Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

The GZ's gonna make it despite the problems. If you need meds then you need the meds. Do it! Have a taste
That little devil on my shoulder is back.
But she wants me to take the tree lopper to the trunk.

I'm attempting to be patient...
Anyone use the Encap brand fast acting lime???

I wish that I would have added the dolomite when HH suggested it. Seems that I was shortsighted. My apologies Twiglet. :love:

Still have to address this issue and I'm just weighing further options. The lime is supposed to be easy to overdose but still marginally safer than the KHCO3.
It won’t hurt at this point, right?
I still have weeks left with the other two plants and I didn't like the yellowing at the bottom of the Blue Shark this morning. All of the plants look a bit anemic.
For now they are on top of my driver.
For drying little "samples", I use the hot air from my light-just clip the little nug in a clothespin and lay it on the light with the nug dangling in front of the exhaust vents -the warm air dries them in about 4 hours- the taste isn't great,but the effect is just fine...
I picked up some of that lime. It says to use 1 Tblsp/ 12" pot.....right.

Gonna have to find some better dosing info. I'm guessing that I have about 20 quarts of soil in each of those buckets.
I found this regarding houseplants if it helps...

Mix 1 teaspoon of lime or calcium carbonate into 1 gallon of water. Pour the mixture into the pot until the soil is completely moistened. This will raise the pH a half unit -- for example, a pH of 6.5 would go to 7. Repeat the procedure in two weeks if the pH needs to be raised further.

Should I try close to 2 tsp/ gallon then? I could go up a full point or am I not supposed to double this and adjust it slower over a longer period of time?
I'm not much of a gambler when it comes to things I don't know much about. But I would start at 1tsp /gal to be safe only because you don't know what to expect. A half point will make some difference I would assume.

Good morning :hug: !
:circle-of-love: Good morning dear.

That sounds good to me. The Blue Shark is going to be ready for it before the other two. Doubt the GZ will dry out before chop day.
Morning Mrs. V I hope your well today.
I'm doing pretty well, thank you. I did pick up a cold somewhere so I'm trying to fight that off.
My son just left for home. I hope he didn't I catch what I have.
I'm doing pretty well, thank you. I did pick up a cold somewhere so I'm trying to fight that off.
My son just left for home. I hope he didn't I catch what I have.
That's to bad about the cold Mrs. N is just getting over a cold and the youngest is on the tail end of one as well. Glad everything went well for your son.
That's to bad about the cold Mrs. N is just getting over a cold and the youngest is on the tail end of one as well. Glad everything went well for your son.
His visit didn't go as planned but he's safe and healthy. That's about all I can ask for.
I did pick up a cold somewhere so I'm trying to fight that off
I find hospitals and doctor's offices are fantastic for spreading germs. I'd guess you may have picked it up at during one of your visits.
Any of our business why things didn't go as planned?
I find hospitals and doctor's offices are fantastic for spreading germs. I'd guess you may have picked it up at during one of your visits.
Any of our business why things didn't go as planned?
Just the whole surgery thing. It was very unexpected.
Having to deal with my overly, overly, overly concerned ex husband wasn't my favorite. I did get to yell at him to calm the f*** down.
I haven't had that pleasure in quite awhile and rather enjoyed it. Thank goodness I only had to deal with him on the phone instead of in person.
My son didn't even want to talk to him, just too stressful.
I haven't had that pleasure in quite awhile and rather enjoyed it. Thank goodness I only had to deal with him on the phone instead of in person.
My son didn't even want to talk to him, just too stressful.
Well it's too bad you had to go through that. Your main concern is your immediate family, so concentrate your energy on them and try not to think about the ex. :passitleft:
Well it's too bad you had to go through that. Your main concern is your immediate family, so concentrate your energy on them and try not to think about the ex. :passitleft:
No problem what-so-ever. I enjoy not thinking about him. :thumb:
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