Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

sitting back with my mighty filled with candiland and rethinking how i tried to kill my new girls. lesson learned for the next grow.:ganjamon:
@Emilya would you help Tom get his signature of his grow ! I am no good at helping with this @Reave fixed my first one !
@Emilya would you help Tom get his signature of his grow ! I am no good at helping with this @Reave fixed my first one !
For whatever reason, Tom's response to me suggesting that he start a journal was to open up a conversation directly on the appropriate pictures in his photo gallery, so there really is no journal to link in the signature lines.
For whatever reason, Tom's response to me suggesting that he start a journal was to open up a conversation directly on the appropriate pictures in his photo gallery, so there really is no journal to link in the signature lines.
Okay I just caught him out and about without it !
For whatever reason, Tom's response to me suggesting that he start a journal was to open up a conversation directly on the appropriate pictures in his photo gallery, so there really is no journal to link in the signature lines.
oops... i got confused with another poster... sorry. Tom... you want to start a journal? lol
if you click on your username on the top black bar, you will find signature. Click on that and you can edit links (look at the link button) to your journal. Sorry about all the confusion... I apparently have hit my Sunday limit and need to put the bong away.
I wished I had a hit , I’ve got 2 kids, 8 grandkids, and 6 great grandkids it’s like wildlife over here !
Wow, Tom. A lot has happened since Friday. I spent almost every daylight hour in the yard this weekend, doing all of the things that I usually avoid, so I didn't get a chance to drop in on your journal. What a great resource this site is, am I right? Think about all of the OGs that had to figure all of this out on their own. This isn't rocket surgery but until you and I can learn to listen to what the plant is telling us that it needs, we need good folks like @Chris Scorpio and @Emilya to hold our hand a little. Luckily for us, both seem very fluent in Cannabese :laugh:.

Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the Purple Kush rebounding. Hopefully, she'll be "praying to the light" in no time. I stole that expression from @Emilya. Keep on keepin' on, my friend.
i'll get a quick pic throw the window and post it.


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