Bassman Strips The Kosher Kush! Hi-Defoliation - DWC-RDWC - 1K Watts Of Madness!

My planet is the mothership!!
you sir are a rotten bastard lol !!!!
Just HAD to remind me didn't you? It's all good and a problem I won't have to worry about in my next grows.
Your're a good friend Jandre :high-five:

I may be a rotten bastard, but this rotten bastard got you to at least TRY IT! Aren't you glad you did the test? Less waste in the bottom of the plant, or what would usually just go in the "Hash" pile, is now serviceable nugs that go to the dispensary.

You're welcome... :rofl:
I am sorry for crapping in your thread never meant it to turn out like this.

My Gf says I'm a little Bi-polar and have mood swings.

My words obliviously came out wrong. All of our tents and rooms are like sitting out in the hot summer sun and we are trying to control nature inside a closed room.

I am glad to here Alaskan1 has his RR issues solved, he could have said so himself although.

I did not mean to sound like I was bashing his grow or wanted him just to pack up and switch, I talked to Alaskan1 many moons ago about this and he said the Flow N Grow didn't work like that.

Alaskan1 has had RR so much in the past that, It was like little red riding hood calling wolf, ya just kinda figure that it's part of his grow. Please don't take offense Alaskan1, I am glad to hear you doing well and Sorry I haven't kept up with your latest thread


i have been debating for the last two days whether to say anything or not. I was pretty hot the other night and decided it was better not to say anything at all. Last thing i want to do is start a thread war. It doesn't do anyone any good at all.
I'd like to thank Jandre and Xlr8 for putting in thier two cents. They have helped me so much in becoming a better grower and we all pretty much think alike in growing! Least I think so. They said what I wanted to say but in a much better way. X, your so damn diplomatic lol
my root rot issues are as Jandre said long gone. Still battle the mites but that is getting solved as we speak. My first grow died because of RR, my second grow got RR But with the help of Bass was able to turn it around. i had one plant that was very succeptable (spelling check isle 5 please) and after that grow that mother got tossed out. After Jandre and Bass explained to me how to better clean my system after a grow and with Xlr8's suggestion on the DM Zone all my RR issues went away. I have completed two harvests now with no RR issues. It has gotten to the point where I hardly check res temps anymore.

I am a mechanic by trade. i have been in the motorcycle business for the last 35 years either as a mechanic or service manager. i use to roadrace motorcycles and even have ridden in some national events so I can macguyver with the best of them. I love building my own things and even have some of my own DIY projects for my growing but instead of building my own Flo N gro system I decided to purchase the real deal for one reason.......warranty. And as it turns out that was a smart idea. One of my controllers went tits up on me and Titan next dayed a new controller to me. I didn't have to try and figure out what went wrong and then try to fix it. I just called and got a new one.

Space, I'm glad to see your going to try something different but like X stated I'm worried you'll have issues. I think though if you run DM Zone you'll be less likely to run into the dreaded RR. I also think it was very big of you to apologize. I appreciate that very much.
So I say lets all work together and have a good time while doing it.
I may be a rotten bastard, but this rotten bastard got you to at least TRY IT! Aren't you glad you did the test? Less waste in the bottom of the plant, or what would usually just go in the "Hash" pile, is now serviceable nugs that go to the dispensary.

You're welcome... :rofl:

LOL yeah yeah
I think I'm going to take it a step further and copy Bass, That guys plants look crazy good with the high defol. I really tip my hat to Bass for trying that experiment.
I'd like to sick my 2c in on some defoliation.
I tend to clear the top lair of the center and leave more leafs towards the outside of the plant. so light penetrates down the center better. If it covers nugs I pull the leaf.

i have been debating for the last two days whether to say anything or not. I was pretty hot the other night and decided it was better not to say anything at all. Last thing i want to do is start a thread war. It doesn't do anyone any good at all.
I'd like to thank Jandre and Xlr8 for putting in thier two cents. They have helped me so much in becoming a better grower and we all pretty much think alike in growing! Least I think so. They said what I wanted to say but in a much better way. X, your so damn diplomatic lol
my root rot issues are as Jandre said long gone. Still battle the mites but that is getting solved as we speak. My first grow died because of RR, my second grow got RR But with the help of Bass was able to turn it around. i had one plant that was very succeptable (spelling check isle 5 please) and after that grow that mother got tossed out. After Jandre and Bass explained to me how to better clean my system after a grow and with Xlr8's suggestion on the DM Zone all my RR issues went away. I have completed two harvests now with no RR issues. It has gotten to the point where I hardly check res temps anymore.

I am a mechanic by trade. i have been in the motorcycle business for the last 35 years either as a mechanic or service manager. i use to roadrace motorcycles and even have ridden in some national events so I can macguyver with the best of them. I love building my own things and even have some of my own DIY projects for my growing but instead of building my own Flo N gro system I decided to purchase the real deal for one reason.......warranty. And as it turns out that was a smart idea. One of my controllers went tits up on me and Titan next dayed a new controller to me. I didn't have to try and figure out what went wrong and then try to fix it. I just called and got a new one.

Space, I'm glad to see your going to try something different but like X stated I'm worried you'll have issues. I think though if you run DM Zone you'll be less likely to run into the dreaded RR. I also think it was very big of you to apologize. I appreciate that very much.
So I say lets all work together and have a good time while doing it.

I consider you all friends and Brothers. If I ever sound like I am dissin your grow. My bad. I don't mean too.

let be at that. I want to Grow and teach

anyways will ya guys visit my thread I've been doin some changes, got questions, need help.

I'm going to build my own Flow N Grow from scratch found all the electric floats, switching relay, I'll teach every1 how to build their own flow N Grows for under ? relay is 7$ and the floats are $9.x3 a box a timer returnable, not much money. Their making a killing on those Flow N Grows. Who needs a warrenty when the spare parts are so cheap. being a Harley rider and see if Bass knows this one "FTF" .....Any1 kow what that stands 4? Take a guess. Bass should Know it.
It pisses me off the prices that they charge for this stuff. The light controller box I just bought same thing 50.00 worth of parts think I may just try building one for the Veg room

And how about some words of encouragement and input on how to make this work. Other than that sit back and watch what happens if ya get to say I told ya so, I'll eat my words, happily.


Day 42 in Flower

Pulled a fair bit of leaves during the week. But less than previous. Mostly because i've just gotten them all pretty good. Nothing super special to talk really other than the SFGiants are beating the Dodgers 1-0 third inning. :thumb:

Is it me, or does this just look like nothing but bud all over the canopy? It's pretty damn thick with bud I gotta say. I have one small problem, shouldn't be hard to fix and it's just because I keep procrastinating. The thinner stems are falling over broken all over the place do to bud weight. They're still growing fine, and I've been just laying them over a stronger branch. But come Monday I'll go get the proper pvc pcs I need and I'll raise the outside edge pvc frame another level higher by say 2-2.5 feet or so and add another layer of string, 5-6 rungs through just below canopy height.

These girls are about 4 weeks from harvest still! I grabbed a standard size Bic lighter just for size relevance. Basically almost all the buds are just a bit wider. I wonder how big they'll get?

I am starting to think I may get to the 2# goal, missing the ideal goal of 3# because I messed up the veg. But 2# seems achievable at present. It's a really thick canopy!

Here's a few pics from today:
Looking killer bassman! :thumb: You will be enjoying the sweet smoke soon. :yummy:
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