the different stages of the grow. Knowing the target I can physically turn the lights off part of the time, aiming for the following guidelines:

0 - 100 PPFD​
Early Vegetative Stage​
150 - 400 PPFD​
Late Veg/Pre-Flower​
350 - 500 PPFD​
Flowering Stage​
400 - 800 PPFD​
Flowering with CO2​
600 - 1100 PPFD​
Source: 420 Fast Buds (Best LED Lights for Growing in Small Spaces | Fast Buds)

cannabis-dli-cycle-autos-1 (1).png

Source: Photone

Lighting Plan For The Grow

Week 1 Target DLI is 12 200 PPFD for 18 hours / 300 PPFD for 12 hours

Week 2 Target DLI is 16 250 PPFD for 18 hours / 300 PPFD for 15 hours

Week 3 Target DLI is 20 300 for 18 hours / 500 PPFD for 12 hours

Week 4 Target DLI is 30 450 for 18 hours / 500 for 15 hours

Week 5 Target DLI is 40 600 for 18 hours / 700 for 15 hours

Weeks 6 to 9 Target DLI is 45 700 for 18 hours / 800 for 15 hours

Final Week 1 Target DLI is 40 600 for 18 hours / 700 for 15 hours

Final Week 2 Target DLI is 36 550 for 18 hours / 650 for 15 hours

Final Week Target DLI is 32 500 for 18 hours / 600 for 15 hours

Bearing in mind loadshedding, these figures are all just targets and a guide, we will see if I can keep in the ballpark. Remember too that flowering times for auto flowering plants can vary greatly, and the grow can last 12 or more weeks, so reducing DLI for finish will be judged as the grow happens.

It will not be possible to control the temperature and humidity of the grow space, so I try not to worry too much about that. I train my plants into low canopies to prevent them from growing too tall on the kitchen table. They are gently up potted from a solo sized container to their final 20 L fabric pots as soon as the root ball is able to hold together, usually at about 2 to 3 weeks. Careful watering in the early days is critical to avoid stunting the plants.
Great start Carmen, hope you don't mind if I follow/comment now and then. I use the same DLI chart, so good choice :). OMG the power issues, I take for granted our power situation in the US, makes me start to think about things differently. Hang in there.
Highya Carmen,

Thank you for the trouble you went through. I guess there was a misunderstanding, so thank you for clearing that up. Super Silver Haze seem to take much more nitrogen than others. They do this every year. I just thought there might be another solution. I'm glad you have such great help to get a stellar group of autos!! Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode, look who say's hello

I haven't been able to stop my outdoor plants from losing a few leaves around this time. The big ones on the main stalk maybe 3 or 4 on them. All the leaves on branches don't do that though. It's a wonder.
Interesting 🤔
Great start Carmen, hope you don't mind if I follow/comment now and then. I use the same DLI chart, so good choice :). OMG the power issues, I take for granted our power situation in the US, makes me start to think about things differently. Hang in there.
Thanks 024! We've been lucky so far this year. We've had over 100 days without loadshedding. Long may it last.
Happy Monday

Here are some update pics. Not a lot to tell. Everything seems to be going smoothly. I tidied up the Blueberry.

Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Carmen, You think that amazing 1500 pro light you're using helps them plants flower faster? Or just your awesomeness flower power touch making them flower so fast? 🤔❣️
Hey Jiggi, I think it is partly genetics and probably conditions of the grow but they are all flowering within the normal range. I prefer it if they take longer to veg and you can see that these are on the small side. I hope they bud up nicely now despite the cold, wet weather :passitleft:
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