Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Congratulations again and what sweet rewards!

Plus a little bit of cheap and lazy
Nothing wrong with being a little frugal and for the other you might try a little more sativa in your blend.;)
Congrats on the new light! I love my Nextlight Core, but that 420h looks even better!

But, the power is on today, so It's time for a better-late-than-never Tuesday Update! :)

First, here's what the little 25 day old Blueberry Hill looked like after topping her 8 days ago...
I guess this is what I get by arriving a few days late. All your pics in that post have disappeared. :(
On the bright side, my electric bill will be 12 hours cheaper than usual :)
Silver lining.
if you're due for a booster, get 'er done!.. :peace:
Wife and I are scheduled for Dec 8th. :high-five:
Congrats on the new light! I love my Nextlight Core, but that 420h looks even better!

I guess this is what I get by arriving a few days late. All your pics in that post have disappeared. :(

Silver lining.

Wife and I are scheduled for Dec 8th. :high-five:
:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :love:
That's a good idea, but I'll need to find a crate (or something) to fit a 3 gallon pot...seems like I've seen
smaller plastic crates at the dollar store- I'll have to check that out!

It is! - Although the binder clip idea is what I'll probably end up doing...

I may not need pot elevators anymore, since I installed the new ceiling in "the box" ;)

What do I mean by "new ceiling"? :hmmmm:

Well, one of the prizes for GJotM is a new grow light- a Nextlight 420H to be exact...It got here yesterday afternoon....It's actually a little big for my application, but I'm going to make it work.

So, the light measures 25"x24.75", and the ol' grow box measures 24"x24", so with a little adapting, It should fit ...although, 420 watts is a little more than I need in there, but the dimmer feature will allow me to turn it down to an acceptable level.
a few pics:
The light is actually the "top" of the box now...This is a nice light- the term "industrial art" comes to mind...

The box used to be 44" tall, now it's 48" from floor to light.
I've got a few little light leaks to fix, but other than that, it's a pretty good fit.

The light is running at apx. 25% right now, and the temp of the heatsink is only 80f, since most of the light is actually outside the box, it only raised the temp inside the box about 1 degree..(that thermometer in the rear left corner is the inside temp of the box)

The "ugly assed box, beautiful light" irony is not lost on me.... :)


And my new "ceiling" from the inside- cool thing is the lux readings are the same at the walls and in the corners, as they are in the center.

It'll be pretty easy to burn plants with this much wattage in there, so I'll probably only be able to turn it up to 50% or so (210 watts) That's the plan, anyway. I will have to be careful...

So that's what I've been working on so far today...took a little longer than planned, but most things seem to anymore... :)
I kind of hated to retire the Hydra 1000- it worked well for the last 2 plants in here, but I think a few more watts will get my yields above the 5oz.per plant that seems to be the limit with 100 watts.

And here's the @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill, happily basking in the very white light of the Nextlight 420H:

And that's that! "Not enough light" is never going to be a problem... :oops:

Sorry I didn't get any pics of the light before I installed it, but I totally forgot til it was too late.

And Thank you to @420 for the cool contest, and @NextLight for the great light!

I hope everyone's week is going well, and thanks for looking!
Good morning C Shepard :)

That light is extraordinary, and omg this plant is going to me another winner, oh and don’t even get me started on the box (mainly coz my Aussie sledging humour offends your followers lollingggg).
Your new light is almost as nice as your plant…….almost.
Thanks, BigD! I actually went out and bought a Kill-a-Watt this morning, so I don't accidentally fry anything in there...
Are we related?
Possibly... :) I think the cheapness is genetic, but the lazy...that's all me... ;)
Congratulations again and what sweet rewards!
Thank You, Nev- I almost feel guilty for winning such a nice light...almost... ;)
Now you’ve got a Stairway to Heaven light. I can’t imagine the supercropping you’ll need to do under that thing!
Thanks, Boo! I might actually grow something taller than 17" now... :oops:
I guess this is what I get by arriving a few days late. All your pics in that post have disappeared.
Thanks for letting me know, Beez! Marc Ocean and I have been down the "disappearing pics" road before
but apparently, the bug in the software is still there...I wonder if it's only me? Has anyone else had this happen?
Wife and I are scheduled for Dec 8th. :high-five:
That's Great! That one made me a little sicker than the first two, so be ready for that if it happens...although I was fine by the next day...
That light is extraordinary
Thanks, T.! It's 4x the wattage of my old one, so I'll need to be careful with it once I start turning it up!
oh and don’t even get me started on the box (mainly coz my Aussie sledging humour offends your followers lollingggg).
Ha!....I'll do it for you: "using that fancy light on that old box is like putting lipstick on a pig" :rofl: :)
Hope everything is falling into place for you and yours, Vet. I miss your face
I second that! Great to see you, @VetSmoke85 !
Thanks, Shed- I hadn't thought about that..Sure never thought that would happen when I started here...
I'm truly honored that folks are interested in what I'm doing in that old box! :love:

...and speaking of that, I realized that, with the way the new light is mounted, I'd no longer be able to take overhead shots of the,

I installed a special SaugaPort® yesterday:


Now the SaugaViews® can continue to be a part of my updates...:high-five:
Well, well, well…

Look at what the internet just logged in.

Hope everything is falling into place for you and yours, Vet. I miss your face :)

I second that! Great to see you, @
Missing you all too. The last few months have been a real challenge but we're pushing on. Should be settled in a new home mid Dec and getting back to some normality.
I installed a special SaugaPort® yesterday:
And the loving tradition continues. Score one for save for Carcass.

The Blueberry Hill looks lushes through the SaugaPort.
mid Dec and getting back to some normality.
Just in time for Christmas! Glad to hear things are coming together,Vet :love:
The Blueberry Hill looks lushes through the SaugaPort.

Thanks, Nev- She is a happy little plant- she took to the new light like a duck to water!
Thanks, Shed- I hadn't thought about that..Sure never thought that would happen when I started here...
I'm truly honored that folks are interested in what I'm doing in that old box! :love:

...and speaking of that, I realized that, with the way the new light is mounted, I'd no longer be able to take overhead shots of the,

I installed a special SaugaPort® yesterday:


Now the SaugaViews® can continue to be a part of my updates...:high-five:
I hate to be a Debbie Downer and disparage the box but.
Do you have a smoke detector in that fire box. :Namaste:
Stay safe.
Do you have a smoke detector in that fire box.
Thanks for checking, Bill...I'm a worrier, so I thought of it quite awhile back...
Not in it, but right behind it, above the exhaust- I installed it about 2 years ago...
There's also 2 fire extinguishers in the room.
S. Detector.jpg
Thanks for checking, Bill...I'm a worrier, so I thought of it quite awhile back...
Not in it, but right behind it, above the exhaust- I installed it about 2 years ago...
There's also 2 fire extinguishers in the room.
S. Detector.jpg
That makes me smile.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday!
Well, the 5 year old granddaughter has no school all week, and today is our day to babysit- so my journal update will be a day late again this week...
Have a great day, and I'll be back in here tomorrow with pics and stuff!
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