Highya Carmen,

She's gorgeous. I was noticing that last time! Love all the new growth near the canopy! Your training method is really working well. Enjoying the ride is such a big part of life!! Glad you're there!! Happy Smokin'
More on Watering:

My plants are on day 41. This is my watering log.
Blueberry1 L750 Ml1 L2 L run off
Red Mimosa0500 ml01 L calmag
MAC1 L750 ml1 L0

For the record, I see no signs of overwatering.

This is a comparison between a thirsty plant and a plant that has been watered to run off. Here are the before and after pics.

This is a very thirsty plant. The soil is bone dry.

Here is the plant having recovered by this morning, after receiving a full 2 L watering to slight run-off.

To me, this blueberry looks like it's unhappy. That being said, it has looked unhappy since the beginning, I too already suggested that you were overwatering it when clearly your not, which tells me it's just a finicky strain.

It has a problem with nitrogen, you can see it across the whole plant. The amount of nitrogen in your soil is too much for this strain. If you want to make special soil just for it so in future grows it is happier, you could do that, but thats a lot of work.

Myself I would just avoid this strain in future grows. The Mac1 has good turgidity. That means it's cycling water not holding it in it's leaves and getting fat.

Nitrogen requires lots of water so water fat plants naturally experience the claw that the blueberry is showing. That has not as much to do with watering as it does with transpiration.

Here is something to try, put blueberry in the prime light and Mac in a lesser than prime light for at least a week and see if blueberry increases turgidity and Mac loses hers.

Also your dealing with auto's and they are quirky. Blueberry's woes could be genetic.

All that being said, whether you are over watering or not, blueberry is too wet internally and the best way to straighten that out is environment. Put her under brighter light (not over bright) and put a fan on her to force transpiration and see if she improves.

Indicas in my experience love wind a lot more than sativas. Sativas like a nice breeze, indicas like a gale. Blueberry is a heavy indica strain if it's a real blueberry.

Try raising her a couple inches closer to the light and see what happens. Be patient and see in a couple weeks. You want her to pray to the degree that Mac is.

If you have a heat mat that may help her out too, it will boost transpiration. Set it for 78F.

And then there is this, and it is in no way an accusation, just a general observation and some science I have done. Azi was a prime example of it and it's very common.

Until you actually see how a properly watered plant looks and feels and how dry the soil actually is on a properly watered plant IN FLOWER, you will be over watering.

Everyone is guilty of it. Myself included.

When soil moisture is perfect not a single drop will come out on the squeeze test.

In flower the plant requires far more oxygen than in veg. In veg it needs heavy nitrogen assimilation and that requires lots of water. In flower it requires robust microbial activity and they breath in lots of air and expel lots of CO2. They are the base of the carbon cycle.

So in flower your plant will go thru more water, but it transpires it quicker too so the water doesn't stay in the plant long enough to cause nitro toxicity. The water brings in the nutes but gets expelled quickly. The leaves go turgid. Thats your sign of proper water movement to environment ratio.

You need to find a balance between soil moisture, lighting, and the environment, and it's different for every strain so it can get tough when growing multiple strains at once.

And it's an auto. I see some having great success with them, but most struggling.

I would add heat and light and rev her up in a breezy spot. Force her to shit or get off the pot.

But..... you have seen how I bully plants. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose......

But I always learn from it😊

Watering less at once but more frequently to keep her just above the drought line may work really well too. It's finicky and more work, but a great learning experience if you watch her closely.

Let her dry down to almost wilting and then very slowly and gently give her only half of what you normally would for water and continue to watch. Slowly dial her back but don't let her wilt.

If her seed description states drought tolerant then she likes wind and dry soil under a bright light, which translates into she requires far less nitrogen than most.

I have a theory on plants that don't process nitrogen properly, and I have no proof, only how I put the pieces together in my mind, but I think that strains that don't process nitrogen properly were seeds bred in non-organic fashion. If you want the nitty gritty on this Keff is the guy to talk to about it.
In flower the plant requires far more oxygen than in veg. In veg it needs heavy nitrogen assimilation and that requires lots of water. In flower it requires robust microbial activity and they breath in lots of air and expel lots of CO2. They are the base of the carbon cycle.
Interesting discussion. :) I think you meant take in CO2 and expel O2 along with water vapor.:bong:
Her turgidity has already increased, what did you change?
Hey Gee, thank you for that explanation. I changed nothing. The plant processed the water naturally and in pretty good time in my observation. It was wilted badly from being in a bone dry pot. I read this as it is processing that water more quickly and so I gave a "root wetting" deliberately with microbes and fish ferts, fully expecting the plant to take the day to perk up, which is what it did.

I will revert to the more conservative watering regimen. I just wanted the water to reach the bottom of the pot for the bottom roots, at what I consider to be a turning point in the life of the plant. It's going into flower. I didn't think that 1 L of water would get to the bottom of the 5 Gallon pot.

Regarding the lighting, I have two Vipar Spectra XS 1500 lights and the Blueberry is under one dedicated light and the MAC under another dedicated light. I have measured PPFD and they are both on the high side of the range in the late 700s. The Mimosa XL Auto is the one in the middle.

I have a reptile heating pad I can try. It doesn't have an accurate temperature gage but I can put it on low and see if that helps. I do have a fan on them already. I'll go rig up the heat pad now.
Carmen, Gee's discussion about your Blueberry nails the experience I'm currently having with my Cosmic Lights strain. It's a tough problem to overcome, IMO.

Take solace in the fact that some plants will have problems unrelated to anything the grower has done! :)
Carmen, Gee's discussion about your Blueberry nails the experience I'm currently having with my Cosmic Lights strain. It's a tough problem to overcome, IMO.

Take solace in the fact that some plants will have problems unrelated to anything the grower has done! :)
Thank you Gdb :)
Thank you Gdb :)
Oh, you believed that?! Nah, girl, you fucked up that Blueberry! 😁

(I'm sorry. I kid too much, I know. But a laugh is a laugh!)
Hey Gee, thank you for that explanation. I changed nothing. The plant processed the water naturally and in pretty good time in my observation. It was wilted badly from being in a bone dry pot. I read this as it is processing that water more quickly and so I gave a "root wetting" deliberately with microbes and fish ferts, fully expecting the plant to take the day to perk up, which is what it did.

I will revert to the more conservative watering regimen. I just wanted the water to reach the bottom of the pot for the bottom roots, at what I consider to be a turning point in the life of the plant. It's going into flower. I didn't think that 1 L of water would get to the bottom of the 5 Gallon pot.

Regarding the lighting, I have two Vipar Spectra XS 1500 lights and the Blueberry is under one dedicated light and the MAC under another dedicated light. I have measured PPFD and they are both on the high side of the range in the late 700s. The Mimosa XL Auto is the one in the middle.

I have a reptile heating pad I can try. It doesn't have an accurate temperature gage but I can put it on low and see if that helps. I do have a fan on them already. I'll go rig up the heat pad now.
If you dried it right down and then added however much water you added you should try that again, but maybe dry it down no quite as much, and then don't add quite as much when you water next.

It really does look a lot better, it has "the look" of a plant about to take off.

You may have found its sweet spot. I think it just needs more air is all so you may end up having to water smaller amounts more often to hold it in a dampish stage with less wet/dry cycling extreme, but a bit on the drier side, closer to the needing a drink side to keep extra air in the roots.

Some plants are just plain finicky. But whatever the case, it bounced back nicely, she's revving up.

Cool, you have all 3 going good again😊👍.

Hows the banana potion coming, have you figured a dosage yet?

The microbes and fish ferts were a good call too, neither can ever hurt. Fish is my fave😊
If you dried it right down and then added however much water you added you should try that again, but maybe dry it down no quite as much, and then don't add quite as much when you water next.

It really does look a lot better, it has "the look" of a plant about to take off.

You may have found its sweet spot.
I hope so!

You should see it now! It droops completely before lights out and begins to perk up in the morning. It can be a bit hard to tell with this plant. Mind you, the MAC #1 droops before lights out too.

I think it just needs more air is all so you may end up having to water smaller amounts more often to hold it in a dampish stage with less wet/dry cycling extreme, but a bit on the drier side, closer to the needing a drink side to keep extra air in the roots.

Some plants are just plain finicky. But whatever the case, it bounced back nicely, she's revving up.

Cool, you have all 3 going good again😊👍.

Hows the banana potion coming, have you figured a dosage yet?

I decided to hold back for a few days and watch. The pots need to dry back anyway so dosing them now would make the root zones too wet. It's the lowest leaves on all three of the plants that are affected in this way. The MAC#1 has a rust spot but that's doesn't appear to be spreading.

The microbes and fish ferts were a good call too, neither can ever hurt. Fish is my fave😊

Incidentally, I removed the secondary branches that were too low in the canopy to become more than larf, and an accidental leaf.


I hope so!

You should see it now! It droops completely before lights out and begins to perk up in the morning. It can be a bit hard to tell with this plant. Mind you, the MAC #1 droops before lights out too.

I decided to hold back for a few days and watch. The pots need to dry back anyway so dosing them now would make the root zones too wet. It's the lowest leaves on all three of the plants that are affected in this way. The MAC#1 has a rust spot but that's doesn't appear to be spreading.


Incidentally, I removed the secondary branches that were too low in the canopy to become more than larf, and an accidental leaf.

I think your on to something. My next grow was going to be 4 different strains but watching you juggle 3 ladies egos is making me rethink things. What I really want to grow is LC-18 so I may switch directions and do a monocrop. I'm remembering now how busy you must be trying to stay ahead of 3 different ladies. Better you than me!!🤣👊

Delarfing will pay off bigtime later, and trimming just got easier😊
Oh, you believed that?! Nah, girl, you fucked up that Blueberry! 😁

(I'm sorry. I kid too much, I know. But a laugh is a laugh!)
I know I know, it's all my fault! 😅

Kidding aside, I'm pretty pleased with how it's going. It's promising to be my biggest auto so far. The pressure will be harvesting and hanging it in time for my trip out of town in early September.
I think your on to something. My next grow was going to be 4 different strains but watching you juggle 3 ladies egos is making me rethink things. What I really want to grow is LC-18 so I may switch directions and do a monocrop. I'm remembering now how busy you must be trying to stay ahead of 3 different ladies. Better you than me!!🤣👊
It feels as if it has been a very low maintenance grow so far :)
Delarfing will pay off bigtime later, and trimming just got easier😊
I know I know, it's all my fault! 😅

Kidding aside, I'm pretty pleased with how it's going. It's promising to be my biggest auto so far. The pressure will be harvesting and hanging it in time for my trip out of town in early September.
So glad you appreciated my stab at humor. I was a little worried! 🙄

Mrs.GDB has warned me that it's just a matter of time before I really offend someone trying to be funny. I say nonsense. She does knows me very well, but she doesn't know you all at all!

Hopefully you'll be able to meet that gotta-go schedule. Just don't take any advice from @LKABudMan. His autos take like a year to finish! 😁
So glad you appreciated my stab at humor. I was a little worried! 🙄

Mrs.GDB has warned me that it's just a matter of time before I really offend someone trying to be funny. I say nonsense. She does knows me very well, but she doesn't know you all at all!

Hopefully you'll be able to meet that gotta-go schedule. Just don't take any advice from @LKABudMan. His autos take like a year to finish! 😁
LOL! A proper belly laugh :laughtwo: If I grow an LKA-length plant I may be ok because it's a short journey I'm going on 😅 Also you can reassure MRS GDB that you're in good company here :circle-of-love:
Hi Carmen :ciao: ! You have them well! :woohoo::green_heart:
Thanks Otter! :passitleft:
Highya Carmen,

She's gorgeous. I was noticing that last time! Love all the new growth near the canopy! Your training method is really working well. Enjoying the ride is such a big part of life!! Glad you're there!! Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode, thank you very much for noticing :circle-of-love: Happy Smoking!
Week 6 Update:

Screenshot (15).png


I've turned the lights up to 100 % power and raised them higher. The PPFD remains the same and in the correct range for the DLI recommended by the chart. I used a calculator to determine the range. Here is the chart.


Whoa! Look at the Blueberry! No longer blue! :yummy:
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