Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

No it has been my favorite as long as I can remember just like the Canadians were my favorite hockey team as a kid. Although my my favorite player was Cam Neely from the Bruins.
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

No it has been my favorite as long as I can remember just like the Canadians were my favorite hockey team as a kid. Although my my favorite player was Cam Neely from the Bruins.

Boo Canadians, Quebec is crazy, they are a part of Canada, but they follow totally different laws and cultures. Canada is like BC, AB, SK, MB, ONT, YK, NWT and then theres Quebec, and then there's the Maritimes. Total different cultures, and values and even laws in the 3 different areas of Canada. Anyways there's my rant of the day.

Back to hockey.. wait.. aww... stupid lock out
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

My buddy decided to show me how to make oil, and he had enough shake for 3 batches (so far) and knowing me, I like to take pictures!

So here my buddy likes to do a batch with 14g of shake, I tried to explain why I'd fill up the tube to decrease air contact, but there's nothing wrong with his oil, I love smoking it, so he's going to stick with his standard 14g.


Pop it in the Bud Buster and grind everything up

Fine, but not too fine

Then pour it into the tube. We just siphoned it in with a piece of paper (Canadian Tire represent!) lol


The top of the tube is sealed, and has a small hole drilled in, just the perfect size for the butane nozzle

The other side has many tiny holes, and on the inside, there's a plain white coffee filter cut to the size of the pipe, to filter out the plant material

Pop the butane in one end, and start spraying. The butane washes over the weed, and sprays into a Pyrex dish on a double broiler.


All the liquid evaporates, and your left with some gooey honey in the pan


Then you scrape up all the gooey goodness into a pile in the middle

Then, I didn't take a picture, but we put it back on the double broiler, and whip the oil, to expose as much to air as possible, so we can get the butane out.


Scrape it up into the container

He's out second batch, looks nice and clear, beautiful colour

This is just a silly picture that makes me laugh of ocho cinqo
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

A dudes favourite colour is purple? You're just saying that to get into my pants arent you?

If itll work I too have a favorite color, its purple...
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Boo Canadians, Quebec is crazy, they are a part of Canada, but they follow totally different laws and cultures. Canada is like BC, AB, SK, MB, ONT, YK, NWT and then theres Quebec, and then there's the Maritimes. Total different cultures, and values and even laws in the 3 different areas of Canada. Anyways there's my rant of the day.

Back to hockey.. wait.. aww... stupid lock out

I laughed when you didnt even mention Newfoundland :D
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Very nice post! plus reps to yah! I got to try that this harvest.:high-five:
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

So how about them plants! or the wax that you made for that matter!

Let's bring this journal back on subject, 420 Girl will handle the negativity here!

Sorry Canuckgal for the minor issue, we here at 420 Magazine value and respect all of our members. It's just sad that there are people out there out to bring other people down!

Be strong and I can't wait to see what all you produce here in your journal!

Greenest Regards,

re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

So apparently my last batch of oil that I made, is called 'budder'.

Smoking leaves, has a THC Content of approx 25%
Bubble hash is about 50%
Oil is anywhere from 70-90%

And budder, can be anywhere from 90-99.7% PURE THC.

Soit was definitely a happy accident
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Nice work!
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Nice new avatar TG, I didn't recognize you at first lol

Hey I found a silly thread You Might Be A Grower If

I've seen a few familiar faces post their silly comments in there, but anyone who hasn't read it yet, definitely check it out for a good laugh
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

I've never told any of you, but I really enjoy journalism, and if you can't tell, I love this forum! So I've been thinking about how I could utilize both of my favourite things, and I think one thing that we are all missing out on, is a growers show. Not many people have time to devote several hours per week to keep up with grow journals, how someone's harvest went, what another person is using as a medium, etc, it's a lot to keep on top of.

So I was thinking, that I'd like to make a regular video, interviewing people around here, getting to know the growers, the spaces, and absolutely 100% keeping it totally annonymous. I could make a video using your still photos, or if you want to participate, you could film short videos of your space and updates, which I can cut and edit.

Let's make Grower Wars:420! Yuuuup!

Let me know what you guys think, and if anyone would be interested in being on it, or participating. :)
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Yes, In the 420 Lounge is where we encourage all of our members to have their everyday chats and rants.

We encourage that the journals be kept for the grows.

Glad you found your way into the lounge!

For anyone else that wants to check out our 420 Lounge, click the link! :thumb:


Nice new avatar TG, I didn't recognize you at first lol

Hey I found a silly thread You Might Be A Grower If

I've seen a few familiar faces post their silly comments in there, but anyone who hasn't read it yet, definitely check it out for a good laugh
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Yes, In the 420 Lounge is where we encourage all of our members to have their everyday chats and rants.

We encourage that the journals be kept for the grows.

Glad you found your way into the lounge!

For anyone else that wants to check out our 420 Lounge, click the link! :thumb:


Yeah I make Happy Kitteh a Mad Kitteh.

Tell her I do it with love though :)
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

I've never told any of you, but I really enjoy journalism, and if you can't tell, I love this forum! So I've been thinking about how I could utilize both of my favourite things, and I think one thing that we are all missing out on, is a growers show. Not many people have time to devote several hours per week to keep up with grow journals, how someone's harvest went, what another person is using as a medium, etc, it's a lot to keep on top of.

So I was thinking, that I'd like to make a regular video, interviewing people around here, getting to know the growers, the spaces, and absolutely 100% keeping it totally annonymous. I could make a video using your still photos, or if you want to participate, you could film short videos of your space and updates, which I can cut and edit.

Let's make Grower Wars:420! Yuuuup!

Let me know what you guys think, and if anyone would be interested in being on it, or participating. :)

I would be interested.... I think this is a nifty idea.
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