Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Beautiful nug shots, C! :drool:
The Blueberry nugs tried to be dark, but they only made it halfway.... :)
I love the contrast between the green and the purple.
But then, something woke up in her, and she took off- she's done most of her growing since Wednesday...
Took me a while to find Ms Right.
Some things are worth waiting for :love:
I think I’d like to try one of those plants. Who was the seed bank or breeder for that plant?
Here ya go, Nev! I actually got the Blackberry auto seed from @BooWho2, :love: but she got it here.
And the half&half Blueberry auto was from @Weed Seeds Express ( JG gave me that one)
but I think it's discontinued now...
It makes me smile and sometimes giggle.…I thought I’d start early this year.
That avatar puts a smile on my face, as does it's owner... :)
As for the roots, I personally dont think that is a bad thing,
Yeah, pulling off a few roots probably wasn't the problem, but something put a bug up her butt for 4 or 5 days...She's all better now, though!
Beautiful nug shots, C!
Thanks, Beez!
I love the contrast between the green and the purple.
They are interesting looking, that's for sure...I can't wait to see how your Purple Haze nugs come out!
She looks so pretty
Thank you, T.!
Let's hope I can keep her that way ;)
Happy Monday!
No so happy here, power has been out since 8 the update will have to happen late today... it's supposed to be back on by 4:00, but you never know...
I hope everyone's day is going well!
And I'll hopefully see you a little later on...
And I'll hopefully see you a little later on...
I do hope. It’s been a long Monday in the waiting already.
Thankfully I’ve never been without power for that long but when it is out I realize how dependent I am on electricity.
Stay Safe.
Happy Monday!
No so happy here, power has been out since 8 the update will have to happen late today... it's supposed to be back on by 4:00, but you never know...
I hope everyone's day is going well!
And I'll hopefully see you a little later on...
Oh no! Is your power back yet? I HATE being without power!
Happy Monday!
No so happy here, power has been out since 8 the update will have to happen late today... it's supposed to be back on by 4:00, but you never know...
I hope everyone's day is going well!
And I'll hopefully see you a little later on...
Well I’m not going to lie. I’m super disappointed. You need to tell your power company you have fans who live for your Monday updates!
I do hope. It’s been a long Monday in the waiting already.
Sorry about that-by the time the power came back on it was just too late...
On the bright side, my electric bill will be 12 hours cheaper than usual :)

I HATE being without power!
It's bad enough when it's off for an hour or so, but12 hours is just ridiculous...
Well I’m not going to lie. I’m super disappointed.
So was I- and to make matters worse, it was cloudy most of the day, so my plant didn't get any decent light all friggin day!

But, the power is on today, so It's time for a better-late-than-never Tuesday Update! :)

First, here's what the little 25 day old Blueberry Hill looked like after topping her 8 days ago...
1 (1).jpg

And here's a Saugaview® of her this morning...she's growing pretty fast, being fed 3.5g/gal./mc...


A closer look at the tied down branches- initially, I left 8 branches, but after 4 or 5 days, node #1 hadn't done much, so I got rid of those 2 branches, so now there's 6 left- it's like a 6 armed quadline...


A different view


She looks pretty messy right now, but that's part of the process- she'll look considerably better by next week...I'm going to want to tie her down past the edge of the pot, and I'm not sure how I'm going to do that with this fabric pot, but I'll think of something... :hmmmm:


And one more view-


That's about all there is to say about this one right now- sorry there's not more, but there's only so much you can say about 1 little plant...the plan is to flip her at 60 days, instead of the usual 50, so maybe she'll end up a little taller than the last 3 plants (they were all 17" tall at harvest)
She is growing pretty fast, though- so that timeline may change..we'll see...

Thanks so much for looking, I appreciate the support :love:
And I hope everyone's week is going well so far and, if you're due for a booster, get 'er done!.. :peace:
Nice, MrC!

She's a lovely green. From a pic-appreciation point of view, the contrast between the plant and that tan pot is exquisite! :Rasta:
I can see it now. The foundation is set and I need to pay close attention to this young Blueberry Hill.

if you're due for a booster, get 'er done!
I’m trying boss, my appointment is still 3 weeks out!
First time I Carhooked ™️ I thought “way to fuck my plant Carcass…”.

I could not believe that by morning they were all smiling with their branches straight and little leaves all with their faces open drinking in my faux sun mars hydro light.

I have said it over and over. This technique changed the type of plant I grow :)

And good morning C Sunrise. You have no idea how much I don’t want to go to work!
I'm going to want to tie her down past the edge of the pot, and I'm not sure how I'm going to do that with this fabric pot, but I'll think of something... :hmmmm:
I did this with my GSC for a little while. I know you don’t have grommets but you may be able to clip some tight binder clips on the edges and slip a dowel thru the little handle things….hopefully that makes sense. Might be hard to move her in and out of the box though. :cheesygrinsmiley:

From a pic-appreciation point of view, the contrast between the plant and that tan pot is exquisite
I'd like to say that was planned, but that's just the color Geopot sent...I have no color coordinating skills whatsoever...Mrs.C. will attest to that, from way back when I'd dress my daughter for school ..."what do you mean green and pink don't go together"?
I can see it now. The foundation is set
Yeah, those branches are really beefy for only being a week old...
I’m trying boss, my appointment is still 3 weeks out!
You're on the same schedule as Mrs.C.!
And good morning C Sunrise. You have no idea how much I don’t want to go to work!
Good Morning, T.! It's been 6 years, but I remember those mornings all too well... :straightface:
I think Carcass is gonna find a thrill on that Blueberry Hill
I will if she keeps growing like she has so far- she's growing as fast as an auto right now...
I know you don’t have grommets but you may be able to clip some tight binder clips on the edges and slip a dowel thru the little handle things….hopefully that makes sense.
Hi, Boo! It's so nice to see you posting again...
Thanks for the suggestions..I do actually have grommets, but they'd be a bitch to install with a plant in the pot- the ones I have , you need a hammer and a vise (or an anvil) to install... :oops:

The binder clips are a strong "maybe", but I'd have to go buy some of them....I do, however have an abundance of paper clips, and I'm not adverse to poking tiny holes in the fabric pots, so I'll probably try them first...
I'd like to say that was planned, but that's just the color Geopot sent...I have no color coordinating skills whatsoever...Mrs.C. will attest to that, from way back when I'd dress my daughter for school ..."what do you mean green and pink don't go together"?

Yeah, those branches are really beefy for only being a week old...

You're on the same schedule as Mrs.C.!

Good Morning, T.! It's been 6 years, but I remember those mornings all too well... :straightface:

I will if she keeps growing like she has so far- she's growing as fast as an auto right now...

Hi, Boo! It's so nice to see you posting again...
Thanks for the suggestions..I do actually have grommets, but they'd be a bitch to install with a plant in the pot- the ones I have , you need a hammer and a vise (or an anvil) to install... :oops:

The binder clips are a strong "maybe", but I'd have to go buy some of them....I do, however have an abundance of paper clips, and I'm not adverse to poking tiny holes in the fabric pots, so I'll probably try them first...
I vote for the binder clips - they’re not that expensive on the ‘Zon, and if you have prime they’ll get to you fast.

Binder clips are awesome also as chip clips for bags of open chips … hells bells, you could even use them when you hang your buds to dry!
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