In MA we can keep all we grow. 6 plants each with 12 limit per household. So you know what that can bring. On the other hand, only 4 grams of concentrate can be on property. Might be 3.
Damn. That's friggin' strange, Stone!

I hope you're good at hiding your concentrates. We all know they're not the easiest things to conceal! 😁
Damn. That's friggin' strange, Stone!

I hope you're good at hiding your concentrates. We all know they're not the easiest things to conceal! 😁
...then you have to figure out whats up over here in Germany... - crazy bullshit!!!
No dispensarys, just "social clubs" allowed (max 50g by person/ month). Are allowed to sell up to 5 cuttings or seeds... - On the web you are allowed to buy as many as you want - but just from the EU!
You are allowed to grow up to 3 plants and may earn up to 50g out of them!!! :hmmmm:
You are allowed to own and sell cuttings - but if they are in soil they are counting as a plant and that is forbidden if you are over 3 by person....
...then you have to figure out whats up over here in Germany... - crazy bullshit!!!
No dispensarys, just "social clubs" allowed (max 50g by person/ month). Are allowed to sell up to 5 cuttings or seeds... - On the web you are allowed to buy as many as you want - but just from the EU!
You are allowed to grow up to 3 plants and may earn up to 50g out of them!!! :hmmmm:
You are allowed to own and sell cuttings - but if they are in soil they are counting as a plant and that is forbidden if you are over 3 by person....
50g is just slightly less than I'm personally allowed to have at anytime in my possession, even locked up within my residence.
Illinois, there's always new laws and I hate laws. :battingeyelashes: I'm sure as shit that idk the whole cabootle of legalities here, most of me could give 2 shits n a fuck..i do know it's a $200 fine for every plant confiscated. Growers must have a medical card thingy, and it's I believe 5 plants per household. :snowboating:
Nice! Sharing is so cool. You and your weed will be much appreciated, I am sure!

This is our law -

According to the Bill, there is a prescribed quantity of cannabis that an adult can cultivate and possess for personal use:

  • Unlimited seeds and seedlings for private cultivation;
  • Allowed four flowering cannabis plants or cannabis plant equivalent per adult person in a private place;
  • Privately possess one flowering cannabis plant or cannabis plant equivalent in a public space;
  • Privately possess 100 grams of dried cannabis or cannabis equivalent in a public space;
  • Privately possess 600 grams of dried cannabis or cannabis equivalent per adult in a private place.
A an adult person may provide to, or obtain from, any adult person without payment:

  • 30 seeds or seedlings or any combination thereof;
  • One flowering cannabis plant or cannabis plant equivalent;
  • 100 grams of dried cannabis or cannabis equivalent.
This is also confusing because wtf is a "cannabis plant equivalent" / "cannabis equivalent"?
Happy Sunday! Just had morning coffee and starting to feel like your plants coming alive!
Woohoo! Now I say to you happy Monday! :)
Happy Sunday Carmen😊👊.

SA cannabis laws are very generous. In Canada we are allowed to share, you can't have more than 30 grams on you outside your personal residence, 1kg at your residence, and 4 plants not plainly visible to the public per residence.

It's still more than enough but the government gets I believe $1/gram tax for sales so that is really how they want it.

Whenever I get too close to the 1kg amount I give it away or feed the worms.

Have a wonderful Sunday 😊🥂
How is the 1kg residential limit enforced @Gee64?
Honor system, plus it's Canada and we don't lock our doors so if you get caught you blame it on drunken hockey players staggering into your house and leaving copious amounts of weed, beer, and smokes laying around eh!
Really no one cares up here, just keep it away from kids. That will hurt if they catch you on that. 14 years. Legalization wasn't that big of a deal, everyone was already growing "medically".
I've often wondered why any jurisdiction that has legalized possession and growing would impose limits on how much one can possess. In my view, there is no practical way to enforce such provisions.

Here we can:

  • Possess two ounces or less of marijuana;
  • Transfer one ounce or less of marijuana to another person who is at least 21 years old, so long as there is no payment made or any other type of exchange of goods or services;
  • Cultivate within their residence up to six marijuana plants, no more than three of which are mature;
  • Possess marijuana-related drug paraphernalia – such as bongs, cigarette rolling papers, and cigar wrappers – that is associated with one ounce or less of marijuana; or
  • Use marijuana on private property.
Makes no sense.
Our laws are already being challenged. Originally plants werent allowed to be over 1 meter tall outdoors, so someone proved that if you scrogged 4 to keep them low it put you over 2 pounds every time, and claimed their human rights were being violated by not being allowed to grow 4 plants as a result of the rules.

They backed off on height restrictions and changed it to not reasonably visible from the outside of the property.

We had to start somewhere. Having a black mark against you for life because you got caught with a bag of weed when you were 18 yrs old made no sense. Canada also fully pardoned all simple possession convictions for weed 100% nation-wide.
Their "human rights!" Such drama! 😁
Here it was decided by our Constitutional Court that it was infringing on our constitutional rights to prevent adults from using cannabis.

"What the court found

In making its ruling, the Constitutional Court considered several issues. These included privacy, health concerns and the status quo in other parts of the world.

Delivering the unanimous judgment, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo stated that “the right to privacy entitles an adult person to use or cultivate or possess cannabis in private for his or her personal consumption”. And, he added,

to the extent that the impugned provisions criminalise such cultivation, possession or use of cannabis, they limit the right to privacy.
The court also examined the medical evidence that was used when the case was first brought to a lower court – the Western Cape High Court – as well as evidence from a 2002 case about the religious use of marijuana. It found no persuasive medical evidence that dagga in small amounts was harmful to users, particularly compared to the harm resulting from use of alcohol. Nor was there proof that marijuana use caused violent or aggressive behaviour or that its use led to the use of more potent or dangerous drugs.

The Constitutional Court noted that the personal consumption of small quantities of marijuana had been decriminalised or legalised in many other democratic countries.

The State failed to prove that the existing limitation of privacy was reasonable and justifiable. The relevant legal provisions that criminalise personal, private use of dagga by adults were declared unconstitutional and invalid. That order was suspended for 24 months. This will give parliament time to rectify the constitutional defects.

In the interim, the court ordered, adults who use, possess or cultivate cannabis in private for their own personal consumption are not guilty of contravening these provisions."

Happy Sunday afternoon! The girls look great @Carmen Ray.
Thank you!
Being that I live in a very Red state, which was surprising that the recreation law even passed at all, the law is being challenged the wrong way and they are trying to remove any form of home grow being legal. Lawmakers state the black market will thrive because of home grow, but honestly if the black market thrives it's because of the 30+% tax on recreational dispensary weed they are going to impose. Fingers crossed that they will leave the law alone because I enjoy being on the right side of the law finally 😂.
In MA we can keep all we grow. 6 plants each with 12 limit per household. So you know what that can bring. On the other hand, only 4 grams of concentrate can be on property. Might be 3.
...then you have to figure out whats up over here in Germany... - crazy bullshit!!!
No dispensarys, just "social clubs" allowed (max 50g by person/ month). Are allowed to sell up to 5 cuttings or seeds... - On the web you are allowed to buy as many as you want - but just from the EU!
You are allowed to grow up to 3 plants and may earn up to 50g out of them!!! :hmmmm:
You are allowed to own and sell cuttings - but if they are in soil they are counting as a plant and that is forbidden if you are over 3 by person....
Interesting folks, very interesting!
Damn. That's friggin' strange, Stone!

I hope you're good at hiding your concentrates. We all know they're not the easiest things to conceal! 😁
I seldom run up to the limit. If I'm doing a special project with a sponsor it gets hairy but on any other day I'm clean. I'm a flower guy 🌻. :) How'd that happen :laugh:!

Happy Monday!

The plants are getting leafy! I may have to do a bit of pruning but right now I am getting away with tucking for the most part.

Thanks for looking in, keep safe and have a glorious week.
How did it get to day 39 so soon! They're thriving nicely!
Watering And Pruning - Day 40

Blueberry was thirsty last night already, meaning that 1 L every 2 days is no longer enough, so I watered to run off with 2 L. The water included a booster of microbes and Sea Brix (fish ferts, kelp and minerals). Let's see how long this will last.


That's as much run-off as I like to get. I poured it back into the top of the pot.

I removed a few leaves from the Blueberry to open up some lower bud sites.


Here is are the leaves and larf that I removed from the MAC #1

Here is the larf I removed from the Red Mimosa XL

To be continued...
@Gee64 Please take a look at this situation. I noticed it today and I gave the Red Mimosa a dose of Calmag because it was most advanced in these leaves. I was planning to dose the MAC#1 tomorrow and watch the Blueberry until next watering. Is it Potassium or Calmag, or something else?
That looks like it could be a potassium deficiency starting.

Have you done anything differently last week?

Is it in all the plants?
It's in all three. I have a banana potion that I prepared for this eventuality. I will dose them. I just need to find out from Azi how much to give them. Thanks Gee man. Oh no nothing different except that they are in early flower, all three.
@Gee64 Please take a look at this situation. I noticed it today and I gave the Red Mimosa a dose of Calmag because it was most advanced in these leaves. I was planning to dose the MAC#1 tomorrow and watch the Blueberry until next watering. Is it Potassium or Calmag, or something else?

Hi Carmen Ray!

I grow Hydro, and one of the Most valuable tool in my Head is recognizing Root/O2 problems most call Overwatering. It doesn't always mean 2 much or 2 often watering, it could also be brought on by temp, humidity, light intensity... etc.

I do notice this 2 be what is going on with your plants. I do not believe those leaves mean you need to add anything to correct it, and sometimes doing more can cause more problems.

The things I look for to check for this is Bloated leaves, leaf edges turning under, leaf edges changing color, yellowing veins, droopy leaves....

Overwatering (root O2 problems) can cause many things like calcium def, P def, K def, slow growth, etc...

Adding Cal/Mag, or other nutes will not fix this, you need to figure out why the plant is restricting O2 absorption.

Do you recognize the symptoms? ❤️

Hi Carmen Ray!

I grow Hydro, and one of the Most valuable tool in my Head is recognizing Root/O2 problems most call Overwatering. It doesn't always mean 2 much or 2 often watering, it could also be brought on by temp, humidity, light intensity... etc.

I do notice this 2 be what is going on with your plants. I do not believe those leaves mean you need to add anything to correct it, and sometimes doing more can cause more problems.

The things I look for to check for this is Bloated leaves, leaf edges turning under, leaf edges changing color, yellowing veins, droopy leaves....

Overwatering (root O2 problems) can cause many things like calcium def, P def, K def, slow growth, etc...

Adding Cal/Mag, or other nutes will not fix this, you need to figure out why the plant is restricting O2 absorption.

Do you recognize the symptoms? ❤️
As I said in my latest post, I just watered the plant. Thanks very much. I am on top of the watering.
More on Watering:

My plants are on day 41. This is my watering log.
Blueberry1 L 750 Ml1 L2 L run off
Red Mimosa0500 ml01 L calmag
MAC1 L 750 ml1 L0

For the record, I see no signs of overwatering.

This is a comparison between a thirsty plant and a plant that has been watered to run off. Here are the before and after pics.

This is a very thirsty plant. The soil is bone dry.

Here is the plant having recovered by this morning, after receiving a full 2 L watering to slight run-off.

Does the fact that you haven't mentioned load shedding mean that it hasn't been as much of a problem lately? I sure hope so!
Over 100 days without! Which begs a few questions...
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