ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

Nice job Cronic, now you have two full jobs!!!
Congratulations on your job, check out my signature, hope it makes you smile.
Nice job Cronic, now you have two full jobs!!!
Congratulations on your job, check out my signature, hope it makes you smile.

hey thanks man

ok on another note im gonna go to the doctor today I think I broke my finger this weekend may have cracked a couple ribs too
did my res thing yesterday have some big things not going on lol
well I had to eliminate some stuff well get to that when I do my update
also gonna throw a couple pics up on OMM's off topic
Have a Great Day Guys
I may be around more often now for a bit as I may be home trying to heal
Dam Brotha you're not suppose to do that. I sure hope it isn't to serious and you heal quickly. Sending good vibes to you for a fast recovery. It's Munchday but not a happy one. :Namaste:
hey thanks man

ok on another note im gonna go to the doctor today I think I broke my finger this weekend may have cracked a couple ribs too
did my res thing yesterday have some big things not going on lol
well I had to eliminate some stuff well get to that when I do my update
also gonna throw a couple pics up on OMM's off topic
Have a Great Day Guys
I may be around more often now for a bit as I may be home trying to heal

Sorry to hear CHH, Dang. I hope you mend quickly. So how in the hell did you do that?
Bummer bout the bones. Whats with it you and Pop's both busting ribs???????????? Must be a Hawaiian thing. JK hope you don't sneeze. Keepem Green
Bummer bout the bones. Whats with it you and Pop's both busting ribs???????????? Must be a Hawaiian thing. JK hope you don't sneeze. Keepem Green
I was about to say the same thing Norcal but then I saw your post. I think somethings in the water over there...
Get well soon Cronic.
hey thanks man

ok on another note im gonna go to the doctor today I think I broke my finger this weekend may have cracked a couple ribs too
did my res thing yesterday have some big things not going on lol
well I had to eliminate some stuff well get to that when I do my update
also gonna throw a couple pics up on OMM's off topic
Have a Great Day Guys
I may be around more often now for a bit as I may be home trying to heal

Oh! Man Cronic! Sorry man, Those ribs will hurt for a long time. Sorry Buddy.:helpsmilie:
Dam Brotha you're not suppose to do that. I sure hope it isn't to serious and you heal quickly. Sending good vibes to you for a fast recovery. It's Munchday but not a happy one. :Namaste:

I got lucky ribs not broke just the finger :rofl:
still does hurt tho even tho its just bruised
Thanks Brotha

Yeah, exactly what Bee said.

Aloha Cronic , get well soon buddy. You are in our thoughts :circle-of-love:

Mahalo Brotha and Thanks


I was about to say the same thing Norcal but then I saw your post. I think somethings in the water over there...
Get well soon Cronic.

like I told Brotha Bee got lucky just the fingers broke :rofl:
still cant work like that tho since I got hurt off the job they wont want me there with a broken finger
its ok ill see if I can get temp disability ins.

Oh! Man Cronic! Sorry man, Those ribs will hurt for a long time. Sorry Buddy.:helpsmilie:

the ribs do hurt but I can say not as bad as you cause it didn't break
finger did tho lol
im getting brittle as I get older lol
to be honest I been working with that broke finger for about 2-3 weeks and my hurt ribs for about a week
didn't wanna miss time off work and lose my job
the foreman at work kept threatening if we miss a day for anything but being dead hed lay us off
I just got tired of the bullshit and decided to take care of my body as my finger wasn't getting any better in those 2-3 weeks
I told the doctor that he said I was damn tough doing construction with a broke finger and doing it without anyone noticing I had a
broken finger
but it is what it is if I don't have a job when the doctor releases me I think I have enough time to collect unemployment benefits
ill figure it out from there

ill do my update today ill start uploading my pics now but may be tonight before I post
have to be at my doctors office before 12 to pick up my x-rays to drop off to the other doctor I have to go see which is another 1.5 hrs later
my docs only 1/2 day today lol so I have like 3-4 miles drive from one to the other and 1.5 hrs to pass in between :rofl:
im not gonna drive all the way back home id drive home sit for 1/2 an hr then have to leave lol
anywho ill catch up to everyones journal soon I will have some time
maybe more time if I don't have a job when the doc releases me
oh well such is life we just flow with the tides
I see you are dodging me, I still want to know :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sounds like your ready to join the old farts club buddy. Things sure get complicated fast. Half of me wants you to keep your job and get yourself fixed up and the other half wants to see more of you like things used to be. Main thing is to get everything fixed up body wise, then worry about the other stuff. Maybe going fishing maybe more profitable in the long run. If I can help let me know.:peace:
Hey Chronic, hope your back to full fitness soon my friend. Best vibes coming your way :)

Thanks man ribs and chest hurt but nothing broken there
just the finger which is in some kinda custom made plastic brace :rofl:

S​ending get well wishes your way, Cronic, I hope you start feeling much better soon.:green_heart::peace:

Thanks grannyT :circle-of-love:

I see you are dodging me, I still want to know :cheesygrinsmiley:

errr sorry Brotha didn't know I was dodging you lol can you repeat the question for me?

Sounds like your ready to join the old farts club buddy. Things sure get complicated fast. Half of me wants you to keep your job and get yourself fixed up and the other half wants to see more of you like things used to be. Main thing is to get everything fixed up body wise, then worry about the other stuff. Maybe going fishing maybe more profitable in the long run. If I can help let me know.:peace:

well whatever it turns out it is what it is I wanna make sure my body is good so It doesn't get worse
Thank you my friend :circle-of-love:

ok I had to run all over the place today I didn't get to upload my pics like I wanted just wanted to say all the cs soil plants were canned
easiest way to do bug control only 3 plants in soil now which had the least or very little of those leaf killing bugs on them
it was going fast
but I still got ogk mom in bloom and the 2 pacman well see if they get issues also
if they do oh well ill can em and stay away from soil doesn't dry out too fast indoors under led's
causing bug issues I did however take 4 cuttings from unknown mom before I canned it so hopefully they root and ill do cs
in hydro
itll keep those bad bugs away
if I see them start to get on the hydro plants may have to finish up anything growing and do a cleanup and start fresh
well see

I will get to the update at latest fri and ill get sunday up sunday
visiting everyones journals ill make an effort tomorrow eve :rofl:
ok its late need to sleep gn all
errr sorry Brotha didn't know I was dodging you lol can you repeat the question for me?

:rofl: still dodging

How the hell did you hurt yourself was the question :cheesygrinsmiley:
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