Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

here is a pic of the white widow af. is it normal for the whiteish coloration on the leaves ?


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here is a pic of the white widow af. is it normal for the whiteish coloration on the leaves ?
It is very hard to see what I need to see in the purple light. It looks like it may be a magnesium deficiency, but I can not verify that with your picture. Especially when seeking diagnostic help, a quick picture during the dark phase with a flash camera can be better than this, in being able to see what is going on. White Widow is known to be a nutrient hog so it is not surprising that she is showing a need for something extra.
ok, the real light view made a world of difference. I can confirm that I do not see a magnesium deficiency, but I do see a couple of things.
I see a generally puffy look to your leaves, across both varieties. I see the beginnings of signs of root damage, yet that should not be in smart pots... so I have a question or two for you. How often do you water? By what means do you determine that it is time to water? How much do you give when you do water?
I suspect that you are watering too often and that your lower roots are in distress. Part of the problem is that you didn't fill the smart pots. They are already wider than they are tall, the opposite of what these weeds prefer, but you have made it worse by only using half of the container. It is going to be hard to do in a smart pot, but if you could carefully peel them out of there and then add in some fresh soil underneath them, it would be well worth the trouble and the bit of shock it will produce. This would also immediately help to get the water off of the roots that I suspect is sitting there at the bottom and center of your bags.
Thank You Emily . you are right. i will try to fix this right away. Do the pps need more soil too?
yes, I would recommend to fill those bags up to 1 inch from the top, and then put a proper mulch on top of that, filling it right up to the top.
I want you to compare the pictures in post #200 to today. In the earlier post these plants were very healthy, reaching up to the light and very happy about the conditions they found themselves in. That is what you want to see, vs the mostly horizontal and even drooping downward leaves that you see today. Make your plants work to find all that water in there between waterings, and during veg be very stingy... force those roots to grow. The best way to do that is to let the container dry out all the way between waterings. Am I right that you have not been doing that?
You say moist, but deep toward the center there is a lot of moisture in there... too much by the mottled look of your leaves. If you can discern any water weight at all when you lift up that container, as compared to a similar container filled with dry soil, then it is not yet time to water this weed. This is a hard one to grasp for most backyard gardeners, but once they get hold of the wet/dry cycle concept, everyone agrees this is the best way to grow a weed.
Well got the af's moved and lots of wilt in her now.

did you water properly so as to merge the new soil with the old? I would water completely, saturating that soil, and then I would patiently wait for her to figure things out and drain that water. It could take a while... this root damage has caused you to lose time, but you will recover from it.
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