Brix, Buds & Blades: Knifemaker420's Auto Perpetual Garden

Hello! Nice start! Any reason for the "auto" strains vs. regular feminized? Time constraints?

Ive never really known they were in existence until now lol Ive been out of the game for a minute
Ive never grown indoors before and autos seened like less of a hassle not having to mess with light schedules etc. The short harvest time is a big plus too IMO
Just got home from work and checked on the littles. NL and Gelato are both up and loving the light, but zkittles who hadn't yet poked her head up when my wife checked on them for me at noon, was entirely out of the soil laying full length on top of the promix. Didnt look withered or shriveled at all so I gently poked a hole and re burried it up to the cotyledon leaves and hopefully it won't die.... should I drop a new seed now or is there a cha ce this ine will survive? Any idea why it jumped out of the ground?
I would wait and see but I think she'll do fine, these plants seem to have a strong survival instinct. This little misadventure will be part of her story. Glad to see the germinations went so well, you're going to have a nice grow.
Well looking like zkittles is going to pull through. This morning she was starting to stand up and has greend up nicely.
However the temperature in the tent hit 84°f so looks like I'm going to have to figure out how to get it cooler in there. I've already got my exhaust fan running, a fan blowing fresh air in from a bottom vent and an oscilating fan stirring up the air inside. The tent is currently venting the exhaust into the bedroom the tent is in so I might need to cut a hole in the closet ceiling and vent my exhaust into the attic.... I cracked the window in that room for now to see if it helps any....
Not much has changed since yesterday,
Zkittles is looking ok, slowly standing up to face the light. Gelato has taken the lead from NL as biggest of the trio.

Off to a good start! The wilting on amnesia and gelato could be to much water or light so just keep an eye on them otherwise your right on track!
Off to a good start! The wilting on amnesia and gelato could be to much water or light so just keep an eye on them otherwise your right on track!

Too much water is what I thought, 24 hrs before I planted the germinated seeds I wet the promix with about a gallon of RO water and it is drying out pretty quick.
I haven't given them a drop since they stood upright. I will start watering in a ring around them once they need it.
Thanks for looking in.
Hi all I'm just getting started on my first indoor grow. I've had some minor experiance with helping my dad out with his outdoor grows almost 20yrs ago now, but they weren't anything fancy just a few holes dug in the ground, lined with plastic, filled with potting soil. We would water every 2 days and feed with generic 20-20-20.
Thats it.
Lets get started....

What strain is it: Gelato Autoflower, zkittles autoflower and another Autoflower strain that I cant remember lol all currently on order from @SeedsMan
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Gelato is mostly indica as is zkittles
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seeds en route
If in Veg... For how long?
If in Flower stage... For how long?
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Will update once I get my soil lol
If soil... What size pot? 5Gal fabric pots
Size of light? 600W Mars Hydro (will upgrade this light asap)
Is it aircooled? Yes
Temp of Room/cab? 2x4x7 vivosun tent
RH of Room/cab? Unknown yet
PH of media or res? Unknown yet
Any Pests ? Hope not
How often are you watering?
Type and strength of ferts used? Advanced nutrition hobbyist grow bundle (voodoo juice, big bud, B-52, and overdrive. Might get a thing of bud candy as well. I also ordered a thing of General Hydroponice CALiMAGic

I will update as progress is made. Thanks to everyone who has already been so very helpful in getting me started.
Sorry I am late promix hp man I have learned a lot growing in that medium

See my signatures and battles lol

Good times hope it’s chill I pull a seat and see if I can throw out suggestions or opinions . Help out if I can or learn too . My brain hates that part lol


Joe :420::passitleft:
Off to a good start! The wilting on amnesia and gelato could be to much water or light so just keep an eye on them otherwise your right on track!
Add some extra perlite next time and or some coco . Never worries about drowning your seedlings again .
Sorry I am late promix hp man I have learned a lot growing in that medium

See my signatures and battles lol

Good times hope it’s chill I pull a seat and see if I can throw out suggestions or opinions . Help out if I can or learn too . My brain hates that part lol


Joe :420::passitleft:
Glad to have you. Any and all help is appreciated. If you see me doing somthing stupid tell ne plz lol
Glad to have you. Any and all help is appreciated. If you see me doing somthing stupid tell ne plz lol
Buddy your talking my language now :passitleft:

The king at doing something stupid !!

Ask around :rofl:

But seriously,

I’ll see what I can help with .

Try to pay closer attention this weekend see where your at .

I ain’t no pro by any means man c student three years and training .

Thank god for a group of people here making a name for themselves her ron mag and keeping humanity loved and respected.

See saying something stupid some would think here lol

Here try this Thc bomb I just grew this winter ..


Fridge dry for the win !!!

Chop plant wash buds if you feel the need too, hang four 4-8 hrs cut buds and wet trim into brown paper bags burp and shake them lightly 2-3
Times a day for 30 ish mins in normal
Room temps .. then after about 3 days -5 days reduce to only 1-2 times a day and decrease usually takes about two weeks they say .. still trying g to perfect it myself but I swear I notice a difference in smoothness and slow burning white ash .

Also preserves terpenes better teen normal DRYING process . Not to be confused with cure /burp phase .

Anyways, I can talk too Much at times I apologize :passitleft:
Buddy your talking my language now :passitleft:

The king at doing something stupid !!

Ask around :rofl:

But seriously,

I’ll see what I can help with .

Try to pay closer attention this weekend see where your at .

I ain’t no pro by any means man c student three years and training .

Thank god for a group of people here making a name for themselves her ron mag and keeping humanity loved and respected.

See saying something stupid some would think here lol

Here try this Thc bomb I just grew this winter ..


Fridge dry for the win !!!

Chop plant wash buds if you feel the need too, hang four 4-8 hrs cut buds and wet trim into brown paper bags burp and shake them lightly 2-3
Times a day for 30 ish mins in normal
Room temps .. then after about 3 days -5 days reduce to only 1-2 times a day and decrease usually takes about two weeks they say .. still trying g to perfect it myself but I swear I notice a difference in smoothness and slow burning white ash .

Also preserves terpenes better teen normal DRYING process . Not to be confused with cure /burp phase .

Anyways, I can talk too Much at times I apologize :passitleft:

Dude, stupid makes us STRONGER, if we survive that is lol
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