Bassman Strips The Kosher Kush! Hi-Defoliation - DWC-RDWC - 1K Watts Of Madness!

Heya Jandre,

I am on 9.5 hrs on, 13.5 off now. So yes, I am using DLS. But to be perfectly honest, I haven't stuck to it methodically. I just take some time off the clock every couple weeks. Hell I am sure I'm not even doing it on the same day. But knowing this is a 9-10 week strain based on seed vendors, I think it's cut off a week at least to get to harvest. Has it cut down on yield? Based on what I've read of DLS I would expect so. How much? I don't know.

I'm thrilled with GLR for veg. These girls transitioned in 5 days! What could be better than that? Stretch was as expected and I had to shut it down but that's because I let them get too tall in veg and they were 3"-6" under the 1k hps.

I used a 36 hrs lights off then the flip to 12/12.

I'm using GLR in veg on my next batch of Master Kush right now. They have been topped or fimmed once and defoliated twice in veg. They are sitting at about 8"-12" tall now and will be perfect at about 14-16" tall when this grow gets chopped and I put them into flower.
Hell I dunno. :laugh: When I started doing this I was told by a good grower to do it and that's what I do. I guess it sends them just a little bit faster into flower rather than a slower transition.
Oh maybe I misunderstood. I thought we lose dry weight but get it earlier. But you're saying we lose less weight from drying?
Hey thanks Mr KRIP!

Check out this sexiness:
I'm totally sucked into your grow dude. Very nice job and also great breakdown on defoliation. I've got to tell you after reading quite a bit on the subject, I was still up in the air about it. After I read this thread I went into my flower room ( 6 OG Kush in week 7 of flower) and striped them. I'd already done some in veg and a little before i threw them into flower, but last night I spent 5 hours striping 6 plants and they ALL look great. Also, this is my first grow... I had no idea how many undeveloped bud sites and areas that were just begging for light. Like Ed says, the best food you can give your plant is light. This thread just makes sense and rings true for me. Thanks for putting it together!
@2t69, Hey thanks for the compliment and welcome to 420mag.

I really haven't given a good breakdown on the topic. There is much more to learn about it imho. I hate to hear you doing this on your first grow though. First grow should be all about learning the fundamentals of all the basics you've read about and are now seeing in action. You'll make mistakes most likely in the 1st couple of grows. Each time you learn more stuff and get comfortable with what you're doing.

After you got yourself a pretty solid foundation and have your grow pretty well dialed in, then trying this out can be cool. Until then, you just may not see the nuances of doing this and if a problem arises because of something you didnt realize you had not dialed in previously in your grow, well, it's likely you could blame it on defoliation as the cause and be turned away forever to it's use.

In other words, people should not try this until they have their grows perfectly dialed in already so they can focus on learning how the plant/strain react.

Good luck on your grow 2t69 and again, welcome to 420mag
Plants really are looking fantastic! Definitely started me on the road of defoliation, for which I thank you! Have to agree with Jandre about increased bud swelling using DLR, based on 1 grow with 1 without back to back, same strain.


Haven't noticed the decreased loss in weight when drying but if this is the case it suggests to me that less weight, at harvest, is 'just water'?


Brilliant journal Sir!

Thanks ajagunie.

I'll be corresponding possibly with a forum member who shall remain nameless (MrSmith) about co-writing some in depth stuff on the topic of defoliation. This nameless member (MrSmith) has more experience than I do and as such should really bring some good things forward on the topic. We (the nameless MrSmith) will let everyone know when we get the thread going.
Thanks for welcoming me BM and don't worry too much about me lol. I'm patient, and though this is my first indoor grow, I'm almost 50 years old and have been growing outdoors for quite some time, so I understand most of the principals behind it's theory, and again, to me, especially in an indoor arena, it makes sense. I'm wondering if you think it extends flowering time or that if extending flowering time by a week or two if defoliating would be a good idea. I've noticed that defoliating in veg and just before they go into the flower room brings their growth to a halt for a period, but that when it resumes, it's more vigorous than before. But in late flower we know plant growth has pretty much come to a halt and is focused on bud production, and it's really more difficult to see the effects or slowing of growth, if any, at this time. The plants I've done look super so far, not to mention all the space and additional air flow through the garden. I'm glad I tried it bro, and I've a feeling I'll stick with it in an indoor setting. It also suits my neat freak side that likes everything in it's place and clean lol. Also looking forward to a much cleaner, less involved harvest :peace:
Hey I need a room mate! I too am in my 50's, but I am totally disorganized and not a neat freak. Just kidding, I really don't want or need one. The rest is true though!

It doesn't slow down the buds at all from what I have seen.

However, as you have seen it will slow them down in veg. It can add a week or two to your normal veg time. But if you're running batches at a time, it won't matter after the first grow as you'll have that timing built in.

I would actually suggest the defoliation just before going to flower be done 10-12 days before you plan to flip just for these reasons. You want them to have a good solid stretch & transition period rather than slowing them down at this stage. It's for this reason too, that the first strip in flower period is suggest at 21 days or right at the end of stretch. Now, that being said, if you recall, I used this knowledge during my 21 days in this grow and hit them hard with a defoliation 3-5 days before the end of stretch to do just that, shut down the stretch. And it worked. But I needed to do that because I let them get too tall in veg and they were 3-4" from my light.

Defoliating 10-12 days before flip will yield a really good stretch and transition period. They'll be bushy hell by the end of stretch and totally ready to be stripped and the bending starts once you see the open areas. As you've already mentioned, this too dramatically lowers the humidity with less transpiration and more air flow from our fans.

An interesting thought just came to mind. Nothing scientific mind you. But I wonder, it seems there would also be less need and possibly less benefit from co2 injection to the growing area (in small 1-5 plant grows) as a result of this defoliation. Wouldnt the plant's be using less co2 and releasing less o2 with so fewer leaves? I understand they can use higher amounts with benefit, but I'm wondering if that benefit is less using high defoliation techniques. Would love to hear the thoughts on this.
Mini Update:

Day 46 in flower.

Adjustment day!

Today was the day that will define the end result of this grow. I made a 2nd tier of PVC today and ran up some string for support back and forth in key locations. Then start adjusting the buds and branches for more optimal light and surely more penetration. I think I gained about 5" of distance from the 1k hps and as a result have a wider spread and also deeper penetration of the light.

I move s shit ton of branches around. Some over the string, some under. Some branches left the middle of the canopy and went to the outer edges opening up more light to both middle and lowering the canopy thus giving back that light to the edges too.

Lots of really tiny off shoots with pretty decent size buds were starting to fall over and lose light. By tying up some string these little shoots were laid over and now those buds get plenty of light.

This isnt a tight net like something bought at the hydro store for scrog. Just sending a few strands each direction is all that's needed. Each strand is in place where I want it.

This 2nd tier is totally adjustable for next grow and shorter plants. I didn't glue any of the frame work.

I was looking through the recent likes and noticed my above post. I have to say, that day had made a huge difference and is a defining point in this grow towards the end result. That 2nd tier of string has made a insane difference. I can't imagine what this grow would look like had I done a better job in veg and kept them shorter and better trained. Lest we forget, I also totally broke off one of two main branches on what looks to be still my biggest yielder. I suspect in the end, that break easily cost me 3oz dry if not more.

I think what's important though about above, is adapting to the changing needs. Even when ya screw the pooch like I did in veg, there may be a way to adapt and get the best results possible.
after my current girls in flower are done im going to flower both my tents one will be a scrog the other will be just some regular plants i want to go taller, this scrog will be a fully scrogged style, im wondering what you think about how hi defol would play into scrog they seem very similar styles, im just wanting that sea of flower tops im testing/experimenting some factors with this scrog,the reason is it dawned on me that growing regular shaped plants indoors is not very efficient in getting the best yield indoors, so i guess what im asking you is if you were going to do a scrog what aspects of your hi defol method would you incorporrate?
It's more like I take the screen part of scrog, cut 50-70% of the strings out of the picture, and add that to defoliation.

Fewer, bigger, wider plants, less string. But certainly similar aspects.
Oh maybe I misunderstood. I thought we lose dry weight but get it earlier. But you're saying we lose less weight from drying?

yea, i don't can one possible loose less weight drying the plants?

It causes a build-up of RESINS, which replace the water that would normally just evaporate off.

The Diminishing Lighting Schedule

The diminishing fall schedule begins with an evenly halved light schedule, using 12 hours for the first two weeks to trigger the plant into bloom, and then further reducing the lighting for increasing darkness time by one half hour every week.

The final week of flowering will provide the plants with a mere nine hours of light, with 15 hours of darkness, forcing a resulting final explosive hormonal buildup. This sends the plant into blooming overdrive and produces resin far beyond the normal plant’s limits.
When the Gas Lantern Routine and Diminishing Light Schedule are used together, they create healthier, more naturally robust plants. These important and historical botanical techniques are soon going to become very important techniques in the coming years as medicinal cannabis research continues to advance. When viewed from cost of production, organics, and medicinal needs, the methods currently being promoted can be seen counter to the interests of growing healthy plants. Understanding your plants is the best way to grow the best medicine, and looking for solutions to growing problems by observing nature always provides the right answers.
Thanks for that Jandre. Tried repping you but I need to spread some around!
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