Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

Here are both. I think i understand things a bit better.


  • 20190529_112552.jpg
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Good morning, day four of the photoperiod girls and still autoflower seeds sprouted and went into rheir growpots this morning too.


  • 20190530_074206.jpg
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  • 20190530_074211.jpg
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Just subbed up, Tom. I love watching first grows because I hope to be doing just that, in the near future. Well first, your setup - I like that you're jumping in with both feet. You're not converting an old filing cabinet in the basement with a few CFL bulbs and tin foil. You're erecting a 4 x 4 tent in the mothereffin' bedroom! Without your wife's consent! As far as I'm concerned, you should be Time's MAN of the year. Because that's what you are my friend, an effin MAN. And just so that I am clear, CFLs, tin foil and filing cabinets are okay by me too. I've been researching this stuff so I have a pretty good idea the money that you have laid out for this venture. And all without the wife's consent... Please update us as to her reaction. My wife has agreed to look the other way while i conduct my felonious activities. She just requests plausible deniability, so I'll have to be a little more stealthy (I won't be able to grow in our bedroom, for example). I've got my 5 gallon bucket pulled up and I'll be here through the end. Good luck to you, but it looks like you're off to a great start. Since Chris is here, you're in good hands.
Thsnks friend. I dont think it will b long b4 they legalize it here. How about you?
Everybody, in a non-legal state, says the same thing but Alabama may be the 50th state to legalize it. I've accepted that but it ain't going to slow me down, my friend. Since I won't be selling it and since the wife is requesting that I keep it out of her sight (and smell), I don't really have any fear of being caught. I do, however, welcome the winds of change that seems to blowing in this country, regarding legalization. It drives me crazy that the hysteria to criminalize the drug has endured for this long, especially when most people understand the many benefits and also understand the minimal risks. It's madness, I say.
Good morning
Day 5 of the php girls. I think i see a second set of leaves sprouting.
Are the 2 rounded leaves under the 1st set of pointed leaves the only time i will see leaves of that shape?
Okay Tom, this feels a little weird but I'm going to attempt to answer a question on this forum. One of the actual growers, that knows what they are talking about, will correct me if I am wrong. I think those rounded leaves are embryonic leaves that will eventually start withering and will fall off. I think they just serve the purpose of getting the seedling going, then the real leaves take over. Those rounded leaves have a name, I think it starts with a "C", but all I can think of is "coitus". But that is where my mind wanders to eventually, anyway.

I have a question for you. Did you ever get the "budget" RO system hooked up? If so, I'd like to hear more about it because that is something that I will need to purchase, as well.
Nice pics...they look nice and healthy

I use the 2 stage, 3rd is more for drinking

My ppm of my water is over 500, I literally see fish and rocks come

RO takes it to like 26pom and around 6.5ph

Best $50 I've spent on growing
I have a sink adapter and quick release hose setup so I can still use the sink if needed
Fill a few 5gal buckets and always have good water ready
Nice pics...they look nice and healthy

I use the 2 stage, 3rd is more for drinking

My ppm of my water is over 500, I literally see fish and rocks come

RO takes it to like 26pom and around 6.5ph

Best $50 I've spent on growing
I have a sink adapter and quick release hose setup so I can still use the sink if needed
Fill a few 5gal buckets and always have good water ready
All good info. Thanks Chris.
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