CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

I’ve used two brands, cheaper generic mixed from import powder and fancy import. Cheap one said do at 1ml which is thr first one I used. Expensive one said 2ml but I did at 1ml. Seemed exactly the same.

So now I use the cheap one (we’re talking 3x price difference) at 1ml. Just had 20L delivered.

Its probably disappearing now but there was a practice back in the day of fert companies saying use more because the. You then buy more, they make more money.

I’m just an old cynic sometimes 😅

Gotcha and yeah that sounds about right companies wanting to sell more products. Whatcha think about my training attempts. Seeing that they were easy to bend I think it’ll work. Hope all is well my brother. CL🍀
Give me a few hours. Busy busy day! But basically ai’m
Chopping and untrained grow so either,

I’m the worst person to ask about training, why didn’t that guy train?!


In a few hours I’ll know exactly how I should have trained because I didn’t, because I’m an idiot and therefore have some actually useful advice 🤣

@CaptainLucky , re the nutrient strength.
I did hydro indoors for over 20 yrs before moving over to southern Spain and growing under the sun.
I found I could manage to get a grow done following the nutrient manufactures instructions, but would get tip burn at the very least.
I eventually found I could get away with using less than half of what they said and get a better result.
At the time I'll was growing hybrids and they are generally far more tolerant of higher a higher ec..

As Nick says, the companies just want to sell more of their product.

Sativas are generally much more sensitive to too much nutrient, especially nitrogen.

Your Golden tiger is looking much better since your reduced the ec..
How long did you veg it before you flipped it? CL🍀
Panama by Ace
I flipped at 20 days from sprout and it was another 16 days before I started seeing pistils. And it stretched like a beast then the buds filled in and kept filling in. :oops:
Panama by Ace
I flipped at 20 days from sprout and it was another 16 days before I started seeing pistils. And it stretched like a beast then the buds filled in and kept filling in. :oops:
I might have Fd up! My Panama sprouted 2-26 and my CT 3-4. I don’t remember when the GT did but I’m sure it was early February. CL🍀
I'm going to put this out here:

I think if you flip any of those plants soon you won't get close to filling the tent at harvest.

Of course, carry on with whatever plan suits you. I'll be sad to see the Sour G go but since I have no idea which one it was in your pics I guess I won't be that bothered. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Brother I trust what you say but if you go to the Ace website it’s says to flip @2 weeks! Now whose advice do I take? Idk? I do know that Sativas have some explosive growth and I’m only working with a 48X48X72 tent but prolly less than that because the top 2’ are wasted. Btw if you been keeping up with my GJ you would know that the Sour G is the last Solo. CL🍀
Ok now I’m totally confused about what to do. I was just looking @gwhunran’s Panama grow and he was in hydro with CO2 and I’m using FFHF +FFOF +PB nutes. Idk if it will make a big difference being in soil. I could use a little help here. CL🍀
Dude. Take a deep breath. Relax. Your plants are not for the flipping. I have picture below of plants 23 days veg grown under like mad lights and Co2 you know my grow.

I’m not flipping them. They’ll get 4-5 days more in veg. Veg is easy. Watch them grow. Get green. Get them where they go happy and half an inch a day. Then flip.

Don’t flip now. Don’t think about the count or what people say or heard what someone else said. Do as Shed says.

Wait for the plants and don't react to some chart or expected value of weeks you’re meant to hit. Sure I have great plants in veg after 23 days. My strains, my environment. Whatever. I’ll keep them in veg a few days longer because you, and this is the best thing and the hardest thing to learn with growing, like tying both ends of your shoelace the exact same length. Seems achievable but its really not in practice because you get more and more into about what “exactly right” means. Practice can never really be perfect.

So the best and hardest bit of advice to learn was given to me.

“Learn to read the plants with your eyes and forget about the charts and the sensors as much as you can. That’s where you will really learn”

I am basically ph/ec. Only one I really test is Ph. EC like close to something like 3. Doesn’t matter. I can read my plants now. Just chill with yours. In a few days you are hopefully bouncing!

To my eyes there’s nothing to flip or far less throw away in the next week or so.


Brother I trust what you say but if you go to the Ace website it’s says to flip @2 weeks! Now whose advice do I take? Idk? I do know that Sativas have some explosive growth and I’m only working with a 48X48X72 tent but prolly less than that because the top 2’ are wasted. Btw if you been keeping up with my GJ you would know that the Sour G is the last Solo. CL🍀
I can only follow which plants are which if you write what they are just above each pic, but that's just me!

If the breeder and everyone else here thinks you should flip them at under 12" tall then I'm just a lone wolf (+ Nick) howling at the moon. This is your first grow inside, new nutes at varying strengths, plants off to uneven starts, recently upcanned and just starting to look better. You're still getting your feet wet here.

In my book, great training is a much better way to control height over flipping too soon.
Ok now I’m totally confused about what to do. I was just looking @gwhunran’s Panama grow and he was in hydro with CO2 and I’m using FFHF +FFOF +PB nutes. Idk if it will make a big difference being in soil. I could use a little help here. CL🍀
Hydro is much faster growth than soil (check out every single god damned plant grown by @West Hippie!), and CO2 is a completely different ball game (check out Mr Nick above).
I can only follow which plants are which if you write what they are just above each pic, but that's just me!

If the breeder and everyone else here thinks you should flip them at under 12" tall then I'm just a lone wolf (+ Nick) howling at the moon. This is your first grow inside, new nutes at varying strengths, plants off to uneven starts, recently upcanned and just starting to look better.

In my book, great training is a much better way to control height over flipping to soon.

Hydro is much faster growth than soil (check out every single god damned plant grown by @West Hippie!), and CO2 is a completely different ball game (check out Mr Nick above).
See that was ez to explain and now I know what to do. And don’t ask me why it’s says to flip so early I don’t make them just trying to grow them but it’s what they recommend. Anyways thanks again and you haven’t F me up yet so I hope you’re right. CL🍀
Btw it’s been a really shitty last couple of days. Yesterday a friend of mine’s Mother woke up very disoriented and he called the E.M.T.s come to find she had the worst kind of aneurysm. Severe bleeding of the brain. Now he was just told if she wakes she’ll be a vegetable and need a ventilator and be fed from a tube. Poor dude just signed a Dnr. I can’t imagine what he’s going through. CL🍀
Btw it’s been a really shitty last couple of days. Yesterday a friend of mine’s Mother woke up very disoriented and he called the E.M.T.s come to find she had the worst kind of aneurysm. Severe bleeding of the brain. Now he was just told if she wakes she’ll be a vegetable and need a ventilator and be fed from a tube. Poor dude just signed a Dnr. I can’t imagine what he’s going through. CL🍀
Bro really sorry to hear that. Sucks.

Hey your plants are mad important to you. In Shed you got an Master Grower, winningest guy. @Bill284, @Azimuth, @StoneOtter - just because he my bae @Weffalo

There is some serious plant growing stuff there.

Deal with the family stuff. The plants can chill. Worry sbout something post a pic, plenty of eyeballs on it. But without being hippy about it

“the plants can sense your stress”


but for sure -

People who are stressed make far more mistakes than people who aren’t stressed. So don't do stressful things when you’re stressed.

Don't flip, don’t kill. Get the real world on an even keel before you attempt a gybe

Nick with love dude.

EDIT - sorry there’s @Carmen Ray can’t not mention her. Soz anyone else I missed 😅
Damn I sorry to hear about your friend's Mom Captain. There is nothing worse than the sudden medical event to completely knock you off your life plan.

I hope the docs are wrong, but no matter what I'm sure your buddy knows you have his back.

Thanks bro I appreciate it, it’s just that kind of 💩 freaks me out sometimes. I love my Moms to bits and if anything like that happens to her it’ll kill me. I know we don’t get out of here alive it’s just when it gets close to home you realize it can happen anytime. CL🍀
Update: All my girls were fed the same as yesterday. I think they all are looking much better with good color on the new growth and no nute burn. On a side note for some unknown reason the gl. of @Prescription Blend that I mixed the other day’s PH was off. 7.43 I had to use lemon water to lower it to 6.4 but not a problem. Hey @InTheShed when do you recommend I start any training? CL🍀










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