Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Blue Shark looks great! Excellent stacking on that. GZ doesn't look worse for wear, so I think it will pull through to the finish line just fine. And the G13 needs bigger hands!

It's going to be a great harvest VG, as it should be.
I'm confident that the GZ will look much more impressive naked.
I wish my G13 clone wouldn't have died on me. It got bumped out of the Hempy cup by the pooch.
We had a talk about it and he's very sorry.
Could you not just pH the water on the high side and let the soil take it down through buffering?
Thats what I did. I didn't have time for the dip yesterday. I thought I posted it here but maybe that was in a DM to someone.
Thats what I did. I didn't have time for the dip yesterday. I thought I posted it here but maybe that was in a DM to someone.
You probably did, but I've been having a hard time concentrating in here. I'm almost over it. One more day. Please be patient.
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