I'm sorry I don't have photos yet, i switched them over to flower a week ago, so I'm having a hard time getting into the room when the lights are on. Right now lights are on from 6pm to 6am, I work shift work, so I thought overnights would be the best, but I might adjust it so it's on from like 3-3.. My buddy has been helping me with the ladies and has watered them while I've been at work, so it's honestly been a few days since even I have seen them. This is trust at its finest
Question pour mon ami!
1. I want some autos! Herbies is apparently pretty good, what do you guys recommend for price and strain?
2. I've decided not to supercrop the whole plant, after some research, it doesn't seem like supercropping alone bulks up the buds. So while training, I'll use supercropping to slow down larger branches and tuck and stuff. Sound good?