Brix, Buds & Blades: Knifemaker420's Auto Perpetual Garden

You will probably be about finished then by the time mines well into flower lol good luck with the autos tho I didn't really have much luck with autos other than one that was a dizzy lights auto and turned out great other than the 10 week flowering cycle
At what temperature do I need to start worrying about it being too warm for the girls? It was 88°f in the tent when I looked this morning.
Im running the light 24-0 right now but will likely be changing to 18-6 as soon as I can figure out how to set my timer. (I set it to run 18-6 but it doesn't turn the light off at all)
mechanical or digital timer?...a few spikes that high shouldn't cause you any grief...78/80 would be ideal...cheerz... :high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Its digital. Temp has been gaining a few degrees a day since I started running it. It was hanging between 77-82 untill this morning.
Looks like an ac unit is in my mear future...
Ive also been given permission from the boss (my wife) to make a hole in the celing inside the closet to run my exhaust pipe into. Hopefully that should help a bit too
is it a 7 day timer?...I'm sure Ya' just missed something in programming it...I prefer mechanical myself...go back to the instructions I suppose... ;)...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:...
Yes its 7 days and can be set up to run 5 different programs. Thought I set it up right but I'll just try setring all 5 programs the same and see if that helps lol
At what temperature do I need to start worrying about it being too warm for the girls? It was 88°f in the tent when I looked this morning.
Im running the light 24-0 right now but will likely be changing to 18-6 as soon as I can figure out how to set my timer. (I set it to run 18-6 but it doesn't turn the light off at all)
I like 20/4 best for autos myself .

Temps been told 95f kills the plant

I would try to bring temps down to 82 f or bit lower

Its digital. Temp has been gaining a few degrees a day since I started running it. It was hanging between 77-82 untill this morning.
Looks like an ac unit is in my mear future...
Ive also been given permission from the boss (my wife) to make a hole in the celing inside the closet to run my exhaust pipe into. Hopefully that should help a bit too
Or these

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View media item 1637922
Its digital. Temp has been gaining a few degrees a day since I started running it. It was hanging between 77-82 untill this morning.
Looks like an ac unit is in my mear future...
Ive also been given permission from the boss (my wife) to make a hole in the celing inside the closet to run my exhaust pipe into. Hopefully that should help a bit too
I was having the same problem with the temps also and my wife let me do the same thing as you and now my temps stay steady around 26/27 degrees Celsius
Update day 4
Morning 420 fam.
Not much to report as yet. The ladies are chugging along with Gelato the clear leader of the group. Still haven't had to water them yet, waiting for the pots to be dry first.
Zkittles seems to have recovered from her adventure above ground but is decidedly smaller than her tent mates.



I've decided on names for the ladies,
NL I've named Elmindreda (Min)
Gelato Is Elayne
Zkittles is Aviendha

Thanks for looking,
Have a knife day
...did Ya' get the timer figgered' out?...cheerz...h00k... :hookah:...

Lol I did what I always do when I cant figure out a piece of infuriating technology, handed it to my wife and and said " you figure it out before I throw it" lol
It's working now and temperature only hit 82°f overnight. Next on my list is my low RH which is sitting at 25%
...first "cheap" thing Ya could try is, hang a wet towel in a pail of water...or invest in a small humidifier...I'm a cheap SOB, so I would try the towel first...hopefully Spring will get here sometime!?:hmmmm: and RH will rise naturally...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
It's always pretty dry RH wise here. I'll try the towel first as I dont have much room to spare on the floor of my tent...
Some deffinate growth overnight last night. Elayne(Gelato) is still in the lead but Min (NL) is close on her heels. Aviendha (Zkittles) is doin her own thang but looking good.

On a side note I just took the plunge and ordered @Doc Bud's High brix kit for my next grow. Looking forward to seeing the difference between this grow and my next using the kit.

Have a knife day
Oh also forgot to mention I wasn't entirely confident in the el'cheapo temp/humidity sensor that came with my tent so I picked up an Inkbird unit that transmits the info by wifi to my cellphone so I can check on it anytime without having to physically open the tent to look at the display on the old one.
It logs and graphs the info from the sensor. This morning I was looking at the app and the one graph was showing spikes in temp where it would peak at 26°c and drop down to 25°c in a cycle every 50 minutes. I was trying to figure out what was causing the fluctuations. Then it occurred to me that the central air was kicking on and raising the temp, then it would shut off and the room would cool.
Screenshot_20190511-120610_Amazon Shopping.jpg

Pretty cool tool for under $40.00
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