Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

Thanks Carmen. Yes I did measure as they stretched and I don’t think any of them were taller than 2-3 feet from the top of the soil. I’d have to go back and look. I do train them just like @ Carcass and @ Trala but I just use pipe cleaners and clips on the edge of the pot. Like I said, my canopies are never as beautiful as many others’ around here and I don’t work super hard at it, I just want the lower nodes to catch up as much as they can with the top two nodes while the plant is in flower stretch.
Thank you Boo. That gives me an idea of what I can aspire to, and puts my mind somewhat at ease about training.
Thank you Boo. That gives me an idea of what I can aspire to, and puts my mind somewhat at ease about training.
She is the Queen!

I am so excited to watch a whole Boo grow from scratch.
Everything looks great, Boo! The White Widow pics at the end there, is that what my auto should look like before I top it?
Everything looks great, Boo! The White Widow pics at the end there, is that what my auto should look like before I top it?
Hi HashGirl! Thanks for stopping by. I suggest looking at the WW pic at post 2669 since the post you are referring to was for measurement purposes, and she had a little boost in growth in the 24 hours since she had been topped and transplanted. Heck, I’ll just repost it here for you:

She is just topped and transplanted here. Notice the signs of sex at the nodes? She also had a couple of pistils coming out of the very top - that’s when I usually top. I have no facts to base that choice on nor am I trying to spread “bro science”, it’s just how I do it. Wedding Cake is on the cusp of getting her head chopped off (my gosh does she small amazing). Here is where she’s at today:

See her pistils on the upper node? I want to see some action at the very top:

I don’t see anything yet but I likely will at the end of the day or early tomorrow. She is currently working on her 6th node and I will top her that high. Not sure I’ve ever had an autoflower that I was able to top so high (I should go back and check… :hmmmm: ). Anyhow, that’s my plan and I’m sticking to it!
Boo it's really helpful to see the pics and descriptions of how you achieve your masterpieces. It seems you have a knack and I am going to follow your lead and top at this stage too. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thanks, Boo. You grow some amazing autoflowers so I'm hoping by trying things your way, I can get better yields.
I have no facts to base that choice on nor am I trying to spread “bro science”, it’s just how I do it.
No facts? I don't know about that....
You consistently grow exceptional autos, by doing it the way you do it...
And you've proven time and again that your method works.
I'm gonna go ahead and say yes, you do have the facts...
and thank you for sharing them with us!
:ciao: Ok... Here's an update on the 4 ladies. First up:

Dream Queen. Born May 4 (may the 4th be with you), she is 3 weeks old. So far so good! Next up is:

Pineapple Upside Down Cake. She is doing well, but I have to admit - I'm not a very experienced photo grower. She's feminized, and I think I should top her soon but...I need to look it up. Anyway, she's a beauty and is getting ready to lose that luxurious tent very soon. :cheesygrinsmiley: Next up:
White Widow. She is doing just fine. It's going to take a few more days for her pot to dry out, but once it does things will speed up. This is the hardest part of the grow for me..:straightface:. OK! Next up:

TBD because I don't have enough room here for pics. Brb.


I always love looking at your plants, Boo- I know if they had faces, they'd all be smiling!
She's feminized, and I think I should top her soon but..
I think you're right, but I'm not  really sure, because I top mine quite a bit earlier...
Do you plan on topping her at the top, or do you top her down a few nodes?
I always love looking at your plants, Boo- I know if they had faces, they'd all be smiling!

I think you're right, but I'm not  really sure, because I top mine quite a bit earlier...
Do you plan on topping her at the top, or do you top her down a few nodes?
Thanks Carcass. I’m thinking ai will top her at the highest node and then take one or two from the bottom. She will be going outside very soon.
Everything is looking good, Boo. I think @InTheShed (?) tops his outdoor photo plants at the 9th node (???).
:ciao: I topped and transplanted Wedding Cake yesterday(?)...sorry, been a little distracted lately. I forgot to post pics of her before I did so - they are not that great, but here goes.

This is not a very good pic but you can see pistils under the leaves! Lol

This pic show pistils moving to the top. They started a couple nodes down.


There are two little whites poking out at the top of the node on the left and right.

This looks like the same pic as #2 only with a flash.

The Top of the chopped node. There is a tiny bit of pistil on the right side.

Side view of the topped node. The pics are not that great, but I considered this to be flower and chopped/transplanted. We shall see how she fares… :nervous-guy:
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