ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

sometimes you need that instant blast of a nice bong hit. I used to smoke only joints and used the bong when i had some nice crystal saved up from copious amounts of weed busted up to make joints. Nothing like some tasty crystals packed in your bowl to send ya into another dimension. Unfortunately i dont have the time, or the money to waste on crystal extraction anymore, but its one of the main reasons i even smoke bongs today!
Dag Cronic, it amazes me how you always have so much going on but make it look so effortless. Great growing man...
Dag Cronic, it amazes me how you always have so much going on but make it look so effortless. Great growing man...

I know hey? its almost unfair! i feel like i work so hard and still manage to fuck something up!
Sounds nice of you man, considering your friends like that. Not many people do that. :thumb:

lol no cant spend money while on the couch, i'll give you that :)
but yeah i guess right now i'm THE stereotypical stoner.. Lazy as hell, got the dishes waiting and no money haha. Tommorow it's payday though so gotta get back on the horsey..Normally i stick to joints strictly so i dont get this wasted.. + its just much more enjoyable for me to smoke joints ;) i dont really like the right-away effect of the bong but i guess it all depends on why you're smoking. I just like to get mellow hehe.

I was just messing with you man :rofl:

sometimes you need that instant blast of a nice bong hit. I used to smoke only joints and used the bong when i had some nice crystal saved up from copious amounts of weed busted up to make joints. Nothing like some tasty crystals packed in your bowl to send ya into another dimension. Unfortunately i dont have the time, or the money to waste on crystal extraction anymore, but its one of the main reasons i even smoke bongs today!

I use vapes or one hitters once in a great while ill roll one lol

Dag Cronic, it amazes me how you always have so much going on but make it look so effortless. Great growing man...

I have a lot less going on now since I got rid of 2 more soil plants
those bugs are relentless lol
well get em under control even if I gotta get rid of the last soil plant to do it
and if I still see them ill just end this journal to do a full cleanup and then start a new one
well see

I know hey? its almost unfair! i feel like i work so hard and still manage to fuck something up!

my soil shit always gets fucked up :rofl:

ok im gonna do my update it isn't much
ok lets start with the unknown
chopped her today im thinking 1-1.5 oz dry out of her
she was thrown into bloom as a rooted clone with 1 week of veg time after it rooted







a few group shots








the ogk mom and the 2 pacman which I canned as of today the bugs were getting to it



theres 2 more pics of these 2 but for now




ok the ogk and the pacman again






the 4 cuttings from the unknown mother in the bubbler


the AK x S


and finally the White Widow I was hitting earlier in the one hitter
now im hitting chemdog saweet

Hey Cronic, your mystery plant looks healthy.and your chemdog looks delicious!

I'm sorry about having to toss all those plants, it's hard after all the caring and work that's put in to them. What kind of pests did you have??

I am a newbie, tried but haven't completely finished a grow yet. Now I have a pretty girl in DWC, which is first with any kind of hydro.
The other evening when I checked on her, the thing was dry as a bone...I had let the water evaporate out. She looked very, very wilted..Anyway, that's when I noticed the little black dots but they will wiggle like a worm if you look at it really close. I got the water and nutrients back in the the container and now she's looking just fine but she has those itsy bitsy worms. They don't seem to be affecting her since she looks ok now. Have you ever had this problem with yours...????
Sorry for rambling , just wanting your opinion.
Best of Luck and Thank you !!!:thanks:

Sorry to hear of your bug problem, that sucks. Best of luck to you, hoping the rest of your girls do well:thumb: :peace:

it is what it is we fix it and move on :thumb:
Thanks G

Aloha Brotha! I enjoyed your update! Nice chop on that mystery plant, I love those mystery strains :yummy: :surf:

Mahalo Brotha :high-five:

Hey Cronic, your mystery plant looks healthy.and your chemdog looks delicious!

I'm sorry about having to toss all those plants, it's hard after all the caring and work that's put in to them. What kind of pests did you have??

I am a newbie, tried but haven't completely finished a grow yet. Now I have a pretty girl in DWC, which is first with any kind of hydro.
The other evening when I checked on her, the thing was dry as a bone...I had let the water evaporate out. She looked very, very wilted..Anyway, that's when I noticed the little black dots but they will wiggle like a worm if you look at it really close. I got the water and nutrients back in the the container and now she's looking just fine but she has those itsy bitsy worms. They don't seem to be affecting her since she looks ok now. Have you ever had this problem with yours...????
Sorry for rambling , just wanting your opinion.
Best of Luck and Thank you !!!:thanks:


well Granny it was some kinda tiny little bug that crawls around need to look at it with a scope to really see it
kinda elongated in shape has eyes, antennae kills the leaves somehow
no wormlike creatures all these bugs I have came from the soil and im hoping I can get rid of it once all the soil is gone if not im going to have to stop and do a thorough cleaning
Thanks Granny

Real nice man I just keep learning from y'all. Good growers I keep watching peace :morenutes:

Thanks Evog

Say you like those LEDs huh? :high-five:

Oh yea Thank you Buddy :high-five:
Bummer bout the bugs. One thing I will say is soil does seem to have a better chance on getting bugs on indoor grows. Even when you transplant that little dirt that sticks to the bottom of the leaves seems to be next to impossible to ever get rid of bugs if they get started. Must give them nice nooks and crannies to hide out it. Congrads on the harvest. And I know you will be refilling them empty pots pretty damn quick anyways. Keepem Green
Happy Thurweedday my Brotha. Looking good and a nice harvest. Sucks to get rid of girls. I have two that I'm going to toss also. Just not worth the fight plus I'm a few plants over my limit.

I went 8 days without any MMJ and so as soon as I got home I medicated. OH SO NICE. I sure hope your pain isn't too bad and you finger heals fast. :circle-of-love:
Bummer bout the bugs. One thing I will say is soil does seem to have a better chance on getting bugs on indoor grows. Even when you transplant that little dirt that sticks to the bottom of the leaves seems to be next to impossible to ever get rid of bugs if they get started. Must give them nice nooks and crannies to hide out it. Congrads on the harvest. And I know you will be refilling them empty pots pretty damn quick anyways. Keepem Green

yea hopefully the bugs will go away if not I have to stop do a thorough cleaning and start fresh
Thanks NorCali :thumb:
it wasn't a big plant dried came in at 2 oz 13.6 grams :thumb:

Looking great bro. Lots of irons in fire.

not as much anymore but ill keep it going :thumb:

Congrats verry nice :thumb:

Thanks Dusty :high-five:

High Cronic friend
nice harvest some one said back some about the space an what you do with it is awesome:goodjob:an you do make it look so easy:bravo:

well I got more space now lol the other thing is I guess when you start crowding stuff so much
things tend to happen plants don't get to grow as big as could be etc..

Happy Thurweedday my Brotha. Looking good and a nice harvest. Sucks to get rid of girls. I have two that I'm going to toss also. Just not worth the fight plus I'm a few plants over my limit.

I went 8 days without any MMJ and so as soon as I got home I medicated. OH SO NICE. I sure hope your pain isn't too bad and you finger heals fast. :circle-of-love:

Well that sucks I hope your Girls are ok Brotha glad your back and got to medicate :high-five:

8 days !!!!! No ! :helpsmilie:

Home was looking good to you...all the way back! :cheer:

yea no kidding he musta been thinking im almost there all the way home :rofl:
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