Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

Just put em to bed for their night. I did a little rearranging in the tent and a little housekeeping. I am amazed with the new growth on all the girls.


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just dug up the info on the af's. They are both from canuk seeds. White Widow Auto and Auto Purple Kush. i'll be doing some more study on these stains. If anyone following this journal has any familiarity with these strains please let me know what you've learned.
Good morning Tom. All is looking good, my friend. I just returned from a week in the land of milk and honey (Washington State). Those fine people seem to have this whole legal weed thing figured out. Plenty of dispensaries, with plenty of product and to the best of my observations - no ill effects. On Friday night (we were flying out Saturday morning) I had a few grams of flower left over from the week, and I needed to find someone to gift it to. I walked to the loading dock of the hotel at about 7:00pm to burn one last bowl. As I fire it up, I see a homeless man start to walk down the alley that I'm in. I'm above the alley (on a platform) about 10 feet and I keep smoking as he walks underneath where I'm standing. All of the sudden, he slams on his breaks, he turns and looks up at me and asks if I have a cigarette that he can bum. I said, "No sir, but I have something better" and I show him the jar of flower. His eyes lit up and he joined me on the platform. We burned a bowl together and afterward, I gave him the flower, the pipe and the lighter. The good news is that I probably made his night a little more tolerable, the bad news is that I probably have SARS, now. Just kidding, but I certainly won't be telling the wife that I shared a bowl with a homeless man. It was a wonderful trip.

Enough about me... I have a lot of questions so I will space them out a little. First - your RO system. I have been reading some reviews of many different RO systems and all seem to mention the same thing that I hope you can clarify. Do you really waste 3 - 4 gallons (roughly) of tap water for every gallon of RO water that is produced? Maybe I am misunderstanding that to some degree. I just hate to waste so I would want to try to capture that "runoff" of wasted water to water my outside plants, if nothing else.
Yes there is substantial waste water but im using it to feed the wife's house plants(and she has a shitton of them. The RO Buddie is good but i had to put an oring in it to seal it. I'm pleased with it this far.
Well Roz left this morning for Boston. I took a couple of pics i took this morning. I also hung the control for ventilation system. I gotta get em cooler during their day. As soon as the lights go out my tent temp drops quickly but with the lights at 18" above the plant they rise to 86 to 89 degrees. Jump in anybody if u have ideas. Fortunately, I have my swamp cooler on its way and I'm here during the day so I can spray a little Mist in there to cool things down a little bit. These pics here are of the the photo. Plants and I'm going to have to be up partying and probably topping on them pretty soon. anybody?


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Looking good, my friend. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you had done this before. Have you tinkered anymore with your cooling issue, or are you just letting those ladies breath in an open tent, since the wife is away? I'm particularly interested in your cooling issue because I envision my setup mirroring yours closely. The temperature of the room that my tent will be in is similar to the temp of the room your tent is in. I'm hoping that I can manage the tent temp with just an inline fan but I'm beginning to question that now. I may have to rig some kind of exhaust fan directly over my light to try and pull as much of that heat out as quickly as possible. Or, I'll just sit back and see what you figure out and copy you. That's more my style, anyway.
I've watched a lot of video since i started. i did take my carbon air filter off my output fan and I've dropped the fan speed a good bit but those lights disperse some heat. Im gonna b lookin for a smaller light with a full spectrum led (cob?) that i can add to my grow and when pps go into flower l would like to try these lights in veg or bloom to see if i can get a more even light pattern over the whole canopy while lowering my wattage draw and also heat.
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