Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I tried cobbing once and it’s a very different high no doubts.
But you didn't come back to it. That's a curiosity. I just want to say I got it right. Some cobbers over there do whole harvests. I have to know! I still have mine. They added up to not much more than the originals. I should smoke them starting today. Haven't opened em up on 9 months. Might be different now.
I've done a LOT of cobs...not my thing

But the 1st time I chewed the DDA cob, I'm, ya....was WAISTED!!!!!!

So I'd encourage it if ya like that kinda stuffs
I'm pretty freaky. I bet I'd dig it.
The hardest part is making the 104 F temp. for the first time period. Instant pot is the new hero for that. Hot tub, Etc.

My dehydrator worked great

Put one of my temp/hydrometer I use in my jars in it to see where it REALLY was

Worked fa tastic...think like 115f got me at that 105f area
I also want to try caviar. I'll have to make my own. I'll have to see how much kief I get this harvest. Any of y'all made that. It looks pretty straightforward.
My son came to visit me today. He's at the hospital right now getting his appendix out. Didn't see that coming today.

Gotta eat, water the girls and get back to him.
Your avatar freaks me out :( I mean it in the nicest way, but I have a hard time relating to it. I guess I'm spolied with the toucan.
Its my October avatar....for Halloween. I had her last year too.
I've always liked that art style. seriously considered getting a tattoo kind of like that. I also like sugar skulls as well.
I have been a sugar skull for Halloween for a couple of years now.
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