Bassman Strips The Kosher Kush! Hi-Defoliation - DWC-RDWC - 1K Watts Of Madness!

lol, good stuff there folks, made me chuckle.

ya it's pretty smelly. Even with the carbon filter in place I can smell it coming out the light exhaust. It's strong.

It looks like I'm starting to see some good swelling of the buds now.
Mini Update:

Day 46 in flower.

Adjustment day!

Today was the day that will define the end result of this grow. I made a 2nd tier of PVC today and ran up some string for support back and forth in key locations. Then start adjusting the buds and branches for more optimal light and surely more penetration. I think I gained about 5" of distance from the 1k hps and as a result have a wider spread and also deeper penetration of the light.

I move s shit ton of branches around. Some over the string, some under. Some branches left the middle of the canopy and went to the outer edges opening up more light to both middle and lowering the canopy thus giving back that light to the edges too.

Lots of really tiny off shoots with pretty decent size buds were starting to fall over and lose light. By tying up some string these little shoots were laid over and now those buds get plenty of light.

This isnt a tight net like something bought at the hydro store for scrog. Just sending a few strands each direction is all that's needed. Each strand is in place where I want it.

I've got some pics from just before lights on, then next post is after my 2nd tier project.
This 2nd tier is totally adjustable for next grow and shorter plants. I didn't glue any of the frame work.

+reps buddy! Defoliating the leaves really works, so much light gets in and you DO yield more in the end.

Day 49 in Flower

Switched light down to 9.5 hrs on 2 days ago. I'll keep it there till the end. I am guessing this bought me 1 week earlier harvest, probably at a cost of weight but my master kush seedlings will be ready and needing to move to flower by then too.

The added tier of string is a huge help. It's really allowed moving stuff around for a more even canopy and not too damn close to the 1k hps too.

Went in to just before lights on today to take some pics. Low and behold, I have a leak somewhere. About 1/2 gal of water on the water catch. Can't tell where the hell it's coming from but sure seems odd this far into the grow when everything has been so perfect. Cleaned up the mess and going to keep my eyes on it. Pray it makes it to the end so I can deal with it in an empty tent.

trichs are starting to get nice and round up top. Even some slightly clouded a little. But it also seems like the buds are growing every day just a little bit bigger n fatter.

Here's a variety of pics from today:
I highly suggest using google: Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique?

Then plan on spending two weeks reading, and you'll have a reasonable outline and starting point. I was fortunate in that the author of the topic and thread came to my grow (2 grows back) and gave me some guidance. But I've still had to learn and adapt a bunch. This grow is just an example of that adapting.

Another example of adapting occurred just this afternoon. The plant in the back right was leaning into the back left. Even though I had it's main stalk tied tight, it was still leaning. What I found was too many of my really long bud branches were just sent the wrong way and as they daily gain weight it is becoming a major issue. So I started pulling them back the other way and now tomorrow I'll have to set two more strands of twine and try like hell to manage the branches better with max light and still allow them to bulk without breaking.

Funny thing, way back in early flower when I was bending and breaking I broke a main branch in such a way that even tape and twine support didnt fix it. This was a main branch on the largest front plant and I would guess it cost me no less than 3 oz in yield, yet I fully expect to still get at least 7oz from that plant.

I certainly can't call myself an expert on this technique. But I am learning how it works and further how to respond to the impending nuances as they come up. Maybe after next grow I'll be more prepared to offer a better opinion and guide. But for now, all I can do is share what I've learned from that thread and my short time of experience doing it and the things I've run into and learned here in this journal, the last journal and my next grow, which is in veg now and not journaled as yet.

That being said I'll try to lay out some of the basics when I have time. It's too late now and I need to get some sleep before work tonight.
Bass you are the master.

This technic works for me I use it to level out my plants, stunt their growth, create more bud sites. It worked great till my Pineapple Express that are very brittle. you just got to be careful every plant is different, it will work with all. It suks loosing a 1/4lb to broken shit

Thanks for the kudos, support and reps everyone!

Leak is fixed, was just a tweak of the pvc needed. No biggie. Lesson learned, be careful about stepping on the pvc.

Ran a couple more strands of twine today and moved some buds and branches around. Much more support for the heavy buds, especially the ones on skinnier branches.

Took a good look at just a couple nugs and I would say 50% cloudy maybe? Maybe not that much. Wasn't a real serious look. But I am pretty sure the end will be within 2 weeks.

It's really sticky as all get out and the buds feel almost wet when moving then a bit. I'm trying to keep my hands off them as much as possible but they are so dense and branches stacked on top of each other I have to move shit around to get the light to them.

Damn is this shit stanky!

Now it's just a matter of bulking and maturing the down the stretch. I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot more jars for curing. Not a bad problem to have.

Edit: total self indulgence: "wut? no rating on this thread?"
Thanks Jandre. It's been a challenge this grow with the height issues, but fun too.

Was just informed by a visitor that the smell is overwhelming in my garage and the grow is on the 2nd floor of the house. I think my filter is poorly located, not sure. But I placed what little bit of Ona I had left into the room and ordered a gal more which I'll get thurs and open up immediately.

I can't smell it accept when I go into the tent or when it's on my fingers from plucking leaves. Something I need to pay close attention to.

Damn leak again in the piping. It's stopped now, but after harvest I'll have to replace a bucket and uniseal I think. The good part is my guess of less than 2 weeks away I can deal with the leak if it comes back and the humidity hasn't skyrocketed or anything.
Hey thanks OMM!

Mini update:

Holy bejeebus, they are swelling! Getting heavy too. I keep having to readjust branches for support.

Took a gander at a couple flowers under a scope this morning. I can't get to the middle where the most light is, but got a 1/2 decent look at one of those buds I bent back from mid for a peek. Trichs look roughly 40% cloudy. Maybe 5% at most actually have an amber edge to them or just barely starting to amber.

Maybe less than two weeks? Thoughts? Wish I had a better scope/cam. But using a desktop pc and room being 50 feet away I haven't found a usb cabled scope to use.
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