Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

I vote for the binder clips - they’re not that expensive on the ‘Zon, and if you have prime they’ll get to you fast.
Thanks, babygirl!
I do have 3 or 4 of them, so I'll see how they work when the time comes..
There's an OfficeDepot about half a mile away when/if I need more.
The way this plant is growing, I'll have to do something in 2 or 3 days...
First, here's what the little 25 day old Blueberry Hill looked like after topping her 8 days ago...

And here's a Saugaview® of her this morning...she's growing pretty fast, being fed 3.5g/gal./mc...

You're already feeding 3.5g/gal at 25 days old? My Gelatos are 45 days old and they're still at 2g/gal, which is probably low. How do you know when to bump up the dose?

A closer look at the tied down branches- initially, I left 8 branches, but after 4 or 5 days, node #1 hadn't done much, so I got rid of those 2 branches, so now there's 6 left- it's like a 6 armed quadline...

I would love to see a step-by-step video of how you do this. Maybe I could persuade Trala to do one since she's already a video star. :hmmmm:

The binder clips are a strong "maybe", but I'd have to go buy some of them....I do, however have an abundance of paper clips, and I'm not adverse to poking tiny holes in the fabric pots, so I'll probably try them first...

I used safety pins before I started using binder clips.
Hi, HashGirl!
How do you know when to bump up the dose?
I usually keep them at 2g/gal for quite a bit longer, but this one just seemed hungry from the beginning, and a 2g /gal feeding didn't seem to do anything to help, so I figured, rather than wait till things go all the way yellow, I'd just boost her food now, and if her tips started burning a little, I'd reduce it back down. But nothing is getting burnt, so I went up to 3.5g/gal .
She's only been watered/fed 4 times so far- 2g, 3g, 3.25g, and the last time (Sunday) was 3.5g/gal- when I reach 4g/gal (2 waterings from now), I'll probably keep her there for awhile as long as she stays the right shade of green.
I would love to see a step-by-step video of how you do this.
I could do it , but just with pics...when I start my next plant, I'll try and take more pics of how and when I do stuff...In the meantime, please feel free to ask anything about the process...It's actually pretty simple, but it does involve about ten minutes a day of making adjustments and stuff...

Actually, the first few pages of the Quadline thread explain the basics pretty well:

I used safety pins before I started using binder clips.
So that was you! I knew I'd seen someone using safety pins, seemed like a real good idea- in fact, I may get into Mrs.C's sewing desk and see how many safety pins we have in stock, just in case... :)
First, here's what the little 25 day old Blueberry Hill looked like after topping her 8 days ago...
What a little cutie!
And here's a Saugaview® of her this morning...she's growing pretty fast, being fed 3.5g/gal./mc...
Whoa all grown up for sure. :welldone:
a 6 armed quadline
So...a sexline?
I'll think of something..
you may be able to clip some tight binder clips on the edges and slip a dowel thru the little handle things
Boo is on the money. I did it a few years back just like she described:

Whoa all grown up for sure.
I don't know if it's the FFOF soil or what, but she's the fastest grower I've had in a while...
So...a sexline?
Yes...but not the $4.00 per minute kind.. :)
Boo is on the money.
Yeah, I think binder clips will do just fine... I'll have to stop by Office Depot tomorrow and pick up a bunch!

I really do try to learn and evolve around here
And that's what makes you one of the best growers around these parts... :high-five:
Man, your Blueberry Hill is growing great! I put my 7 gallon pots inside of a plastic milk crate. That gives me lots of tie-down spots. Don’t know it that would work for you or not.
I put my 7 gallon pots inside of a plastic milk crate. That gives me lots of tie-down spots. Don’t know it that would work for you or not.
That's a good idea, but I'll need to find a crate (or something) to fit a 3 gallon pot...seems like I've seen
smaller plastic crates at the dollar store- I'll have to check that out!
That is a brilliant idea!
It is! - Although the binder clip idea is what I'll probably end up doing...
Thanks! It also doubles as a pot elevator.
I may not need pot elevators anymore, since I installed the new ceiling in "the box" ;)

What do I mean by "new ceiling"? :hmmmm:

Well, one of the prizes for GJotM is a new grow light- a Nextlight 420H to be exact...It got here yesterday afternoon....It's actually a little big for my application, but I'm going to make it work.

So, the light measures 25"x24.75", and the ol' grow box measures 24"x24", so with a little adapting, It should fit ...although, 420 watts is a little more than I need in there, but the dimmer feature will allow me to turn it down to an acceptable level.
a few pics:
The light is actually the "top" of the box now...This is a nice light- the term "industrial art" comes to mind...

The box used to be 44" tall, now it's 48" from floor to light.
I've got a few little light leaks to fix, but other than that, it's a pretty good fit.

The light is running at apx. 25% right now, and the temp of the heatsink is only 80f, since most of the light is actually outside the box, it only raised the temp inside the box about 1 degree..(that thermometer in the rear left corner is the inside temp of the box)

The "ugly assed box, beautiful light" irony is not lost on me.... :)


And my new "ceiling" from the inside- cool thing is the lux readings are the same at the walls and in the corners, as they are in the center.

It'll be pretty easy to burn plants with this much wattage in there, so I'll probably only be able to turn it up to 50% or so (210 watts) That's the plan, anyway. I will have to be careful...

So that's what I've been working on so far today...took a little longer than planned, but most things seem to anymore... :)
I kind of hated to retire the Hydra 1000- it worked well for the last 2 plants in here, but I think a few more watts will get my yields above the 5oz.per plant that seems to be the limit with 100 watts.

And here's the @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill, happily basking in the very white light of the Nextlight 420H:

And that's that! "Not enough light" is never going to be a problem... :oops:

Sorry I didn't get any pics of the light before I installed it, but I totally forgot til it was too late.

And Thank you to @420 for the cool contest, and @NextLight for the great light!

I hope everyone's week is going well, and thanks for looking!
Plant looks good.

Got that out of the way, now for the new light!

Wow! These light guys keeping making stuff look cooler and cooler!
That one brings to mind "The Matrix." :ganjamon:

I don’t think the box is ugly?
Maybe not totally ugly, but she's sure got a few "less than aesthetically pleasing" areas on her... ;)
beautiful old box
It does look a little better with the new "roof"and all.... :)
These light guys keeping making stuff look cooler and cooler!
Don't they though? There's no bells and whistles on this one (one knob), but what is there is very well done...
And 1788 diodes...that's officially a crapload!
Maybe not totally ugly, but she's sure got a few "less than aesthetically pleasing" areas on her... ;)

It does look a little better with the new "roof"and all.... :)

Don't they though? There's no bells and whistles on this one (one knob), but what is there is very well done...
And 1788 diodes...that's officially a crapload!
It seems that had to be a permanent modification to your box. Yes/No?

Does that mean there's a new box in the near future when someone gives you a smaller light to try? :laughtwo:
Congratulations once again!
Thanks, Rex! I think it'll do pretty good, as long as I don't overdo the watts in there...
It seems that had to be a permanent modification to your box. Yes/No?
I did have to cut the top "flaps" off of the box, so that's permanent ...but if I ever end up using a smaller light, a 25"x25" piece of cardboard in place of the Nextlight will put things back almost as they were..
Believe it or not...I planned it that way.... :oops:
But I did have 3 weeks to think about it before the light got here...
Thanks, Rex! I think it'll do pretty good, as long as I don't overdo the watts in there...

I did have to cut the top "flaps" off of the box, so that's permanent ...but if I ever end up using a smaller light, a 25"x25" piece of cardboard in place of the Nextlight will put things back almost as they were..
Believe it or not...I planned it that way.... :oops:
But I did have 3 weeks to think about it before the light got here...

You would patch that box if need be rather than replace it with a new one! You must be a tree hugger. :laughtwo:
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