Teachme's Indoor Closet Grow

I beliee bushy is good, lanky is bad. Mine started growing at least an inch a ay and are bushy as hell. I still have coloration/ nutrient problems, but it is slight I am working on it. Do you have a new pic?

as a matter of fact i do. but in these 2 pics you will see another problem now... the leaves are getting droopy.. oh and the new top 2 nodes you can see growing, theres like 3 leaves that are twisted kinda? but here they are:



and heres a second seed i planted that finally seems like ill have luck with it!
hopefully. im just gonna water it tonight and see if that does anything. i have been looking at threads that could have the answer but i always seem to find more than one reason that could be the problem for my plant so i just ask here hoping somebody will have the right one. but thanks for confidence! ill water it now and give you guys an update tomorrow weather it does something or not. :peace:
Teach, what kind of soil is that? Is it Miracle Grow that says you don't need to feed for 3 months? If that is the case it will hurt seedlings.

Your bigger plant is not a seedling anymore, but if you used a soil that included feeding that may have been the problem.
Teach, what kind of soil is that? Is it Miracle Grow that says you don't need to feed for 3 months? If that is the case it will hurt seedlings.

Your bigger plant is not a seedling anymore, but if you used a soil that included feeding that may have been the problem.

its roots organic soil. you can see what kind of stuff is in the soil in the first post of my thread on the first page here. but when i checked my plant this morning the leaves were looking less droopy and much better so i think it just needed a watering. but my bottom nodes still look pretty shitty and a couple leaves yellow still. but other than that its really getting bushy!
that would be pretty nice. but it is 25 days and the second one i planted is 4 or 5.



sorry about how blurry it is. its the second one i planted
Your plant looks alot better than when I first look at your thread :welldone: Keep up the good work, when it's all said and done they are weeds. I made some rookie mistakes but my ladies always seemed to bounce back.
yea it does look good. just whenever new nodes sprout the tips sooner or later end up with that little dead look at the tips. and im just gonna wait now till the bottom nodes are completely dead and cut em' off. im think all will go well though so no worries for now!
hey whats up guys? just a little update on the plant. it seems to be doing well, still growing layers of nodes but the leaves are a little droopy. im leaving today to my girlfriends school till monday morning or tomorrow night so i gave it a little watering last night and im going to let it sit while im away and see what happens when i come back. i think im going to transplant it too when i come back to a bigger pot, it seems like its at that point because its getting big and bushy and needing a good amount more watering. also probably during the middle of the week ill give it its second watering with the fertilizer.

oh i also just remember that the plant is starting to grow 7 leaves on each leaf now and i think that means its a female because i heard that males grow 3-5 and females 7-9 so hopefuly thats right!

well heres the latest pics: 4 weeks and a day old (in the second pic is a new plant i just planted about a week ago)


Looking a lot better! Im glad to see it came back so well. The plant may be getting a bit big for that pot though. 1 gallon per foot of plant is they key, at least that is what I have read and am going by. I repotted my Master Kush today and the roots were all over the edges of the pot.
yea im at my womens college right now and i was planning on re-potting to a bigger pot when i got back and then probably adding some of the fertilizer in the middle of the week, probably wednesday.

but yea the plant seems to be doing really well and so does the second i planted too. i actually planted a third 2 nights ago. but the plant still has those dead spots at the tips creeping up each level of nodes that grow. also has droopy leaves so i gave a little watering before i left and it should be fine tomorrow.
Hey bro I've been watching your thread for a while now. Your plant is looking great! Compared to your earlier posts she has really turned around! And congrats on your new seedling!
thanks bro. ive been at my girlfriends school for 2 days now and got stuck here an extra now so im excited and curious to see what its gonna look like when i return. and a little anxious too to hopefully see nothing went really wrong haha.

but just a little question. if you look at the last pic i posted, the new top layer of nodes growing look droopy but the majority of the rest of the plant looks to be in not too bad of shape. is that fine that theyre like that?
hey guys.... just got home not too long ago, checked the plants.... lifes a bitch.. two problems one big one, one... not as big.

but this is what i came back to: DRY AS HELL!!! ):




i guess those 3 days away really did a deal. i wanted to transplant today but now i dont know with the condition its in if it will be too much stress for it. i dont know if its going to die or what either so i just watered the shit out of it. if any of you know what i can do to make my girl better PLEASE let me know asap.

also the second plant i planted i put a pic up of is getting big for that little pot its in already. grew a hell of a lot quicker and bigger than the first. but i was wondering if its ok to transplant a plant that young and if not what to do with that.

any help asap will appreciated like you have no idea.

thanks guys
I would t worry about the top nodes to much mine all did that and turned out fine. Also if you I've them a good amount if water they will bounce back in no time! I've learned motto worry to much because these plants are strong bro! They look good and check back in a few hours after watering them and you should see a difference :) good luck!
Also I'd transplant the bigger one soon in a 2.5 gallon pot or I nmh case trash can lol the other one shouldn't have to be transplanted for another week or so
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