ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

:wood: Hello...
Let me find out he was riding palm trees...

C, C, C of the jungle, friends of you and me, watch out for that tree!
Get well soon. I wish you and the family the best.

Thanks CO :circle-of-love:

High Cron:allgood: I am back to good health
I was reading some thing at OMMs you went an broke a finger :straightface: thats rough mate hope all else is good them fish look real good catches for ya
best of days :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

at least the ribs aint broke still hurts tho omm mustve really been hurting considering mine aint even broke
only my finger is :thumb:

Aloha Cronic. Those were some big fish I saw in OMM's thread. They must have put up a fight.

Hope you get well soon Brotha :ciao:

yea the bigger one in the back of the truck fyi it isn't my feet :rofl:
the bag its sitting on is 6 feet long that particular fish came in @ 190
took almost 2 hrs to get it into the boat
the other one about 115 came up pretty quick
Thanks Brotha :Namaste:

Dang, we gotta wrap you in bubble wrap :cheesygrinsmiley: you will float too

Hard to move like that Brotha Buck I would float tho :rofl:

High Cronically good friend
hope you are having a sweet Freeweed evening,, an yer finger an ribs are healing well :thumb::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

ribs getting better upper ribs chest area not as bad as the lower ones
I hurt those before not fun
the damn brace I gotta wear is irritating lol
other than that all is well hope it is for you too
ok its still Friday here so since I said id post my last res change update pics by the end of today im gonna do it now pics have already been uploaded
gonna do it in a new post
ok lemme see

ok well start with AK x S

ill try my best to get sundays res change update up same day :rofl:






a couple of group shots with the lights off



the Unknown
















I think theres 2 or 3 pacman pics




the ogk mom im flowering


the Auto WW
I tossed it in the garbage the bugs got it as they did to most of my cs projects and moms
but I got some pics have 4 cutting of the unknown im trying to root gonna do cs in hydro
have a couple more chemdog seeds to work with so im not too worried about those

so heres the auto ww and the cs plants


chemdog mom


and others





Group shots






what it looks like up top now






Happy Sativaday to you Chronic. Everything looks wonderful. Sorry to hear about the plants that went into the garbage.

I have to say that unknown plant... looks.....yummy!
Hope you have a great weekend.

Thanks Dusty :thumb:

WOW Chronic! Some lovely girls and so damn busy, loads going on but all looking lush and healthy! Simply loving it my friend!

Thanks For dropping by Light and Mahalo :high-five:

Happy Sativaday to you Chronic. Everything looks wonderful. Sorry to hear about the plants that went into the garbage.

I have to say that unknown plant... looks.....yummy!

Was the best way for bug control :rofl:
Happy Shatterday :Namaste:

Hey man, sorry to hear abotu the injury, I know how it feel my body hurts all the time nowadays...

Your plants look good, you sure know how to fill a space up to the brim :)

well its gonna empty out a bit so I can get the bugs under control
Thanks Crawdad :Namaste:
Buds looking very frosty Chronic, very nice ;)

Thanks Away that ones coming down anytime from tomorrow on depends how lazy or not I am and what I got to do :rofl:
oh nice, i'll look forward to read a weight/smoke report then :)
Do you make hash or butter with your trims?
And what would you say is the most "profitable" way of using your trim?
not profitable as in money-making, but i mean what do you feel you get the most out of?

it depends what friends want
ill make whatever :thumb:

and all hail lazyness LOL.. I've been hitting the bong to save money for the last week, and i swear that thing makes me sooo so so lazy!!

well you can spend money if you cant move off the couch
but then youll look like the stereotypical stoner lol
Sounds nice of you man, considering your friends like that. Not many people do that. :thumb:

lol no cant spend money while on the couch, i'll give you that :)
but yeah i guess right now i'm THE stereotypical stoner.. Lazy as hell, got the dishes waiting and no money haha. Tommorow it's payday though so gotta get back on the horsey..Normally i stick to joints strictly so i dont get this wasted.. + its just much more enjoyable for me to smoke joints ;) i dont really like the right-away effect of the bong but i guess it all depends on why you're smoking. I just like to get mellow hehe.
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