Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Sheesh! Life really happens some days more than others eh!? Hope he comes throught it ok VG :Namaste:
He's good. I left him a little bit ago. He was pretty loopy and very funny. He should be discharged tomorrow morning.
Hi all. 14 friggin pages later. Glad you all got on top of the potassium issue. A lot of interesting bookmarks and threads for further reading there.
Fun to see the 420 hive mind in action.
Was gonna say how I love the Mexican funeral art in your new avatar, Vg, but seeing it’s temporary and all I’ll save my breath.
Good stuff. Thanks for the reads everyone.
Good luck Vg, getting the girls to jump through the harvest window!
Hi all. 14 friggin pages later. Glad you all got on top of the potassium issue. A lot of interesting bookmarks and threads for further reading there.
Fun to see the 420 hive mind in action.
Was gonna say how I love the Mexican funeral art in your new avatar, Vg, but seeing it’s temporary and all I’ll save my breath.
Good stuff. Thanks for the reads everyone.
Good luck Vg, getting the girls to jump through the harvest window!
Hey DD. Good to see ya.
It is a cool avatar no matter what some say. Lol. She should be up for the entire month.
By then Shed and Sauga should finally be used to it. Then I'll spring my new avatar on them. There can be no possible way that they will dislike the next one. It has been pre-approved.

We've figured out what's wrong with the girls soil,now I just have to correct it without screwing up my plants worse. Lol.
The kid is home. He has a sore bellybutton and abdomen and they shaved him but everything else is good. He has weight restrictions so he will be off from work for the next two weeks.

He can spend that time on his studies.

I feel better having him home. He's going to do some studying here today and go back tomorrow or Sunday.
Here is a fun giveaway from The Vault.

I really try to stay away from aquarium dechlorinators. There are many that contain formaldehyde and other stuff.

I'm a fish keeper. I've read all sorts of stuff about them.
good to know bit never saw a negative to it with coco dwc. might be a bit different with organics and bennies though. i know the company i i got rhe living soil from do their own neutralise product made from concentrated lemon juice. 1 drop to 10 litres. must be able to replicate it for our use from lemons maybe. any takers?
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