Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

Well i got em out 4 pics. The 1st 2 are the pp's the 2nd 2 are the af's. The last pic is of a couple of yellowish dots on a fan leaf.


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Highya Tom,

I went through the journals list again and stopped on yours. I became fascinated right out of the gate. first time grower, clrwtr (I used to live just off Gulf to Bay Blvd), and you listen to what advice is given. A perfect novice, whose's destined to be another proficient cannabis grower. Your young ladies look great! I'm sure you're getting an education. The watering thing is the hardest lesson to learn, but it is the best way to get a great root system. More roots, more buds!
I have to applaud Emmie's noticing about the root rot problem. She really pays attention to the signs that her plant is giving her. Takes a special gift (or years and years of experience) to know them that well. Btw, Tom, you may want to read through her journals. Tons of info in there!
I do grow, but don't have the technology to get pics to the net, so I just hang out and enjoy 420 people. This year I put 6 little girls out about the same day your 4 wk girls came up. With all the rain we've had, I'm surprised they're still alive (outdoors in soil). But they are, and looking similar in size to yours, so it'll be fun to follow your grow and compare.
I'll just be in a corner with some of the other oldtime hippies there. I'll not be the only one to stumble in. Cheers
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