Brix, Buds & Blades: Knifemaker420's Auto Perpetual Garden


Seeds have been dropped. Will update as things progress. Thanks everyone who has been following till now. Hopefully things will be more interesting now that it's happening.
Fingers crossed these baby's pop.
:passitleft:All 3 seeds were at the bottom of the cups this morning. Will see how they look when I get home from work and decide if I'm going to put them in moist paper towels or just drop them directly into the promix.
Have a knife day all.
Looks like your off to a good start, I'm gonna follow along if that's cool. Also your knives are badass, you are very talented bro.
Everyone is welcome here. Pull up a stump.
I'm about to go check om my seeds, hopefully I've got some action going on.
Sprouted open hopefully, you've just reminded me about my seed lol
Just had a quick look, all 3 have split their casings and have a teensy little tail poking out.
I'll be dropping them in the promix later today. :) :cool:
I planted the 3 seeds directly into their 5gal fabric pots on saturday evening. I forgot to get pictures but they each had a tap root poking out about a quarter inch to half inch.

Checked on them this morning and the NL has come up, the Gelato is just breaking the surface and the zkittles is still hiding. Hopefully it will be up by the time I get home from work.
I planted the 3 seeds directly into their 5gal fabric pots on saturday evening. I forgot to get pictures but they each had a tap root poking out about a quarter inch to half inch.

Checked on them this morning and the NL has come up, the Gelato is just breaking the surface and the zkittles is still hiding. Hopefully it will be up by the time I get home from work.
Here we go!
Sounds like a perfect start.
Just got my fingers crossed that the last one is poking its head up by the time I get home from work. Then all I have to do is manage not to kill them in the next 3 months lol
Just got home from work and checked on the littles. NL and Gelato are both up and loving the light, but zkittles who hadn't yet poked her head up when my wife checked on them for me at noon, was entirely out of the soil laying full length on top of the promix. Didnt look withered or shriveled at all so I gently poked a hole and re burried it up to the cotyledon leaves and hopefully it won't die.... should I drop a new seed now or is there a cha ce this ine will survive? Any idea why it jumped out of the ground?
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