Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

I think i have co2. I got this on ebay. You fill it 1/3 full and drop 1 tablet in every week. Is 18 $ on ebay. Don't know if it works but I'm tryin it.
Its attatched with zip ties to the upright in the right-hand corner.


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Hey Tom, I'm also a first time grower. Ive got a 3 plant run of autoflowers 25 dahs from sprout.

The little round leaves are called Cotyledon leaves. They will provide your little babies with enough nutrients to help them get a good start. I was told not to give any nutrients (other than calmag) untill you see those coty's begin to yellow showing that the plants are getting hungry. If that is poor advice someone with more experience will correct me I'm sure but it worked out for me. At 25 days old I've only just started with my nutrients.
Feel free to swing by my journal if you'd like to follow a fellow newb

Have a knife day
I think i have co2. I got this on ebay. You fill it 1/3 full and drop 1 tablet in every week. Is 18 $ on ebay. Don't know if it works but I'm tryin it.
Its attatched with zip ties to the upright in the right-hand corner.
10-4. I've been looking at similar things that produce co2. I think that co2 is one of those processes that I may tinker with down the road.

I'm leaving tomorrow for a vacation in Washington (state). After I get back, I'm going to start procuring supplies for my first grow. By the time that I get everything set up and running, you'll be an old pro, Tom. I'll be leaning on you pretty heavy to help me win "Bud of the Month", assuming you don't beat me to it. Be well, my friend.
Hey Jon,
Wife is home and while she's not thrilled with the idea but i think I'm gonna get away with my project. She doesnt want to get caught and neither do i. It looks like i might get with only asking for forgiveness. it seems to have worked better than trying to get her permission. God is good.
Indeed, Tom. God is good. Sounds like you got a keeper.
I decided to open the tent today to give the girls some fresh air. I planted the autoflowers in the pots they're going to stay in because of their short grow period. I did some rearranging in the 10th to try to increase cold air flow into the tent. The photoperiods are really stretching.
I'm gonna head out to pick up a couple things then i will attempt to get my RO system set up.


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good morning,
it appears i have been ebayed on the RO system , so i opped for the RO Buddie Chris.
the pp's are really looking good and at day 2 the af's have revealed their 2nd set of leaves.
am lighting them 18 /6 and they go nighty night from 2pm to 8pm. and they are lit up while i'm sleeping.
Everything seems to be going well. i'll get some pics to post later.
Sorry bout the terrible pics. Those are the pp's. The ak special's lesf tips are drooping a bit. I think i might have overwatered. I read Emylia' s( hope i spelled that right) paper on properly watering potted plants and i think she's saved me from a potential big mistake we 1st timer's do. Thank you my dear.


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