My 1st Medical Grow - Thanks To NukeHeads

I don't know how many days until flip lol I'm going by your call.. I would say flip on friday?
Flip was when you switched to flower......back when you changed to 12/12 hours of light and dark.
Ok - I'm wondering if I messed up or not?

So I have been giving her water... I found my little jewelers glass so I can really see the trichomes. upon looking at them and being an amature.. I'm not sure about this process. I found lots that are shaped like mushrooms, but also it looks like many have not developed and do not look like mushroom heads just yet. also none of the trichomes that look like mushrooms have any amber in color....

I read online that it means the plant is not finished yet. Did I mess up by stopping her nutes? Should I go back to feeding her until there are way more trichs that look like mushrooms? I wish I found this magnifier sooner. I'm not even sure if Im doing this right. I see leaf plants with lots of crystals and then thrown in the mix are the trichs that are shaped like mushrooms. How many days does it take for them to form? Does not watering it for the next 2 weeks develop the trichs?

The plant as you see in photos look finished in my eyes - I also read somewhere that I can speed up the ending by switching the lighting to 13 hours dark and 11 hours light.. would this work?

I came this far and it would be upsetting if I stopped nutes to soon and there are not enough of those mushrooms - I don't get high.

So -
Do I return to feeding them until more trichs show up? (there are plenty? I might be downplaying how many there are, but In my head I think each leaf should be 100% covered in these mushrooms, not 30-40% full.
still go the next two weeks with just plain water and also maybe give only 11 or 10 hours of lighting to make her think winter is approaching?

Thanks guys! Hope everyone is doing well!
I think you’re seeing the different types of trich ones, not all develop the heads. Try to focus on the trichs on the calyx’s of the flower instead of the sugar leaves. They will give you a better idea overall as opposed to the leaves’ trichs. And like Chris mentioned, if possible, show us some trichs!
I never thought about posting a photo!

It was hard to get so I had to pick off a bud and place on my lighted table. (Any quick dry suggestions to be able to try today? :-) ) :passitleft:

Here are the pics - Thanks again for replying guys. I'm almost there because of you guys!! I want it to be perfect!!

I don't flush, but thats because I don't use nutes so i can't really help you much Jay. I would say based off what Growchy said....somewhere between 7-14 days minus however many days she has begun her flushing already.
That loupe should be one of your best friends come flushing and harvesting time Jay. Thats really what going to tell you when you should do what brother. Keep track of that loupe buddy!
I now have it in a safe place! thanks!
BTW - I quick dried in the microwave - I found directions on here.

It was a little harsh but van - I'm loving life right now! I'm really really high with a big smile on my face!
Thank you so much for the ATF - I want to grow her again!! I really like this feeling right now.. The best part- Like i said.. I cheated and dried in a microwave were it lost its taste and also its potency .. I can't wait to cure her the right way!

Van - Thank you sir!!

I'm feeling like this cat!!!
Update! It's my Birthday! I survied another year!!
I chopped the tops off my babies since they were showing a massive amount of amber! half way down she is still has lots of white hairs. I figure I will give the lower half another week with the lighting and then I will be cleaning that room so I can bring my secret project into that room.. Right now I have her under 24 hours of straight light.. Once she goes into my grow room.. I'm going to give her 4 hours of darkness..

So here is my birthday present to myself! A new baby

Auto Northern Lights Thanks to HAppy Face!! My first auto that I figured out how to grow! I made so many mistakes in popping seeds back in September - I have been using Van Stanks way to germinate seeds and it worked perfectly on my Auto!! I wish I knew then what I know now! I lost so many seeds that it makes me want to cry.. Since I do not have many - I'm going to try and learn cloning, as well as hopefully grow a male plant and attempt to pollinate like I see Van and Growcyhyz

( I will gladly accept seeds for a birthday present!) LoL

I'm just so excited that I'm now using all three lights that I got because of all of your kindness!! My doc spoke with me yesterday and It looks like I'm going to be on the CBD/THC mix for more than I thought. So I plan on being a lot more active on here. The CBD has been a wonder with my seizures. It is a bummer that I'm doing this for straight out meds and not for fun.
completed!!! Everything is jarred - I ended up with 3 jars 75% full - Sorry I do not own a scale...
I have tons of shake and cut that I will be using to quick dry and smoke for the next two weeks.

Thank you everyone for helping me get my meds for the first time! It was a great birthday! (Just wish my family would remember me)

Special thanks to -
@Van Stank, @WoundedKnee, @Pennywise,
@Happy House, and @Mars Hydro Lighting!

I started the clean out of my grow room. I plan on putting my northern light in there and I'm going to pop 3 more seeds but I will be doing it one at a time since I made too many errors and lost a lot of babies due to my errors.. but now that I feel I got down The Stank way of germinating! I'm hoping to have a male, so this time I could try so let them get there grove on, so I can gain some seeds.

Thanks everyone! ATF is an amazing smoke and it is not even cured yet!! (I just do not know what number ATF this one is)
Glad to hear you are enjoying the smoke brother! Its my go to when my back is really acting up. Hope it helps with your pain as well brother. Looking forward to seeing you try your next adventure!
Its great! I cant thank you all enough.
I cleaned out my closet with bleach and i started an auto northen light! Shes growing great!

I’m a little short on seeds due to my errors in the past so I’m scared to start more than two at a time because of my other errors

I have 12 seeds -left.

The photos are all auto northen light expect for the last one - It’s a baby that some growchy guy sent me :-) I’m gonna flip when the auto finishes. Lights are on 20/4 for now.

Btw still waiting for my prize for finishing this journel. That you said I would get
I think I rocked it for my first time. Can a brother get a 420 sticker or a ballon or something lol. I worked hard with my content. Nothing like a noobie coming in and actually grow fully!
I’m a little scared to start a new tread because the iPhone app doesn’t work still and it seemed like a lot of people lost interest.

PM for my address! Birthday presents accepted!!!
Also my birthday passed! I got lifted with the rest of the nuke. She is a powerful smoke and I love it. I should of waited longer until I seen amber but it seems I got the nuke when it was cloudy. I could only imagine what amber crystals would feel like.

What do you think of my auto? From the pics. Any suggestions?

U all rock. I just feel like I lost a lot of people that were watching my journal when the 420 app stopped working. Kinda was a hit to my self esteem. Didn’t think my journal was good enough in all honesty. I have just been logging on here and watching stank grow his nukes the real way. Very impressed. I wish I knew then what I know now.

(Where is the fairy seed prince! I want to start learning more and learn to clone and also mate for my own seeds. Judging from the piece of lung they took from me 3 weeks ago.. I’m gonna be on meds longer than i thought. But hey at least i have a hobby for now.

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