Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

Oh man, I know I’m behind, but that Chocodope blows my little mind every time. :adore::adore::adore:

All the new kids are looking great Boo. GDB nailed it when he called you the auto whisperer. I think you’ll do great with the photo plant. Autos are harder to grow and you grow the shiz out of yours. Beautiful work Boo!
:ciao: Happy Thursday all. How about a little update? I'll start with the Pineapple Upside Down Cake and Dream Queen photos first. Here is a really poor pic.

Miss Pineapple (on the right) is a droopy gal first thing in the morning and in the evening. You can see what I mean from the pic. It's starting to concern me. I need to look in on her mid day and see if she's the same then too. It may be time to up pot her since I can see roots starting to come out of the bottom of her 1 gallon pot. Dream Queen has some yellowing lowers so I decided to up pot her today. She didn't have as robust of a root ball as I thought. Oh well, she's in a 3 gallon so hopefully that will help with the yellowing. Now on to White Widow autoflower. On May 13th she was 6" tall.

I'm holding the darn ruler crooked, she's right at 12 inches now and hopefully still stretching. She's a pretty little thing and is just working on buds now. Last but not least is Wedding Cake. I think I may have topped her too soon. :p

No worries though, she's getting a little stretch started and I'm excited to see how she does. She's almost drained her first pot so she will likely be fed/watered tomorrow evening. That's about all that is going on around here. Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the Memorial Day weekend. May we never forget that Freedom isn't Free. :peace:
They look great, Boo!
I wouldn't worry about Miss Pineapple- droopy or not, she looks nice 'n healthy...
Looking good Boo!

Looks like PUD just wants more soil beneath her. :Rasta:
She's definitely a happy plant...
Which is no surprise- your plants always are always smiling...
Lovely ladies, Boo!

I agree, the PUD is real puddy! :)
Happy Wednesday! How about an autoflower update? Let’s start with the sweet little White Widow:

she’s a whopping 13” and I think she’s tapped out on the stretch… :laughtwo: She is like a little desk-sized Christmas tree but she’s going to town on her flowering and is pretty frosty already. She isn’t as big as I’d hoped for but she’s adorable so that helps! Ok, let’s look at the Wedding Cake:

I think I topped her too early…. :hmmmm: I did that on 18 May, so two weeks ago, and there ain’t no real flowering going on. Oof! There are lots of new pistils at the new growth so hopefully soon she will burst into flower!

And here is a duo shot. WC is a messy haired girl….:cheesygrinsmiley:

Hope everyone is doing well, and thanks for looking! :peace:
That WW is going to be nothin' but buds!
And you're right, she is  adorable!
I did the same thing with my Wookiees, as you did with your WC- she didn't  really start flowering for 12 days after I topped her.(oops!)..the good news is, she went from 9" tall, to 22" tall once she started stretching...
Yeah, mine don't get that tall indoors...although, that may not be true a week from now...the GSC's at 19.5" and still growing an inch a day.. :oops:
I think I topped her too early…. :hmmmm: I did that on 18 May, so two weeks ago, and there ain’t no real flowering going on. Oof! There are lots of new pistils at the new growth so hopefully soon she will burst into flower!

I think I topped my White Widow x Big Buds too early, too as I topped them 5 days ago and neither of them has started flowering.
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