Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

Your PUD is gorgeous, Boo! I especially loved the second photo showing her stacking. Just gorgeous. :bravo:
Happy Sunday all, and Happy Father's day to those of you who who fulfill that role. :love:
I thought I'd throw a little update here since it's been a few days. First up are the autoflowers. White Widow continues to plug along. She's been in flower for 5-6 weeks now (I think) and is building those buds nicely.

Next is Wedding Cake. She is doing her thing and stacking stems. She's about 16" now and hopefully I'll get a few more from her.

The outdoor gals finally got up potted this morning. It was cold out and they were a little wilty since I let them dry out pretty well so I didn't top them yet. Tomorrow is the day, and I will try taking some clones.


That is PUD Cake on the left and Dream Queen on the right. DQ seemed a little pale to me so I bumped them up to 5 g/gal when I fed them 2 gals each today. They are just gorgeous. Hopefully I won't have any complaints from neighbors. I don't believe they are visible so...fingers crossed.
That's all for now. Thanks for looking! :peace:
Boo they are indeed just gorgeous. The different stages of flower in White Widow and Wedding Cake too. Very pretty.
Great looking autos, Boo- and the outdoor ladies look sooo happy...
This morning's up-pot didn't bother them a bit!
Your plants are looking gorgeous, Boo. Nice work.
Here is Boo’s dumb question of the day…. So, I went out to top the Purple UDC and was gonna do it above the 10th node. But, I’m a little thrown because normally when I top (most often autos) the nodes are spaced evenly and I just top and two new colas start growing. PUDC is showing herself sexy and has alternating nodes above node 10. Will 2 new colas grow from there or should I top at the last set of even nodes? :hmmmm: I’ve gotten myself confused…:cheesygrinsmiley:
That's how I train my clones which (of course) don't have alternating nodes. I'd top wherever you feel comfortable, since they'll be huge no matter what!
I’m going to top at the alternating node. I’ve just never done it before and thought I should think about the consequences before I did. I’m a bit of a worrier like that. :cheesygrinsmiley: Okay, gonna top and also going to take a clone from the lower portion. BRB!
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