Basement Dweller's Acapolo Gold 2010

Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

nope no capsules yet. this was the first time with glycerin and only have the pot for flavor but by the time we got it done it was 4am and my buddie did a spoon full so 5ml and made sour face so i passed on trying it :) I already had 5 brownies at that point but may be tonight i ll try it. Worst case i just have to add some good flavor to kick up a little only used about a oz may be 2 then strained it out. started with 6 fl oz and ended with 4 after cooking so cooked it down a bit. just have to try the choclate and that am i am set :)
First time with oil and i am in love with it :)
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

here is my canna butter and canna chocolate :)

Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

looking good....still have a fifth more to strain....sure is oilier this time, batch, than last....must have been more resin in this shake.....anyway....good jjob...L
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

what do you use to do your tinctures ? my buddy and i want to do some better tasting drops :) Oily-er ?? hum IDk, I was very surprised mine came out so dark using amber trichs, the keif was golden color then all through distilling it got darker and darker, then the final cook off it was golden amber black tar :) when i heat it to smear on a cig it lighten a tad to dark green. the clay catches on fire and burn fast wish i could vape a screen of it but no vape yet, My woman is nagging me to quit smoking cig since our whittle one is here and i dont do it near her but i want to be around for all the great great grand kids so i want to but seem to have a difficult time stopping. did it once for months while on a unwanted vacation, catch my drift but the first day out i lit up. and cant smoke MJ and stink all day long so whats my alternative ?? edibles but i dont seem to get as high with eating as i do with smoking ?

Still haven't tried my chocolate and my brownies are still around, surprisingly. I will eat some tonight while digging out of our lovely snow fall here :) We have 6" on the ground and plan for 8-12" more, poss 16" :) best yr for snow in many :) I love it, keep it coming wouldnt mind a day home with my two LOVES :) I wa
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

151 vodka or everclear, burn off, add glycerin, and use extremely good bakers flavors....but you do have to burn off....if you have one cup of tincture, you add one cup of glycerin....cook slowly outdoors on elctric hot plate, no hotter than 170-180 about 3 hrs until less than half the voloume remains.....add will be dark....but is darker with rum or whiskey....and i strain alot of times...when just alcohol tinc....very time consuming, but you get what you put in....mine is at least 3x strained, and usually more....will tke some of the dark out....thats mostly plant material...which the alco. takes with the thc.....L,
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

Wow what kind of flavor would u think may taste good ? Vanilla ? Cinnamon, brown sugar or maple syrup. Humm some thing to think on :)

im doing 3, coffee for morning, fruit for afternoon, and choclate cherry for a black forest cake....
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

Still haven't tried my chocolate and my brownies are still around, surprisingly. I will eat some tonight while digging out of our lovely snow fall here :) We have 6" on the ground and plan for 8-12" more, poss 16" :) best yr for snow in many :) I love it, keep it coming wouldnt mind a day home with my two LOVES :) I wa

Hey Bd, you can have it (the snow i mean) this sucks,,,getting to old for this cold weather crap,,,another front just went through,,,dumped 6 inches on us this time,,,Ill send it your way,,lol,,,oops looks like your digging out from another dumping already,,,lol

hey, be careful with those brownies, we bought some cannabutter last July and made brownies with it,,,only used 1/2 cup,,I had 2 brownies, waited a couple hours,,,,smoked a bowl while i waited,,munchies took over so i had a couple more brownies,,,,,,big,,BIG mistake,,,within 2 hrs. i had the worst migraine, complete with the puking also.

I found out later that the butter was made with White Widow, and was told they use 1oz per pound of butter,,,dont know,,,seemed alot stronger that that,,,but i havent made any butter yet,

Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

yea we got 18" from yesterday am to this am :) so almost 24" on the ground :) ye ai eaten to much b4 and Ralph-ed for 2 hrs then passed out cold. Neither was fun. Eating brownie while tripping, is big NO NO too :) learned the hard way. Guess our brownies are 3 or 4 and ur set for 2-3 hrs :) When i use to do brownie back in the day of mids and swag. We would use a z or 2 of mids and let it stay in, not strain the pot out, and they were more potent i think ?? who knows :) did you start another journal ?? OH and were expecting 4-6" more tomorrow :)
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

well the flower box is down. I lost the battle with the mites and i cant waste any more time tiring to clean spray and so on. # 4 and 5 are done pretty hurt from the mite infestation :(

SO construction is about half way done and took some new cuttings. I have them under the dome with some 6500k cfls. got the heat mat under tray and a flogger keeping the humidity up. Dam i thought winter would be easier then summer but both seasons seem to be trouble. The heat in the summer and the lack of humidity in the winter :) cant wait for spring.
And the baby girl has an ear infection. She has had a slight temp the past two day and the wife decided to take her to dr and he spotted her ear with in minutes. We had noticed a slight increase in wax production but the r said its not from wax. Probably just picked it a bug over the last wk. My honey has gone back to work and is really having a hard time with it. She work with babies at a day care, and is having a hard time connecting with her kids there, i told her its totally normal for a mom to have a hard time bonding with other peoples kids, when her baby is home. She wants to find a new job :( but i think she will miss them. Any one have advice ?
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

hi guy,
like i said long ago....mites will kill ya....havent been keeping up, sorry, but, home defense works good on the floor and walls, and if the clones are off the infected plants, watch for them there and nip in the bud....i also hang no pest strips....still do....hope you get it figured out...those are/were nice plants guy.....most of us old growers are pretty hard core about the mites tho....borg bugs...hope the babe is better....and your lady will figure it takes time....will drop back in....hugs, L:Namaste:
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

Well luckily i only had #3,4 N 5 in the flower box when the mites started. Tries the sns 217 and it works but i didnt have the time to soap each leaf and spray. Figured i ll wholesale the stuff from them and start some freshlings :) got 5 goning in the dome with a heat pad and a frogger to bump the humidity up. All the moms are ok seeing i have ample space between the old flower box and my mom tent. Yea I knew i was in for it once they got in, and i was worried about gnats :(I did defend with the dust and ortho home defense :( oh well needed more room and climate control :) and was itching to build some thing. I love winter and all but wish the more miuld weather was here :)

Baby BD is doing great, a couples days of antibiotics and shes back to her happy self. Mom on the other hand is having a rough patch, well her b day is coming up and the jewelery shop helped me out, so hopefully i will be able to get her to smile :) Well offto relieve gmom so she can go to work :) Thanks for stopping by L hope u & hubby are doing well :)

OK need some advice. Looking into a big sun the ballast is a sun system budget 600 or 1k and thinking about pairing it with the hydro farm daystar 6 Aircooled. Any one use these components how dod you like them ? how loud is the ballast ? DO you think the daystar is a good hood ????
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

Hey buddy sorry to hear about baby BD & wife having their troubles, the first few months are so rewarding but so exhausting. Get used to ear infections, seems like my son had one every few months for years. Good move with the jewelry that always works :)

Lowes to the rescue again I see.... looking good!
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

Hey blue ;) yea lowes or the depot for all construction needs NOW :) Its so hard to believe, we use to have to go to lumber mill/yard but I bet there are 2% still standing :( But the prices that lowes and depot, buy and sell the lumber for, is considerably less then what we use to get it for. Good for the buyers, but suck for all the locals. Who use to LIVE off chopping down the forests and trucking it to the mill and workers at the yards. Well hopefully i will get walls and front door studded and insulated today. Then i have to work on the door. Either a swinging door or was thinking about hinging the front studded wall at the top, the lift the wall, studs and all, and drawing it up from the bottom with a hidden winch. So when you look at it from the outside it would look like a interior closet. but on inside, you wouldn't see a thing :) Well the heat mat and frogger have worked well for my dome. Babies are a wk and a day and already popping out the bottom of the starter cubes, think this was the fastest time yet.
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

Well almost in my new room :) got my hood and ballast in :) :slide: I went with the day star hood from hydrofarm, a sun system 10 crop master 600 hps with a horlux eye bulb, I know normally i wouldnt got head over heels and spend that kinda money on a bulb but i want this to be a one and done for a yr or 2 :) well none in flower now and i am kinda missing the extra work. My cuttings are loving the dome with heat pad and the frogger. I actually sprouted roots in a wk. Still very dry here, can wait for some humidity. I plan on running a cool mist vaporizer till things get better. Got my new blower in and a thermostat to run it. Now just got to build a mountain air box with filters and some kinda enclosure to mount the blower in. to quieten it a tad :)

Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

quick up date almost done the room :) still working on the ventilation. Here is a couple pics of the air equipment in progress :)
first we have my death trap door

looking toward door

this is some spare drawers i had laying around figure i would mount my fain inside them with some sound adsorbing material. i got to finish it yet :)

Next we have my mountain air filter/box. Basically have the 4" coming in the top then through the first air filter, then its gonna travel through a series of baffles made of activated carbon, and some hepa filters. Also gonna mount 2 or 3 24" t5 UV/germ lights. Then through some smelly stuff (ona/fabreeze, ext) and finally through a last air filter. Probably gonna have two intake ports on top as i plan to run my hood 6" all the time the light is on. My bilge blower is gonna run off a thermostat both will feed into the box and once i add the ac i will have a to add a third intake or make a another box
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

hope mom is doing better emotionally, always hormonal imbalances also to deal with after babies born....body getting back to normal ect....imagine a race horse turned to plow horse to race horse again, and you can see where the whole thing has to change to do all it does in nine mo....and then we have the newness of being a mommy on top of takes time, so i bet shes really doing great, she just doesnt know it yet....glad babes ok...and you really put alot of work in that room...great just watch for the big problem right now is trying to get that last oz of wt. out of them, and not gaining a plant full of seeds....i usually get one or two....but been trying for larger buds, and im getting them, but it lets the plants mature enough to want to survive....ta da....a few well sprinkled wash the tent all out ect....but farming has never been ez....
your room looks great...and your family sounds fine....good on ya...hugs, L:cheer::cheer::cheer:
Re: Basement Dwellers Acapolo Gold 2010

Thank you L :) Momma is doing well just a lot of changes at work and she just got back, so she is still dealing with it and its got to be very hard working with some one elses babies while ours is home with gmom :( I know i dont like missing her and i dont have the babies. Yea the room is coming along slowly but surely, I hate not having any in flower, it feels like time wasted :(. But i wasnt gonna risk any more with the mites winning in the old room, and i had a uneasy feeling, i had some unwanted attention there too. With the new room being in new location, My nerves have calmed a bit. Just cant wait to get it finished and get them moved. I plan to run my 5 moms through to flower. Make at least 2 of my cuttings my new moms. I have 3 other cuttings in 4" blocks getting ready to take the plunge into a flood and fill table/tray. And once i get some $, i still plan on ordering some pineapple chunk and tangerine dream and if i have extra funds maybe a toss between violator kush and vanilla kush. I want to get some speedy flowering indi's going to even out my harvests. Oh well got to get back to work :) hope all is well at the home front.
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